The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Vol 6 Chapter 1024: Jinxian Frequently Surprised in Three Realms (Happy New Year's Day)

Latest website: When the immortal breath of Jinxian rises in the Flame Mountain, not only the monks in the entire Flame Mountain area were shocked, but also the power of the world who was concerned about the development of the Flame Mountain was shocked.

And when they knew that they were the generals of the Yellow Scarf Army in Tianting, they made use of the special environment of the Flame Mountain to break through, and they were speechless.

The guys in Nima, the Yellow Turban Army, are too fun to play, right?

However, how did the Yellow Turban general choose to break through at this time, so that the world and the world concerned at this time could not figure it out.

Thunder Tiger's answer is: luck!

Journey to the west is a journey of gathering luck. Lao Tang and his party naturally have their own aura of luck. Monkeys are the children of Qiyun five hundred years ago. Lao Tang is the son of the fortunes of the Three Realms. attention.

There is a saying how to say, if the mountain is not high and you have the name of Xian, Lao Tang and his team have their own air transport attributes. When they arrived at the Flame Mountain, the air transport in the Flame Mountain region followed.

Thunder Tiger sees it very clearly, so it organized this wave of breakthrough forces, intending to take advantage of the occasion of the Flame Mountain area to temporarily become a gathering place for air transport, so that the strength and heritage of the people have accumulated enough generals, with the help of the special flame mountain Environmental breakthrough.

Not only are they borrowing power and borrowing money, but these gang of warriors who have reached the peak of Tianxian's strength and accumulation actually have good luck in themselves. At this time, they just broke out and achieved the immortal Golden Immortal!

No, the effect is surprisingly good. It took only a short time for each of the top generals in Han Dynasty to stimulate their potential to make breakthroughs under the stimulation of the special environment of the Flame Mountain. The strength has basically reached the Jinxian level.

In spite of this, the Yellow Turban Army was completely exposed to the eyes of the heavenly and earthly powers who paid attention to the westward journey. After all, there were dozens of Jinxian powers in a heavenly army. impossible.

Lei Hu has a lot in his mind, and he doesn't really care about these things. Besides, even if he doesn't want to do this, can he really suppress the breakthrough and promotion of the top generals under his command?

It was done in some periods, but it was absolutely impossible in some periods. Unless Thunder Tiger risked civil strife in the Yellow Turban Army, it would have to adapt to the situation.

After all, the top military generals of the Han dynasty did not rush because of Thunder Tiger ’s popularity, but because they did not have acquaintances in the four major continents and heaven. Most of the top military generals regarded the Yellow Turban Army as a temporary place to stay.

If you are not happy, do you see these big Han Wus will not leave and take the initiative to leave?

That is to say, Thunder Tiger is acting brightly and brightly. Heaven is indeed a good place for cultivation. As the saying goes, leaning against the public door is good for practice, plus Thunder Tiger has always added extra weight, so that none of the top military generals of this group are willing to leave.

After all, there is no shortage of training resources to stay in the Yellow Turban Army, and you can also exchange higher-level training methods from Thunder Tiger for your work. This alone is quite good.

I have been fooling around in Tianting for a long time. These top Han generals are not fools, but the situation is very cruel. In other troops and departments in Tianting, it is difficult and difficult to get advanced skills.

Even if you join a large immortal force and want to obtain high-level cultivation methods, you must accumulate enough credit. Since this is not as good as staying in the Yellow Turban Army, after all, they have been dealing with Thunder Tiger for many years. At least the treatment of the Yellow Turban Army is enough to meet their needs.

As their cultivation gradually reaches the peak of Tianxian, they naturally hope to take it one step further, especially when Wenhou, Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are one step ahead. It is natural that top-ranking generals of Han Dynasty have enough strength and accumulation. If you dare to fall behind, you must shock Jinxian Realm.

This is the general trend. Of course, Thunder Tiger can only help to create opportunities, and secretly obstructs people's minds.

However, even he himself did not expect that this group of activities to break through to the Flaming Mountain has achieved proven good results and amazing benefits.

All the participating Tianxian peak repairs were top-ranking generals of the Han Dynasty, all of which successfully broke through to the Jinxian Police. The immortal breath of Jinxian impacted the dome of the sky, foreshadowing the rapid rise of another powerful force in Tianting.

Do not doubt, even if the occult deities occupying most of the heavenly deities, there are dozens of them who have reached the level of Jinxian.

There are more than a dozen Jinxian soldiers in a yellow towel army in the district, which is definitely a big event that caused a sensation in heaven.

Although, the Jinxian in the period of the **** of seal may be far more arrogant than the later ones. That is also the immortal Jinxian's power, and it can't be targeted by the weeds on the roadside.

Thunder Tiger didn't even know that due to the explosion of nearly ten strands of bursts in the Flame Mountain, the immortal golden immortal breath leaked, the monkeys who were called the wise warriors and the mighty bull devil temporarily stopped and set their sights on the Flame Mountain.

Saying that the monkey did not know what medicine was taken, what he did before, and what trouble he encountered was perfunctory, but when he encountered the former big brother of the strong cow devil, he showed a rare serious attitude.

Unfortunately, for some reason, the attitude of the powerful bull devil is much more serious than in the story of the westward journey. Before the monkey cheated the banana fan from the iron fan princess, it took the initiative to fight with the monkeys.

The elder brother is the elder brother. The Great Bull Demon King could become the first of the seven demon saints. There is no reason. Just because of his strength of Taiyi Jinxian, he has the ability to dominate the other six demon saints.

This time is no exception. Whether it is fighting martial arts or magical powers, monkeys are falling behind in general. Not to mention that they have been rectified and have no power to fight back, but there is nothing they can do to take a strong bull devil. There must be no delay on the table.

However, the couple of Hercules and the Princess Iron Fan are all in one heart. The monkeys have no way to find a hole. The situation is much worse than the original story. I do n’t know what medicine the old cow took, as if the monkeys would come to toss. , Has long waited for a long time to give the monkey a profound lesson.

Not only that, when the monkeys were embracing their faces and fighting with the old couple, they didn't know that it had been accounted for, and Tang had a problem.

'Monkey' suddenly went back and returned, a fierce fire broke out, injured the old pig and the monk, kicked Xiao Bailong to an unknown corner, pulled up Tang to fly directly across the flame mountain area, and he was ready The master and apprentice are on their way.

This is not possible!

The matter of traveling westward is related to the interests of many parties, the competition and distribution of luck, and the struggle between sects, which cannot be easily represented by monkeys and old Tang.

Although Tang is confused about this, he also knows that the monkey's behavior is inappropriate, and the other apprentices were introduced by Guanyin. Can he not give face?

Buddhism is not quiet, at least before his status reaches a certain height, the human nature still has to talk about.

The old pig and the monk were injured, and immediately ran to the Guanyin Dojo in Zizhulin, South China Sea, and asked Guanyin to give an explanation.

Keke, it is said that Guanyin is the host of the Journey to the West launched by Buddhism, and the matter of Journey to the West is basically handled by herself.

Otherwise, with so many Buddhas and Buddhas in the Buddhist gate, how can she be a member of the Scripture Study Group based on the ones she personally designated?

Avalokitesvara was very surprised and directly stated that Goku was not fighting Mars with the Great Bull Demon King. How could there be time and leisure to engage in internal fighting, but also to travel to the West alone to learn from the experience?

The old pig and the monk Sha also listened to this reason. They couldn't help but doubt it, and the monkey wasn't the kind of person who feared things. If so, it wouldn't live now.

Although Guanyin is a great power in the world, it is impossible for him to know everything. He was worried that something unexpected happened in the westward journey, and he used circular light to reflect all the scenes of the strong nest of the ox demon king.

As a result, I was surprised to find that the monkey was fighting fiercely with the old couple, and there was no short-term interruption.

"You have also seen that Goku is now fighting with the Demon King. How can there be a posture to leave Tang Seng directly?"

Following Guanyin's gaze, Lao Zhu and Sha Monk also saw the scene in the circular light mirror, and for a while stayed still wondering what to say.

"What about the master?"

The monk Sha asked in a hurry, immediately awakened the Guanyin and the old pig. Guanyin reapplied, and the scene in the circular mirror changed immediately, revealing the figure of the Tang monk. Obviously, the traces of the old Tang were always under the control of the Buddha.

It's just that in the round mirror, there is not only the old man who is frowning, but also a character called Guanyin who is astonished—monkey!

"Isn't this a big brother, why did he run to the master again?"

Monk Sha exclaimed, and immediately discovered the problem, wondering, "Mother, are there still two masters in this world who can't do it?",

"Laosha, are you confused!"

The old pig was very polite: "If two monkeys really appeared ~ ~, wouldn't the three realms be messed up yet?"

Having said that, looking into the round mirror, he treated the monkey that Tang didn't like, and sneered: "Of these two, one of them must be fake!"

As soon as the voice fell, Guanyin just adjusted the picture of the circular mirror to the cave of the ox demon king, and saw that another monkey in the mirror was spinning around.

Suddenly, it seemed to be aware of something. He suddenly glanced towards the circular mirror, and the two rays of the golden ray in the eye shot. The original circular mirror mirror rippled like a crystal.

At this point, even Guanyin was a little helpless, and said directly: "Let ’s go and see together, we must always figure out what is going on and report this; of the two monkeys, which is Goku and which is fake!"

After speaking, a cloud rose at my feet, brought the old pig and the old sand together, and flew towards the old nest of the ox demon king. At the same time, I also greeted several other Buddhas who pay attention to the westward journey ...

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