The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Vol 6 Chapter 1052: Please the gods enter the battle 1

Latest URL: Lots of Luo Jinxian!

What is it like to see more than twenty Luo Jinxian at one time?

The breath of the great supernatural powers is vertical and horizontal. Even the solid space of heaven is rippling with ripples. The surrounding fairy spirit condenses into various beasts and auspicious states. It should not be too magical.

However, at this time, the atmosphere in the core palace square of the people's palace was tense, and a powerful atmosphere was unceremoniously collided, which stirred the surrounding fairy spirit like a tide.

When the Thunder Tiger landed, Dihong's face was anxious and persuaded to move back and forth between the great magical powers who were nervously confronted by the three parties, but the effect was obviously average.

No one took her persuasion to heart, and even enjoyed a blind eye from time to time. Obviously, his persuasion was unsatisfactory.

Twenty Da Luo Jinxian of the People's Palace were divided into three groups, one by one staring at the opponent's camp with bad faces, the tone of bad words was fierce, and the smell of gunpowder became stronger and stronger.

They are all nonsense nonsense. Either this party questions the intentions of the other two parties, or it doubts their strength, saying that they will never accept the palace leader Yunyun.

You are also welcome here. They directly state their contribution to the people ’s palace. As the saying goes, there is no merit and hard work, and their strength is strong and they have a good relationship with the rest of the court. In short, it means one thing: their side must be in charge of the people ’s palace. Or I won't promise!

The third group of soldiers is not to be outdone, it also shows the resolute attitude of the person in charge of the palace, and mocks and mocks the other two groups of soldiers. From time to time, there is a black material of the other two parties. The bad attitude does not care about being members of the palace. Face.

You are going to be busy with three people, my voice and tone are getting louder and louder, and the fire is getting stronger and stronger, and it will definitely be a big battle.

As a neutral representative, Emperor Dihong and nearly ten big Luo Jinxian strongmen naturally did not allow people to burst into fierce internal fighting, and hurriedly opened the atmosphere to ease the atmosphere but did not seek any cheapness. They were irritated by the hard-line attitude of the three parties but were helpless. .

Lei Hu stood side by side to watch the good show, which seemed extremely abrupt, that is, at this time, the great magical people in the palace of the people were busy letting go of their cannons, and ignored the idle man and so on, otherwise he would have been kicked out.

In his opinion, these guys in the Palace of the People are really boring.

Robbing the palace's power is nothing. The key is to set a standard that everyone is convinced. It is always so arguing, I am afraid that it will be another thousand years, and do n’t expect to be famous.

Of course, it is not advisable to make a big fight. In the flood situation and the turbulent situation in the heavens, the palace of the people who do not have a quasi-sacred power is best to work together to keep the palace's status.

Under such a premise, the internal fighting of the People's Palace is not excessively fierce, and it will basically not have too bad an impact.

I really want to disregard the fierce fighting, because I am afraid that the last person in the palace has to lose even the underpants.

This is by no means a joke. The reason why the People's Palace can still maintain the foundation of the heavenly courts is that the more than 20 big Luo Jinxian strong men are fundamental. Once there are heavy casualties in the internal fighting, it may not only be a great loss of strength, but also a great deal. May be separated by centrifugation.

Want to come, there are people in the palace who have great magical powers in mind, this can maintain the mouth gun mode without real hands-on internal fighting.

However, such a situation cannot be maintained all the time. I am afraid that external forces will interfere in the intervention, and the situation will be worse.

Right now, the palace of the people is definitely a gunpowder barrel, just one kind of thing.

Once it is lit, it will not end easily without distinguishing between life and death.

As for investigating external interference factors, we have to wait until the end of the civil strife in the palace, and then we must pay attention to these.

But in Thunder Tiger's view, if so, daylily is cold.

Seeing boring mouth guns are endless, but the people in the palace did not make any further moves, and there was no fight and no standard for everyone to be convinced. It seems that the noise will continue.

The big Luo Jinxian who participated in it was full of enthusiasm. The neutral power who was responsible for persuading was too busy, but the idle man such as Leihu was enough.

"You guys, let's do it all together!"

A clear voice sounded abruptly, covering the noisy waves on the square: "Otherwise, just go on like this, when will there be a result?"

"Who is yours?"

Dozens of sharp eyes brushed together, and the Thunder Tiger who saw the opening couldn't help but frowned slightly. One of the apparently angry supernatural beings was dissatisfied: "Here is the palace of the people, not everyone. Can come in! "

"Speak clearly, how do you mark it down?"

Another great psychic followed, "Even what you say is reasonable. If it is unreasonable, don't blame me for waiting for more bullying!"

Most of the big Luo Jinxian strong players at the scene had a bad look at Thunder Tiger, and the atmosphere suddenly became very tense.

Affected by powerful emotions, the large square law fluctuates, and the surrounding aura of heaven and earth condenses into various auspicious and strange beast forms, but it is full of threats.

Twenty-some shares of horror have swept over and over, and a kind of overwhelming terror has come. If it is repaired to a deficient state, I am afraid that even standing is unstable, and ugly on the spot.

At the sight of Thunder Tiger's anger, Dihong's face changed drastically, and he opened his mouth to introduce the easing atmosphere.

However, Lei Hu didn't give the chance to speak. After watching the excitement for so long, he has basically understood the troubles of the palace. In order to avoid further involvement of the energy, he was simply helped by an outsider to cut the chaos and solve the problem. The entanglement of the great magician is that he has this confidence and strength.

Moving forward, the next moment, the body was full of momentum, a raging blood flame suddenly rose, as if the smoke billowed into the sky, and the palace palaces where the people were located suddenly rose and stormed, a horrible powerful power rose from the thunder tiger. Echoing the horror of the twenty or so great supernatural powers, it did not fall in the slightest.

Only with sufficient strength can you be qualified to speak here!

At this moment, I felt the horror of the thunderous tiger, and the alarm bell in my heart surged into my heart. Twenty people on the big square changed the face of the big Luo Jinxian strong, and looked a little more cautious. There is also a stark review.

A big Luo Jinxian strongman, naturally cannot scare them.

However, Thunder Tiger's momentum was too violent, and the horror of blood and blood that rose from the sky like a horror of blood and horror, but it made the twenty or more of the palace's supernatural powers unable to bear their hearts.

This kind of heavy evil is not easy. How many souls have to kill to have it?

Although protoss monks do not taboo about killing and do not care about the causal forces, they are aware of the great magical powers who possess terrible powers. They are often powerful and extraordinary. Generally, they are not desperate to fight. Few magical powers are willing to provoked.

"Hum, Your Excellency is not qualified to prey in the palace of the people!"

Thunder Tiger's unbridled release of imposing manner was so provocative that it naturally caused dissatisfaction among the people in the palace. One of them could not help but sneer at the anger, and a group of thunderous light flew without fear. Out, with horrific power of destruction, went straight to Thunder Tiger.

They are all supernatural beings. Although the evil spirit revealed by Thunder Tiger is amazing, if you want to stop the well-informed and inherit the extraordinary power of the extraordinary people, it is dreaming.


With a figure of five feet and a thunderous body of thunder, the Thunder Tiger didn't care about the thunderous attack of the palace's supernatural powers, his eyes shot out two lingering blood, and he easily pointed out the burst of lightning. The right hand holds the fist muscles high and tight, full of infinite power, and flicks out in the air.


The space where the boxing force passes ripples and ripples, the next moment a huge, clearly visible giant fist shadow, like breaking through the constraints of space, instantly appeared in front of the man who shot the big Luo Jinxian strong, in his incredible shock eyes He directly blasted it out, and the blood in his mouth was spurted with mild injuries.


Seeing this scene, the rest of the palace's big Luo Jinxian strong, Qi brushed his face changed greatly, looking at Thunder Tiger's eyes full of shock, and vigilance.

Even if it's just unexpected, being able to blow the big Luo Jinxian strong of the same class and hurt him in one punch can be regarded as powerful in the great magical powers.

Reaching to such a level, they themselves represent a certain law of heaven and earth. The law of mind and motion follows extraordinary powers. They have rich experience in living long battles, and they have many treasures from their palaces. They want to rely solely on the laws of heaven and earth. It was not easy to hurt them with his fist.

Thunder Tiger did it, which shows that his combat power surpassed most of the great supernatural beings present!

Unfortunately, this is the core area of ​​the People ’s Palace. The great magical people present are all members of the People ’s Palace.

The horror of more than twenty great magical people ~ ~ with their own unique powers of law, eager to try.

The atmosphere suddenly became extremely tense!

Fortunately, at this time, Di Hongshi jumped out and hurried to everyone at the same palace, introduced the origin of Thunder Tiger, and finally smiled bitterly: "It's my fault, you shouldn't bring anyone over ..."

"Forget it, since it is the family of the Emperor Hong, that is, the friend of the people's palace!"

At this time, the great magical person belonging to the neutral group of the people's palace hurriedly spoke to ease the tense atmosphere and smiled: "This thunder tiger friend just said that there is a solution to our dispute. Why don't you listen to it?"

Twenty-some-dozens of compelling eyes glanced over, Lei Hu chuckled: "Don't mind, just a little proposal!"

Speaking, throwing a treasure directly, the wind turned into a huge rune standing on the square, exuding the unique breath of the law of the big Luo Rune, and smiled slightly: "Please the gods enter the battle ..."

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