The Warrior Who Crosses the Heavens

Vol 6 Chapter 887: Qingzhou Tattoo History

Is n’t it good to be a big boss behind the scenes? What ’s so interesting about having to go shirtless?

Yes, for Tian Qian and even the Youzhou Gongsun Zan behind him, Thunder Tiger and Qingzhou Yellow Scarf do have the qualifications and strength to be the boss behind the scenes.

Don't watch Gongsun Zan of Youzhou fail in the war with Jizhou Yuan Shao, but the camel is thinner than a horse. Yuan Shao wants to blow Gongsun Zhan in one breath.

Regardless of the top powerhouse behind them, at least in the eyes of Thunder Tiger, the war between the two northern princes is still in his understandable range. It is not difficult to interfere with the strength of the Qingzhou Yellow Scarf.

You only need to supply enough grain, ordnance, Gongsun Zan of Youzhou can not completely turn over, at least you can entangle with Jizhou Yuan Shao for a long time, that is no problem at all.

Xi is basically the destruction of his Majesty Bai Mayi. Otherwise, with Bai Mayi's elite superpower and motivation, even if Jizhou Yuan Shao has the absolute advantage, don't even think about Gongsun Zan of Youzhou.

The longer the two forces are entangled, the better the development of Qingzhou Yellow Turban, or the promotion of civilization.

Fortunately, at this time, Thunder Tiger had a high degree of prestige inside the Qingzhou yellow scarf. Even if a dry yellow scarf had other ideas, he did not dare to talk nonsense at this time.

Qingzhou soon recovered its calmness, as if the invasion of Jizhou's partial divisions and the battle involving tens of millions of troops from the three parties had never happened.

But many things have quietly changed.

Uh ...

"Sir, do we have to do this?"

宽敞 A spacious official road leading to the old nest of Yellow Turban in Qingzhou. Tian Kai, the assassin of Qingzhou, moved forward leisurely. It was Tian Kai's confidante general who spoke beside him.

"Is it necessary, don't you have points in your heart?"

Tian Kai looked back and looked around and smiled bitterly: "Now the situation in Youzhou is unfavorable. We basically don't have to expect to get support there. Make the relationship good, is there any future? "

"Although Shijun speaks well, but we don't need to be so wronged, right?"

Another general opened his mouth and complained, "As long as I think of bowing to Qingzhou Yellow Scarf to please, my heart will be upset!"

He said this, but it came to the heart of the military and military presence.

I suppose they had the support of Gongsun Zan from Youzhou, and they were the absolute overlords of Qingzhou. They did not even take the so-called Qingzhou yellow scarf into their eyes.

Anyway, when the situation changed suddenly, the boss Gongsun Zan defeated behind the scenes, and all the original good situation was lost. The Qingzhou side also basically lost the support from Youzhou, and their life became very difficult at once.

I was most surprised that the Qingzhou Yellow Scarf had developed in a short time while others were not paying attention, and the strength became quite good, even Tian Kaibe didn't dare to provoke it easily.

After that, Jizhou was invaded by 10 million teachers. The two alliances defeated them, and the situation of Tian Kaibe was alleviated.

The Yellow Scarf was also interested in it, and returned directly to the old nest with rich loot, posing a gesture of willingness to live in peace, Tian Kaibu was happy and smiled. Such a situation is something they are happy to see.

Obviously, Tian Kai was not as optimistic as Wu Xiawu, and it took more than a month to secretly make a big deal with ordnance with the Yellow Scarf. After the relationship between the two parties got better, he took the Wu Xuan confidence and took the initiative. Ran to the Yellow Turban Lao Chao to pull the relationship.

This kind of behavior is very meaningful to hold your thighs, but everyone understands that they didn't say anything.

It is for this reason that the accompanying military and military forces are quite unhappy, and apparently they have not yet adapted to the identity change of their own families.

As soon as I wanted this trip, I was going to please the yellow-jacket thief who had been indifferent to him before, and he was in a bad mood.

Putian Kai can't control so much, his family knows their own affairs.

Suddenly lost support from Youzhou. Although he had previously defeated Jizhou and attacked the partial division in conjunction with the Yellow Scarf, he also saw his dangerous situation in that great victory.

That great victory, to be honest, the biggest contribution was the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army. As for the role of Tian Kai and his men, that was to contain part of the Jizhou Army.

Not to mention that the Qingzhou Yellow Scarf showed amazing combat power, and there was even an elite force capable of condensing military strength. With only 10 million battles against the Yellow Scarf Army, all the troops of Tian Kai's army could be turned over.

In other words, the strength of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban is quite amazing, and it has the ability to overthrow Tian Kaibe and forcefully occupy the entire Qingzhou.

As a powerful boss, seeing the situation is a very important ability. Obviously Tian Kai does not lack this advantage, although he admits that it feels very uncomfortable.

Since he saw the reality clearly, but didn't want to take the initiative to withdraw from the big stage of Qingzhou, obviously, having a good relationship with the powerful yellow scarf is the only way out for him now.

I was more straightforward, in fact, the big thick legs holding the Qingzhou yellow scarf.

Although he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, this was his best choice right now. He and his team alone couldn't keep the territory and forces under his control at all, and he couldn't carry the Jizhou Army's reoffender.

With these thoughts in mind, he naturally wouldn't have made it clear to Wu Xia, and his face was not so thick.

As a result, it was caused that Wu Xiawu did not know enough about the situation, and had a great dissatisfaction in his heart.

Of course, it is impossible to say that they ca n’t see a little famous name, but their choice is one more than that of the old boss Tian Kai. It is not impossible to rely on Jizhou Yuan Shao. Naturally, they do not want to come in front of the yellow scarf they looked down on. Stubbornly pleasing.

Regardless of what he thought, and that he had followed Tian Kai to the old nest of Qingzhou Yellow Turban, he naturally took a closer look at the surrounding environment and wanted to peek out the specific strength of Qingzhou Yellow Turban.

But when I saw this, they were shocked ...

The spacious and flat official way has obviously undergone special expansion and has been quite stable along the way.

自然 These are not much, but the two sides of the official road are planted with grain crops that cannot be seen at the margins. The golden one is shocking, and according to their experience, they will definitely have a good harvest.

Daniima really saw a ghost. These people are high-level civilians in Qingzhou. The size of the field and the growth of the grain crops in their hands are not as good as the yellow-skinned grain fields you see now.

It's nothing. When did the Yellow Turban start to grow and develop in peace of mind, this is a strange thing.

I was most surprised by Tian Kai and his party. In the mature fields, it was not the people who harvested food with a multitude of tools, but the wood utensils with strange shapes moving forward slowly.

Each step forward, such strangely shaped wooden utensils will naturally accumulate mature food crops in front of them, and the mouth will spit out a stream like a waterfall.

Putian Kai and Wu Xiawu are not fools. The weird wooden utensils they see are obviously a device that combines harvesting and threshing. But how does this thing move?

There is no cow or horse traction, nor is there any sensation that the old man is struggling to sweat. Only one man stands relaxed and does not look like he is working, which makes them feel incredible.

Continue to go deep into the old nest of the Yellow Turban in Qingzhou, so this weird scene never ends.

On the road, there were more carts for transporting new grains. One cart was not only wider and longer, but it even had four or even six wheels. It was unheard of.

大 A cart can hold at least thousands of kilograms of glutinous rice, but the cows and horses of the cart can only be one side, but they can sing and praise the birds as if they don't have much burden.

What's even more strange is that these four or even six wheels are all on a fixed wooden pillow, and the wheels are very different from the wheels of an ordinary carriage. They have never left the straight wooden pillow, and I do n’t know how to do it. of.

In the towns and villages, loudly loud horns were played, or weird vocals were heard, or people heard voices coming out of them. The most popular thing was to yell at the nearby villagers to speed up the harvesting of food, or some yellow scarves. In the case of issued orders and decisions, in short, a loudspeaker can make all areas of the tens of miles clear and clear, which is more powerful than the loud voice in the army.

I walked into the town and saw and heard too many new and strange things. I just asked Tian Kai and his party to take a look. They were suspicious of the foreign country. Most of the new and strange things here have not even heard of them before.

Entering the territory of Qingzhou Yellow Scarf, what impressed Tian Kai and his party most is that it is clean and tidy ~ ~ and there is an orderly and good order. I do n’t know how the seniors of Qingzhou Yellow Scarf did it.

The soldiers and civilians in the Yellow Turban Territory in Qingzhou all looked rosy and full of spirits. At a glance, they knew that they could eat enough food, which even surprised Tian Kai and his party.

What is the world now, Nirma?

The chaos in the late Han Dynasty was full of chaos and exiles, and the order of the entire Han empire collapsed.

Even when the Han Empire was barely supported, the ordinary people could not survive, otherwise the Yellow Turban rebellion set off by Zhang Jiao would have such a huge momentum, and it was not supported by the countless poor people who could not eat enough?

虽然 Although the Han empire has a vast territory and abundant resources, it is a pity that most of the resources are controlled by the tyrants and left to the ordinary people.

田 Even if Tian Kai is a prince of Qingzhou, with the support of the grandson Sun Zan of Youzhou, he can barely keep the lieutenant general from starving, but more is impossible.

How bad the situation is in the public, even if he does n’t ask, the number of people starving to death is increasing every day, which is also one of the main reasons for the sharp decline in Qingzhou ’s population. .

Wu Ketian Kai and Wu Xiwen saw in the Yellow Turban Territory of Qingzhou, which made them unimaginable.

军 The people here, both military and civilian, have enough food!

Tanima, is this still a yellow scarf, that is, Chaotang could not do this before the order of the Han empire collapsed.

:. :

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