The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Vol 6 Chapter 1015: 5 Qi Chao Yuan Deng Taiyi

Latest website: After returning to Heaven, Thunder Tiger did not rush to practice, but continued to monitor the monkeys and his party.

He intends to judge Zhen Yuanzi's intention from the follow-up encounters of Monkey and his party.

How to say, Zhenyuan Zixian of the Three Realms all have a lot of power, no matter how reasonable the previous judgment is, after all, he took the opportunity to save the big cheap, who knows what people think?

Fortunately, Wuzhuangguan did not follow up with Tang and his party, nor did he react violently, as if nothing had happened.

That's it!

Thunder Tiger was naturally happy to push the boat, and Zhenyuan Zixian didn't want to be troubled, so he thought that nothing had happened, and what he should have done was not revealed in the slightest.

He doesn't think that his actions can be concealed, especially the high-level Buddhist gates staring at the Westward Journey and the possible high-level heavenly courts.

But it is clear that a ginseng fruit is not in their hearts at all.

Based on their cultivation, a ginseng fruit that has not been known for several generations of ginseng fruit trees can hardly attract the attention of Buddhist monks or heavenly courts. It is not necessary at all.

Thunder Tiger is so happy. He intends to give the outside world a faithful impression, and make others think he is not aware of what is wrong, so that he can only get out of the way. It just prevents the monkey from doing anything wrong. problem.

After he returned, he did n’t do anything like retreating, and it was also a signal to the outside world. The previous thing was indeed an accident. It was really not his intention.

As for the ginseng fruit that was swallowed, it was not really eaten.

Thunder Tiger is not a fool. How could it be possible for the realm of breaking through the realm to be revealed in front of monkeys and others, and to be perceived by a secret peep?

The ginseng fruit is now being stored in the only magical colorful gourd in your hand, and you don't need to worry about losing the effect of ginseng fruit.

It wasn't until the monkeys and his party encountered Bai Gujing in Baihuling that they attracted all the attention to the Westward Journey. Then he quietly returned to Taimingyu Wantian's new Yellow Turban Leading Mansion to retreat.

Such a move did not attract outsiders' attention, and Thunder Tiger would retreat from time to time for a while. Even if the Jade Emperor knew of his habit, it would not attract attention.


There is thunder in the virtual room, and thunder tiger who just swallowed the ginseng fruit, all around the mysterious charm.

If you sense it carefully, it seems that the martial arts mystery can be seen from it, from the day after tomorrow to the innate and then into the Tao, to an astonishing level that is unfathomable.

The horrific brains exploded in the body, as if the torrents were scrubbing the body over and over,

A mysterious and mysterious sensation came to mind, as if the laws of heaven had completely loosened the restrictions, and let him perceive the general, the internal organs vibrate continuously, as if something extraordinary was intended to fly out of the general.

The sixth turn of "Nine Zhuan Yuan Gong", success!

The body, spirit, and spirits reached a new level by practicing "Nine Zhuanyuan Gong" in an instant.

The brain banged like a sky sound, and the next five organs suddenly shook. The five mysterious poles suddenly opened up and burst into light, and five different colors of spirit wolf whistled out.

Five different colors of vital energy waves flew from the Tanzhong acupoint on the chest, forming the trend of five vital energy toward the top of the head, and scouring back and forth, three blood-colored flowers and bones floated and sunk, and a mysterious Qi machine surrounded the whole body.

Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm!

Opening your eyes slowly, no slight vision came out, like two deep giant holes, which demonstrated the boundless mystery of Taiyi Jinxian Realm.

Sweeping the eyes of the four walls of the jade room, the shaky array of bans. This is a protective matrix that can withstand the impact of the half-step Taiyi realm. At present, it is half-dead and about to collapse. Obviously he hit Taiyi Jinxian before. During the situation, the impact of the leaked air machine on the protective formation was too severe.

Sure enough, the previous fierceness was enough!

Breaking through to higher realms requires only an opportunity.

The ginseng fruit is enough to make his cultivation advanced, but also to go further, reaching the peak level of Taiyi Jinxian in the early days, saving him a lot of years of mana accumulation.

Heaven and Earth Qizhen is Heaven and Earth Qizhen!

Although it is a pity that the ginseng fruit is not the fruit of the ancestral tree, whether it is the effect or the heaven and earth aura, it can only help him reach the current level, but Thunder Tiger is quite satisfied at this time.

He easily broke through Taiyi's realm. He didn't mean to go out immediately, but continued to consolidate his realm and practice, so that Tianting might not be able to see the clue once he got out of the retreat.

This is good in the journey to the west, unless the monks are as high as sages, otherwise it is difficult for the higher monks to see the details of the monks one or two levels lower.

Unless the monks at the bottom level burst out, even if the jade emperor's cultivation has reached the quasi-sacred realm, it is impossible to see at a glance that Thunder Tiger's cultivation is a realm.

He naturally didn't want to reveal his hole card in a blink of an eye, so what's the point?

However, breaking through the mouth of Taiyi Jinxian, an inexplicable message suddenly came to mind, as if telling him that he would not have much time left in this world?

Nima, what's going on?

Is it not enough to travel westward?


Just when Thunder Tiger was retreating, Xiyou and his party did not stop moving forward.

In Baihuling, Lao Tang and an apprentice met Mrs. Baigu.

Mrs. White Bone is also obsessed. In order to test the psychological bottom line of Lao Tang, she has repeatedly changed into a crazy test of people of all ages and ethnic groups, and as a result all the monkeys have been killed.

This time, Tang didn't have the outrage of Thunder's wrath, thinking that the life of the monkey grass was really the wrong choice for Mrs. Bone.

Here in Baiguling, but the real human forbidden area is too exaggerated.

After experiencing the ethnic gathering area from Wuxingshan to Gao Laozhuang before, Lao Tang has understood the fact that the forces of all ethnic groups have united, and basically no sporadic ethnic people will live alone.

Mrs. White Bone played a crazy temptation trick in the deserted Baihuling, and the result was naturally insulting herself.

Not only was he beaten to death by the monkey, but Tang was not separated from the monkey's heart either. It can be said that death was not worth it at all, just like white death.

In another month, Master Tang and his apprentices finally came to the ethnic gathering area.

Do n’t say Lao Tang, even monkeys and other people have a kind of excitement. It ’s really boring to walk in the wilderness, and they have to do everything by themselves. This is for disciples who are successful in practice. Not a good job.

Now that we're in the Terran Gathering District, we can buy everything with silver money, without the need for a few cultivating guys to waste their brains.

The old pig and the little white dragon were actively exploring the road, and soon returned the news. In front of it was a human kingdom called Baoxiang Kingdom. The most important thing was that the Baoxiang Kingdom also had a track sign car here, and the traffic was quite convenient.

Old Don was immediately full of joy and was able to ride on a convenient and comfortable track wagon. He was naturally unwilling to walk slowly with his feet. It was not a matter of meditation or meditation, but a human instinct.

However, I don't want to be in a small town like Heisonglin, but also the edge station of the Baoxiang National Rail Car. I saw a magical scene: the monsters live in harmony!

It's almost the same as the human race towns that I've visited in the past, but wherever there are railroad cars, they are all prosperous places.

The black pine forest town is no exception here. The small town is divided by several criss-crossed streets. The spacious and clean streets are almost all shops and restaurants.

There were many pedestrians on the road, mixed with some little monsters with wolf heads and incompletely deformed pig heads.

What's even more strange is that the pedestrians in the town live in harmony with these mixed demon, and there is no panic about pedestrians and business travelers fleeing, and those little monsters with strange beast-shaped heads are also honest and honest. Tightly divided.

In this scene of magic, seeing Tang and an apprentice, they are amazing.

Fortunately, Lao Tang has strong restraints. He did not let the monkeys and the old pigs and other people toss and toss. Instead, he went to the inn to stay, and inquired about the situation outside.

It doesn't matter if you inquire about it, but it makes the Tang and Monkey monkeys apprentice.

It turned out that Black Pine Forest was originally a demon cave. A very powerful monster named Huangpao Monster lived there. The magical powers of the magical spells were extremely tight.

The Huangpao monster did not know if he had a mental illness. He even looked after the princess of the king today, and forcibly plundered without even knowing the king, and even gave birth to a child.

The king originally thought that the princess had died. Who knew that with the laying of the track wagon, a strong human race arrived at the black pine forest and found the yellow robe monster and the princess.

In the first war, many human masters were killed and injured, and the Huangpao monster was also shocked.

Later, I didn't know what happened. In short, the yellow robe monster reconciled with the king. The king acknowledged his horse identity, but he was not allowed to appear in the capital of the king, and allowed the princess to return to the king to visit relatives and so on.

The horse and the yellow robes gave back their favors, allowed the track wagons to enter the black pine forest boundary, and severely restrained the subordinates from living in harmony with the human race.

Slowly ~ ~ After more than ten years of development, a trading town has appeared here in Heilonglin, and there is also a track wagon station, which has gradually become bustling and noisy.

As for the coexistence of the demon in the town, a mode of harmonious coexistence without interference has gradually been explored.

The yellow robe monsters use their natural talents to hunt wild animals in the vast black pine forest and collect resources such as medicinal herbs and wild fruits. They come to the black pine forest town to exchange for various products produced by the human race. Harmony, basically no evil spirit will hurt people.

Can you still do this?

Old Tang and his apprentices were stunned and could not return to God for a while.

After returning to the room where he lived, the monkey didn't feel good: "I thought it would be possible to reduce demons and demons. Who knows that they are already a family, let's not worry about it any more. We will directly take the track car to Wangdu and exchange for it. Just leave after clearing the document! "

The old pig yearned: "Hey, the old pig wants to see how the princess looks so beautiful, and she can make Huangpao so crazy ..."

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