The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Vol 6 Chapter 1036: Terran robbed, Thunder furious

The latest website: Although it took hundreds of years to walk for tens of billions of miles, the road passed hundreds of gods and demons, and it was impossible to find out where the human race was gathered, but Thunder Tiger did not gain anything at all.

He can clearly feel that the chaos of the demon system, or the order set by the entire innate protoss, has begun to be chaotic.

It is quite normal for the demon dynasties to march against each other, and the confrontation between the demon monk army of Tianxian level can often be seen.

The strength of the gods at the level of immortals is already quite strong, regardless of the magical powers, they are quite powerful, at least much stronger than those of the same level in the Westward Journey.

However, in the conquest of the demon forces, the monks of the gods and gods are just the backbone of the army. The real decision is the confrontation of the strong men of Jinxian and above.

The reason why Thunder Tiger was unwilling to stay in one place was also a factor of fear. If it was not good, it was forcibly recruited to become a horse pawn.

Taking his cultivation as the realm, the possibility of being a cannon fodder is unlikely, but it is likely to attract the attention of the magical powers around him. He never does the wedding dress for others.

From various signs, as well as the monk who knew the demon, Thunder Tiger knew the main reason for the confusion: Tiandi and Tianhou have fallen for nearly a thousand years, and now the successor Tiandi has not appeared. The control of heaven and earth in the court of heaven has rapidly declined. The ambitionists couldn't bear to take the lead and wanted to take advantage of the vacuum of heaven's power to increase their strength.

Dan Alum realizes that some powerful large and medium-sized demon and magic forces are basically involved in it and it is difficult to get out of it. Such confusion is only the beginning.

As time goes by, if the court of heaven is unable to elect a new emperor, and the control of heaven and earth continues to decline, I am afraid that there will be disputes affecting most of the flood.

Regarding this, Lei Hu knew a little, even if he did n’t mean to take the initiative to join in. His main purpose now is to find the place of the human race, and mix it with peace of mind.

Seeing more and hearing more, Thunder Tiger's understanding of this side's floodland is becoming clearer. Without sufficient strength, it will be extremely difficult to live here.

Taiyi's state of perfection seems to be quite good. At least it is comparable to the strongest combat power of the medium-sized demon dynasty. Unfortunately, the medium-sized demon dynasty is too much and nothing to be considered in the whole flooded world.

It can only be a little peaceful, and there is no confidence in wanting to grow.

In the process of communicating with the demon monks, he also learned some basic knowledge and methods of the Zhusha evil demon way.

Even when gambling with the first warrior of a medium-sized tribe, he also won a trivial collection of cultivation methods in his tribe's collection.

Through careful study, pondering this gate that reaches half-step up to God, that is, the practice method of the incompleteness of the voodoo **** and demon way of Jinxian Realm, Thunder Tiger ’s understanding of the so-called voodoo devil way has made rapid progress, and it has basically understood its principle.

Speaking of which, this is a kind of straight road, which really cultivates the road.

The innate protoss cultivate, accumulate through various means, and move the body and the spirit toward a certain heaven and earth rule until the mind and body completely conform to the certain heaven and earth rule.

At this time, the innate protoss who practiced this heaven and earth rule have basically become the spokesperson for this heaven and earth rule, and the achievement and harmony with the Tao are truly the congenital Taoism.

As for the cultivation of the voodoo demon of the after-born spirit, there is no need to say much about the cultivation before the god. The real key is that when you advance to the realm of the god, there will be a considerable transformation. Realm of God.

There are too few cultivating methods for the Zhuozha **** and demon to refer to. Thunder Tiger can see that, and he knows nothing about the core mysteries.

In fact, for him, it is enough to know these things. Is it really secretly looting large and medium-sized tribes, or even the secret treasures of small dynasties?

The methods of the flood-waste world are weird and changeable. Who knows if he is good at deducing the existence of the natural world. Besides, Leihu's goal is still quite obvious. If not, he will expose himself.

If he wanted to cultivate the voodoo demon way, Lei Hu had no such idea for the time being, and naturally there was no motivation to mess about.

His plan was to first find a human race, wait for it to stabilize completely, and then find a way to go to Kunlun for advice. In order to get the last two rotations of "Nine Zhuanyuan Gong", the best result is naturally to worship a certain Passed by a saint in the door.

On this day, Thunder Tiger came to a demon tribe with flying bird blood. After studying and fighting with tribal warriors in accordance with the usual practice, Thunder Tiger heard an important message from the monk of a very strong flying bird.

There are tens of billions of miles away from here on the East Coast. There are a group of inborn spirits who are not very powerful. The funny thing is that although these inborn spirits are all inborn dharma, there is no blood in the body. It's pretty hard.

Tokai people!

The demon birdman, who had a strong bloodline of the birds and covered most of his body with wings, and even a pair of wings behind his back, talked casually and took this as a joke, but Thunder Tiger set off a stormy sea.

Isn't the human race just a natural way?

The human race does not have the blood of gods and beasts!

Xuanmen's people before Daxing, among the many acquired races in the famine, Tao said a weak chicken can not be overstated.

In mythology, the land of the East China Sea is one of the ancestors of the human race!

What are you waiting for?

Leaving the demon tribe with the bird's bloodline, Thunder Tiger followed the instructions of the bird's blood and **** monk and flew over directly at a low altitude.

Why not fly at high altitude?

That's too eye-catching, it's easy to be noticed by the surrounding class Taiyi Shenmo, and even Da Luo level gods and monks. If you can't get out, you have to play a few games.

Lei Hu didn't have such a leisurely feeling, but first sought the East China Sea tribe before saying anything else.


At this time, the people's settlements in the East China Sea were in an unprecedented crisis.

I do not know why, the East China Sea suddenly attacked the human race, and the waves were unbridled, and the huge waves accompanied by the weird laughter swept ashore from the sea, and they fell with boundless terror.

The walls, houses and buildings of the human tribe were submerged in the tide instantly. A large number of young people and young people were screamed to be involved in the tide. All of them were killed without any sound. They flowed into the East China Sea along the ebb tide and became sea monsters. Belly lunch.

The tribe strongman and the strong warrior form the first line of defense, struggling to block the magical powers of the sea tribe, but the strong human race is weak, the strongest is only half a step, the number is not much.

As for the so-called warrior, that is, the first-class and peerless general level, in the face of the huge waves set off by the sea tribe, there is not much interception at all. It can only be said that the spirit is commendable. There is no initiative because of the terror power revealed by the strong sea tribe. Retreat.

"Why, why?"

In the air, a half-step Jinxian of the East China Sea tribe had a horrible face, and the master of the sea race who was making waves was sternly asking, "Isn't it clear that we don't interfere with each other?"

"Quack, you idiots, do you believe such things?"

A sea monster who walked along the waves grinned, relentlessly: "That was before. Now things are different. Your people are blocking the way for the sea to go ashore!"

The words just fell, accompanied by the thunderous and violent waves, and the hidden Kwai Shui Thunder thundered like a torrential storm. It was about to drown the human race half step Jinxian strong, against the tragic face, as if foreshadowing. The bleak future of the East China Sea.

Not just him. The remaining number is not large. Almost one person will be responsible for a large area of ​​coastal defense, and also encountered the targeted attacks of the sea monsters.

Along with the tumultuous waves, various venomous and vicious river systems and magical tricks appeared one after another, and did not give the intercepted monks any respite. They wanted to take away the monks.

The tribe on the shore behind them screamed crying, billions of people are experiencing the most terrible life and death crisis, and it will be extremely miserable if they do not pass.

Thunder Tiger has just arrived on the East China Sea coast, and what he sees is such a sight of a human being on the verge of doom.

‘Jiutian Xuancha, turned into **** thunder ...’

Improved version of the Magic Sword Royal Thunder Realm, the power to reach Jinxian's full-scale big move, broke out with Thunder Tiger waving.

The next moment, the sky was suddenly covered with clouds covering a radius of 100,000 miles. The electric snake scrambled and exuded a horror. The wait for the following sea monsters to react came, as the thunderstorm-like current fell from the sky. The 100,000-mile sea surface became an electric snake. ocean.

"Ahhhh, forgive me!"

"No, dodge quickly ..."

"Donghai Yaoxiu didn't offend your lord, why are you going so hard?"


Whenever the East Sea Krakens that were repaired below the late Jinxian era were all blasted into fly ash in a dense thunderstorm like a thunderstorm, those Krakens that were repaired by Jin Xian were the key targets.

The East Sea Siren, who had been immortal before, enjoyed the baptism of the thunder and lightning storm, and turned into a fly ash in the blink of an eye, leaving only a few seriously injured Jinxian who were later repaired as Siren ~ ~ Dare to put a turn and slip.

As for the previous attacks of the Krakens, they lost their follow-up mana support, either they broke down halfway or they failed to cause heavy damage to the targeted Terrans.

The people of the East China Sea, who were still in danger, changed from danger to Anyu and cleared up in an instant.

Don't say what the billions of ethnic people who are born born of fate are the ethnic monks who fought on the front lines, but they also look at the city and are overwhelmed by the sudden changes in front of them.

Seeing Lei Hu appearing in the dissipating thunderstorm, a monk of a human race dare not neglect, led by the half-step Jinxian, flew over and saluted: "Thank you God for your life!"

"you are welcome!"

Lei Hu calmly said: "This seat is also a member of the human race, and when seeing the human race is in trouble, naturally not stand idly by, but just don't want to wait until the strength is so poor, not even a **** (Jinxian)!"

A Donghai Terran monk suddenly felt ashamed and speechless ...

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