The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Vol 6 Chapter 1078: Fierce means

The main hall of the People's Palace core was quite dull.

Thunder Tiger and Fuxi looked at each other, and they both saw something from each other's eyes.

"Across the Ling Xiao Bao Dian, it's a little too brazen!"

"How did the palace master see it? At least on the surface, there was no flaw!"

"Oh, if there is no reminder before His Holiness, this seat will not have any doubts. After all, this time, things are too common in the flood and wasteland. Although a great magical person has fallen, there is no precedent!"

"What did the palace master see?"

"This seat has been carefully investigated. This birth of the innate Lingbao was indeed a sudden one, but of the great supernatural beings involved in the competition, there are two so-called monster saints!"

"Did these two later join in the fight?"

"No, one of them participated in the scramble at the same time as the Tianyuan Daoyou, and the other was joined in an emergency later. The speed was too fast. There was no chance for the other forces to respond!"

"Apart from the three of them, are there other supernatural beings involved in the fight?"

"There are three others, all of whom are near the birthplace of the Congenital Lingbao. They have no problem!"

"Yes, one can compete with Tianyuan Daojun at the same time for the birth of the innate Lingbao, and the other can dare to support it in time, as if they had been staring at Tianyuan Daojun for a long time. difficult!"

Fuxi slaps and slaps, echoing "This is the truth!"

Then he shook his head again, his tone of speech was quite unpleasant: "It is also here that it is terrible. If we have long had doubts in our hearts, we will be able to see some clues, but the outside forces do not have such ideas!"

"Is there anything you can say in the Imperial Palace?"

Lei Hu shook his head and groaned: "After all, it has little to do with our palace. Even if we say the speculation in our hearts, it may not be noticeable. It may even strike the grass and let the target transferred to the palace. On you! "

"Take a side-by-side reminder!"

Fuxi Great God reluctantly said: "In just tens of thousands of years, three great magical powers have been lost in succession, even with the profound heritage of the Imperial Palace, they cannot bear it!"

Thunder Tiger did not hold much hope for this. The Tiangong Palace side has not yet had a fierce reaction to the idea. Obviously, it is also an accident that Tianyuan Daojun, who has fallen down, believes that it has fallen.

"By the palace master, hasn't the Emperor recently acted?"

Without continuing the previous topic, he was curious: "The great magical powers of the Imperial Palace frequently occur. The Emperor of Heaven should have the corresponding means, or is it not cheaper?"

"Well, it's not the big Luo Jinxian strong who is still supporting his men, the so-called monster grand saints of that group!"

Fuxi said disdainfully, "The two important priesthoods that originally belonged to the Imperial Palace, and I don't know how Dijun did it, fell into the hands of the two demon saints!"

Having said that, he paused, and finally said, "Dijun's momentum has gradually risen, and his right to speak has mostly followed!"

If you put a doubt in your heart, you can't say that he still thinks it is a good thing. After all, the more powerful Di Jun ’s methods are, the more beneficial it is to the Protoss heaven, as the high-level Protoss naturally hope that the Protoss will develop better.

It was only when Emperor Jun revealed his extraordinary methods that he took merciless blood against the Imperial Palace, one of the foundations of the protoss, which made Fuxi unacceptable.

If the imperial palace was arrogant and arrogant, it would only be necessary to directly lift Di Jun.

It is related to the battle of the power of heaven and the right to speak, and the protoss forces next to it are not good at saying anything, it is wrong to help anyone.

But the Imperial Palace did not make such a move. Even as far as Fuxi knows, as long as Emperor Jun can guarantee the status of the Imperial Palace, many of the core clergy in charge of the Imperial Palace cannot be negotiated.

After all, there is no quasi-holy man on the bright side of the Imperial Palace, and there is no need to confront the true quasi-holy strongmen such as God Jun.

However, Emperor Jun simply did not give the Imperial Palace a chance to negotiate, and began a silent target, which was difficult for Fu Xi to accept.

All protoss, what is Jun Jun trying to do?

In particular, the so-called monster power of this uncle's recent crazy promotion, called Fuxi Great God, has very bad associations.

After all, there were three dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns in the Archaic period, and the gods at that time were completely replaced by the three.

If it weren't for the complete decline of the Three Tribes of the Dragon and the Han, and the untimely heroic Taiji soberly integrated the Protoss, I am afraid that the Protoss has already fallen apart.

In the past, I disregarded the so-called demon tribe, but seeing how Dijun is doing it now, he is learning the postures of the three dragons and phoenixes.

"No, Dijun must have a bottom line no matter what he wants to do. His behavior is now over the line!"

Looking at Lei Hu with eyes staring, Fuxi Shen said: "Our palace can't sit and watch, the seat of the palace will remind the son-in-law's sister in person!"

"How to do it?"

Lei Hu did not object, and asked with a smile: "Di Jun has not revealed any flaws. If for no reason it is like a snap, it will cause a big mess in heaven!"

"Acting secretly, the heritage of the Protoss is not as simple as it seems!"

Fuxi chuckled: "It seems that I have to visit some old friends who have been hidden for a long time!"

Thunder Tiger did not speak. It has not been more than 100,000 years to cross the flood-waste world, but the history of the flood-waste world is ten million yuan. Among these are how many horrific supernatural powers have been born, as well as ancient protoss powers who have been involved in an era. I can't figure it out.

Do n’t say it ’s him, I ’m afraid that even Emperor Tiandi is not sure!

After all, the last sun **** was Taiyi, who had fallen.

It can be said that the current Emperor Tiandi Jun was born with only a few hundred yuan. The previous three emperor era and the era of the dragon and phoenix tribal **** have never experienced it. Naturally, he will not know too much of the ancient secrets.

However, in the strength of Emperor Tiandi Jun, we can also see the rich luck of Sun Star.

First, the fourth Tiandi Emperor Taiyi, and then the fifth Tiandi Emperor Jun, all star masters from the Sun Star, can become an overlord of the era, the strength of the crown is absolute, and the star luck provided by Sun Star The main driving force.

At this time, Emperor Jun has firmly established the Emperor of Heaven, and his strength may be unfathomable, or it may be placed on the entire Protoss as the top existence.

But this does not mean that the Protoss has no stronger existence than him.

The **** Fuxi bluntly wanted to visit some old friends, apparently those ancient protoss who had been mostly hidden behind the scenes, just do not know how many ancient gods Fuxi can talk about?

Thunder Tiger did not give any hope for this. The emperor, who was born as the main star of the sun, wanted to replace the protoss with the demon tribe as the main, and became the mainstream of the flooded world. If you say that there is no powerful ancient **** support behind, fools will not believe it.

There is one more thing for sure. The wise men in the heavenly court will certainly not be less. Since Thunder Tiger has all noticed something wrong, does the next great magician have no doubt?

As mentioned before, when Dijun took over the heaven court, there was no **** conflict, so the original pattern of the heaven court continued.

The Three Palaces are so powerful that they can almost say that Emperor Jun is completely overhead.

There are other forces that should not be underestimated, at least Dijun will not easily provoke him until he is not ready.

In other words, Dijun couldn't do anything in the court of heaven, and was even greatly restrained. Even if he wanted to do something, he had to reach an agreement with the forces of all parties, otherwise he wanted to do something. Quite difficult.

This is not to say that certain things cannot be done, or at least cannot be made with the resources of Heaven, but it is necessary to use his own basic skills to do things, so that it is possible to directly set aside the containment of the forces of all parties in Heaven.

Perhaps this is why Emperor Jun quietly targeted the Imperial Palace.

After all, as a generation of Tianjiao, the flooded world has several powers, and it is impossible to accept such a situation. What's so interesting about Emperor Tian?

In the future, Emperor Jun's deep thoughts and fierce means, since he has made measures to conceal the Imperial Palace, he must have enough backup strategies.

Even if things are revealed, there should be ways to alleviate it, or to draw all the three palaces that make up the foundation of the heavenly courts into the quagmire that is difficult to escape, otherwise the consequences of the turbulence and grandeur of the heavenly courts would not be acceptable to him.

Thunder Tiger had a hunch in his mind. Emperor Jun could not only target the Imperial Palace, but also the Land Palace and the People's Palace.

He didn't care about this. Dijun did not dare to openly oppose the Three Palaces. He would only secretly use conspiracies and tricks to completely weaken the strength of the Three Palaces.

Just like Tianyuan Daojun of the Emperor's Palace this time, by a secret means that is difficult to be noticed by others, directly kills a very powerful and well-known great supernatural power.

The situation of the imperial palace is not very clear to Thunder Tiger, but the power of the people's palace, or the great magical person, is not so easy to deliberately target.

It's not that the big child prodigy of the people's palace is better than the demon of the royal palace ~ ~ but the big magical people of the people's palace, many have house properties, the most favorite is to nest in the palace of the people's palace to practice , Or sit down and talk with great magicians of the same level.

This is the main reason why Thunder Tiger joined the People ’s Palace, quickly gained a foothold, and was very popular with the Lord Fuxi. He did n’t mind spending a lot of time and energy to perform tasks, and completed a lot for the People ’s Palace. Things assigned by heaven.

That is to say, when his strength reaches the peak of Da Luo, this situation is better.

While Thunder Tiger was practicing, while waiting for the great news from Fuxi God, he suddenly heard a shocking news.

After the ancestral witches of the ancestors of the Wu tribe, they went together with the same ancestors and rushed to Fengqi Mountain.

With the strength of the twelve ancestors, it easily broke through the outer defense of Fengqi Mountain and went straight to the core area.

The prince-in-law of Fengqi Mountain was furious, and she personally went out and took a **** with her, and a ticket to the imperial palace. She was on the periphery of the mountain guarding Fengqi Mountain, and confronted the twelve ancestors who rushed to kill ...

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