The Wastelands
Chapter 2 - History (Part 2)
Vlog #1
Dr. Ramirez appeared on the screen. He looked uncomfortable. He breathed out a sigh and spoke, "Hello, um, my name is Dr. Juan Ramirez, and I was 'strongly' advised to make a video blog of our endeavours."
He paused, looking off to the side, he whispered, "As if I don't have any better use of my time."
With a deep sigh, he continued, "I am a geneticist, and I oversee the resurrection protect, whereas my colleague Dr. Meadows oversees the engineering. He will help bring Cam's extensive schematics to live. Master Warden Kelly, on the other hand, is corresponding with our leaders on how to proceed with our incredulous findings."
"Quite frankly, we have no time to wait for their decision, and we decided to proceed with or without their approval. Cam agreed and will provide any support that he can muster. Which I find is quite substantial. If it is financial, material, supplies or even more space to work, he is very willing to provide. Why wouldn't he, we are doing exactly what he wants."
"In any case, both projects are proceeding smoothly."
Vlog out.
Vlog #2.
"Hello, um, I have a lot of exciting updates to report. First off, the first batch of embryos is developing well in their incubation tubes. And watching their development is quite fascinating. At first, the base DNA sequence looked quite like our own, but upon further observation, far more advanced." He smiled in excitement. "This will revolutionize humanity itself."
"Dr. Meadows, on the other hand, is having a hard time reproducing the material that was needed to build the negative… hmm, I mean the ionized air purifier. However, Cam solved it by producing a sequencer that could replicate the material perfectly. Now he and everyone in his department are clamouring to reverse engineer the machine."
His face went a little sour. "Since time is a factor, the government agreed to go ahead with the project, but not before sending two government officials with Master Warden Kelly to 'observe.'" Dr. Ramirez sighed. "Hopefully, they won't interfere too much in our work."
Vlog out.
Dr. Ramirez appeared on the screen. He looked a little older with a lot more lines on his face. "It's been a while since I recorded as I've been quite busy. With the number of people coming in to work on the project, we have had to build more infrastructure to support the increased numbers. From my perspective, it's a good thing as we need all the help we can get. Especially those who are willing to go out in the field and help with the cleanup operations and test the bio machinery. Cam even provided protective suits to the fieldworkers that are far superior to anything we ever created."
"Though having more people made Master Warden Kelly quite busy keeping unauthorized personal out of the restricted zone…especially those government busybodies."
Vlog out.
Vlog #4.
Dr. Ramirez looked a little embarrassed. His appearance hadn't changed from the last video log. "I apologize I forgot to talk about the resurrection project. Upon Cam's insistence, they remain in their incubation tubes despite showing signs that their survival in our environment is high. Their brain waves are functioning perfectly, and there are no apparent deformities. Quite frankly, they look like homo sapiens, which means that their evolution is very similar to our own, but there are also foreign elements in their DNA that have greatly influence their development."
He rubbed his eyes underneath his glasses, looking back at the camera with an excited smile. "Watching them grow is eye-opening, to say the least, and I am looking forward to learning from them further. In fact, I am working on something that might…. Wait." He suddenly turned from the camera. "What is that?" A bright light, then static.
Vlog out.
Vlog #5.
Dr. Ramirez rushed on-screen, oozing with excitement. "I can't believe what happened. It's mind-boggling, to say the least. That power surge we had was the result of our…um…guests. For lack of a better word, but I find that word to be inaccurate because, in a sense, we are the guests, but this is our planet so…" Someone coughed in the background.
He looked startled for a moment before he reddened in embarrassment. He fiddled with his glasses before he continued, "Oh yes, as I was saying. We had a power surge, and our 'guest' was the cause. At first, they had been developing more-or-less like a human being. There were some differences but nothing that warranted any concern. But now they have undergone substantial changes in their appearance. They still look human mind you, but their hair pigments are highlighted with more… um…broader colours than the average human. Plus, their eyes have slight tape-tum lucid-um." Another cough." um …that means glowing eyes.
"What is the most fascinating is that they each materialize an object from accessories to weaponry. One even had a tattoo. Oh, if you are wondering why they manifested earth-based objects. Thank Cam for that since he made a point to introduce our 'guest' to books and social media to stimulate their minds.
"He said that everything was normal, and as soon as they stabilize, they would be ready to come out of their tubes. Next time we have to watch for power spikes."
Vlog out.
Vlog #6.
"Hello, my name is Dr. Ramirez. Apparently, I don't introduce myself enough, but I find it redundant, so don't expect me to do it often." He sighed, a little impatient. "Now, let's get to it. Shall we?"
"Dr. Meadows is testing out a water infiltration unit. It has similar properties as the air purifier but uses water-based plants to power the bio-machine. The tricky part was that it needed to clean the water while not harming the aquatic lifeforms. So, it's a balancing act, to say the least. He is also working on augmentation for our already underused clean energy sources so that it can be distributed cheaply for everyone's use. Also, they're working on pollution-free automobiles and a biodegradable plastic alternative."
He sighed again. "Apparently, after reviewing my video logs, I have forgotten to mention that incubation tubes not only kept our 'guests' safe from our foreign environment and help them grow safely, but it also accelerates their growth substantially. Right now, they all appeared to be adolescences, and they are stable enough to come out of their incubation tubes."
Someone said something off-camera. Dr. Ramirez turned away from the camera. "Oh, they are ready now?" He turned back to the camera. "I really must go. I have more important things to do."
Vlog out.
Dr. Ramirez appeared on screen; excitement vibrated off him. "After four years and eight months, we finally have twenty-four now awake but many more who we needed to go through the incubation process. Quite frankly, we need to accelerate the incubation period. Thus, we need more room. The now commissioned Captain Kelly will pull a fit if my 'guest' mixes with the masses. Saying it's a security risk. Fortunately, we have access to a Lab that has plenty of sealed off sections. I and several others are staying here as well, though I have to admit only a temporary solution."
He clamped his hands together. "Now, for the fun part. Do you know how homo-sapiens used the eco-system around us to survive and adapt? I theorize that our 'guests,' on the other hand, seem to adapt by pulling a specific aspect from the eco-system inside themselves. As such, their bodies had to adjust to accommodate this. Allowing them to access abilities far beyond what humanity is capable of." He smiled.
"I have observed that each individual has abilities that fall within three categories." He held out one finger. "They each can manipulate an element, and I am not talking about the elemental table. The ability is more what we perceive as fire, water, earth, and air. With two more obscure elements: Life (abilities that enhance physical abilities) and Spirit or if you want to be morbid Death (I believe it is self-explanatory)." He added another finger. "Ability to escape. It is usually related to what element each process." He added yet another finger. "And a psychic ability such as telepathy, or telekinesis. Though rare, we already have doc.u.mented proof of its existence." Dr. Ramirez dropped his hand. "These abilities can mix to produce interesting results."
"It was also observed that the Lumeye need to absorb their specific element through the skin as a nutrient."
"As for the manifested object. Cam said that they are mediums to help control their abilities."
In all seriousness, he added, "I believe it is in our best interest to keep my discoveries about our guests on a need to know basis. Even from Captain Kelly. He is too much of a military man."
Vlog out.
Vlog #8.
"Finally, finally, our hard-working is showing some effort. The government is keeping its end of the bargain, making sure that the inventions are distributed to the right places, and it suddenly shows. The echo-system is beginning to show signs of improvement." He sighed. "I fear that Earth has a long way to heal. Hopefully, humanity will give it the change to do so."
He sat straighter in his chair. "I have good news. Thanks to our 'guest,' which I believe are dubbed the Lumeye." He huffed a little. "Not my first chose, but it seemed to stick, and Cam is mildly happy about it." A pause. "Oh yes, while studying the Lumeye's DNA, I couldn't have made this discovery. I have concocted a drug that more than double the live span of an average human but reduces birth-rate by half. With our overcrowding issue, I don't think it is much of an issue. Plus, with this, I believe it is merely the beginning before we can cure major diseases, like cancer and heart disease. The possibilities are endless."
Dr. Ramirez beamed. "On a side note, I like to announce that my granddaughter, Dr. Sara Ramirez, will be working here. At only eighteen, she has two doctorates and working on a third. I am so proud of her."
Vlog out.
Vlog #9.
"Well, that was unpleasant," stated Dr. Ramirez, staring at the ceiling for a minute before his tired eyes faced the screen. "In the last couple of months, several issues have arisen that may upset things in the future."
"There was talk about my project with the capsules. Throughout the years, I have reported about how many went through the incubation process, but nothing more than that. Especially anything that could be used against them. I thought my drug would deter them for longer than it did, but…" He sighed, shaking his head.
"For instance, it was noted that the Lumeye naturally developed a bond with other Lumeye. As a result, they began to separate into smaller groups. It appears different than the bonds that form among humans. In fact, it seemed almost instantaneous in nature. So, it must be a by-product of their abilities. For now, it needs further study."
"Meanwhile Ayden, a Lumeye male, tried to destroy one of the few remaining capsules. Sara moved to intercept him, but…" He rubbed his eyes behind his glasses. "I don't know what the boy was thinking."
He sighed. "Maybe being cramped in one place is getting to us all. Maybe…" He had a thoughtful look. "Hopefully, they will be given a chance to make to their own choices.
"And Cam." Another sigh." He is draining all his energy into the Lab and slowly fading away. I don't want to think about what will happen when he finally shuts down. We will lose our dearly needed protection and most of all, I, for one, will be losing a friend."
Dr. Ramirez paused in resignation before continuing. "Captain Kelly wants to talk to me, and I am all too aware of the warning he is about to give me. He is a good man, but he is a military man through and through. I fear that there is not much I can do, but I made a promise. I will do whatever I can to keep it."
Vlog out.
Vlog #10.
Dr. Ramirez looked beat up, with a wild look in his eyes. "Even with Captain Kelly's warning, I couldn't prepare for this. I tried to save as many people as I could. Some did escape, including my granddaughter, but we were lured into a trap. The Lumeye has barely existed and, yes, they have extraordinary abilities, but they barely know how to use them, let alone fight against trained soldiers."
He sighed, "I also didn't account for one thing. Dr. Meadows. He betrayed me. I worked with the man for fifty-two years, and he betrayed me! He found a way to jam Cam; somehow, he stole some of my research, and he manufactured a collar to stop the Lumeye's access to their abilities."
He covered his face with his hands. "But I know Meadows, and he probably hadn't accounted for their need to absorb their element. Either the collars will eventually overload, or they will slowly starve to death."
"Hell, I don't think he gives a damn, but if they find out about their mediums…" He left it unsaid, only shaking his head.
"They don't have any comprehension of how fragile the eco-system still is. If these people think that they could get everything they from the Lab, then good luck trying." He laughed. "Cam had prepared for this. He did warn us." Explosions could be heard in the background…and the screaming.
There was banging at the door, which was ignored. Dr. Ramirez stared intently at the camera; his expression sombre. "If it is the last thing I do, I wanted to apologize. That day I made a promise, a promise I couldn't keep. I have failed you and this world, and I feel ashamed."
Vlog paused.
Dr. Ramirez appeared on the screen. He looked uncomfortable. He breathed out a sigh and spoke, "Hello, um, my name is Dr. Juan Ramirez, and I was 'strongly' advised to make a video blog of our endeavours."
He paused, looking off to the side, he whispered, "As if I don't have any better use of my time."
With a deep sigh, he continued, "I am a geneticist, and I oversee the resurrection protect, whereas my colleague Dr. Meadows oversees the engineering. He will help bring Cam's extensive schematics to live. Master Warden Kelly, on the other hand, is corresponding with our leaders on how to proceed with our incredulous findings."
"Quite frankly, we have no time to wait for their decision, and we decided to proceed with or without their approval. Cam agreed and will provide any support that he can muster. Which I find is quite substantial. If it is financial, material, supplies or even more space to work, he is very willing to provide. Why wouldn't he, we are doing exactly what he wants."
"In any case, both projects are proceeding smoothly."
Vlog out.
Vlog #2.
"Hello, um, I have a lot of exciting updates to report. First off, the first batch of embryos is developing well in their incubation tubes. And watching their development is quite fascinating. At first, the base DNA sequence looked quite like our own, but upon further observation, far more advanced." He smiled in excitement. "This will revolutionize humanity itself."
"Dr. Meadows, on the other hand, is having a hard time reproducing the material that was needed to build the negative… hmm, I mean the ionized air purifier. However, Cam solved it by producing a sequencer that could replicate the material perfectly. Now he and everyone in his department are clamouring to reverse engineer the machine."
His face went a little sour. "Since time is a factor, the government agreed to go ahead with the project, but not before sending two government officials with Master Warden Kelly to 'observe.'" Dr. Ramirez sighed. "Hopefully, they won't interfere too much in our work."
Vlog out.
Dr. Ramirez appeared on the screen. He looked a little older with a lot more lines on his face. "It's been a while since I recorded as I've been quite busy. With the number of people coming in to work on the project, we have had to build more infrastructure to support the increased numbers. From my perspective, it's a good thing as we need all the help we can get. Especially those who are willing to go out in the field and help with the cleanup operations and test the bio machinery. Cam even provided protective suits to the fieldworkers that are far superior to anything we ever created."
"Though having more people made Master Warden Kelly quite busy keeping unauthorized personal out of the restricted zone…especially those government busybodies."
Vlog out.
Vlog #4.
Dr. Ramirez looked a little embarrassed. His appearance hadn't changed from the last video log. "I apologize I forgot to talk about the resurrection project. Upon Cam's insistence, they remain in their incubation tubes despite showing signs that their survival in our environment is high. Their brain waves are functioning perfectly, and there are no apparent deformities. Quite frankly, they look like homo sapiens, which means that their evolution is very similar to our own, but there are also foreign elements in their DNA that have greatly influence their development."
He rubbed his eyes underneath his glasses, looking back at the camera with an excited smile. "Watching them grow is eye-opening, to say the least, and I am looking forward to learning from them further. In fact, I am working on something that might…. Wait." He suddenly turned from the camera. "What is that?" A bright light, then static.
Vlog out.
Vlog #5.
Dr. Ramirez rushed on-screen, oozing with excitement. "I can't believe what happened. It's mind-boggling, to say the least. That power surge we had was the result of our…um…guests. For lack of a better word, but I find that word to be inaccurate because, in a sense, we are the guests, but this is our planet so…" Someone coughed in the background.
He looked startled for a moment before he reddened in embarrassment. He fiddled with his glasses before he continued, "Oh yes, as I was saying. We had a power surge, and our 'guest' was the cause. At first, they had been developing more-or-less like a human being. There were some differences but nothing that warranted any concern. But now they have undergone substantial changes in their appearance. They still look human mind you, but their hair pigments are highlighted with more… um…broader colours than the average human. Plus, their eyes have slight tape-tum lucid-um." Another cough." um …that means glowing eyes.
"What is the most fascinating is that they each materialize an object from accessories to weaponry. One even had a tattoo. Oh, if you are wondering why they manifested earth-based objects. Thank Cam for that since he made a point to introduce our 'guest' to books and social media to stimulate their minds.
"He said that everything was normal, and as soon as they stabilize, they would be ready to come out of their tubes. Next time we have to watch for power spikes."
Vlog out.
Vlog #6.
"Hello, my name is Dr. Ramirez. Apparently, I don't introduce myself enough, but I find it redundant, so don't expect me to do it often." He sighed, a little impatient. "Now, let's get to it. Shall we?"
"Dr. Meadows is testing out a water infiltration unit. It has similar properties as the air purifier but uses water-based plants to power the bio-machine. The tricky part was that it needed to clean the water while not harming the aquatic lifeforms. So, it's a balancing act, to say the least. He is also working on augmentation for our already underused clean energy sources so that it can be distributed cheaply for everyone's use. Also, they're working on pollution-free automobiles and a biodegradable plastic alternative."
He sighed again. "Apparently, after reviewing my video logs, I have forgotten to mention that incubation tubes not only kept our 'guests' safe from our foreign environment and help them grow safely, but it also accelerates their growth substantially. Right now, they all appeared to be adolescences, and they are stable enough to come out of their incubation tubes."
Someone said something off-camera. Dr. Ramirez turned away from the camera. "Oh, they are ready now?" He turned back to the camera. "I really must go. I have more important things to do."
Vlog out.
Dr. Ramirez appeared on screen; excitement vibrated off him. "After four years and eight months, we finally have twenty-four now awake but many more who we needed to go through the incubation process. Quite frankly, we need to accelerate the incubation period. Thus, we need more room. The now commissioned Captain Kelly will pull a fit if my 'guest' mixes with the masses. Saying it's a security risk. Fortunately, we have access to a Lab that has plenty of sealed off sections. I and several others are staying here as well, though I have to admit only a temporary solution."
He clamped his hands together. "Now, for the fun part. Do you know how homo-sapiens used the eco-system around us to survive and adapt? I theorize that our 'guests,' on the other hand, seem to adapt by pulling a specific aspect from the eco-system inside themselves. As such, their bodies had to adjust to accommodate this. Allowing them to access abilities far beyond what humanity is capable of." He smiled.
"I have observed that each individual has abilities that fall within three categories." He held out one finger. "They each can manipulate an element, and I am not talking about the elemental table. The ability is more what we perceive as fire, water, earth, and air. With two more obscure elements: Life (abilities that enhance physical abilities) and Spirit or if you want to be morbid Death (I believe it is self-explanatory)." He added another finger. "Ability to escape. It is usually related to what element each process." He added yet another finger. "And a psychic ability such as telepathy, or telekinesis. Though rare, we already have doc.u.mented proof of its existence." Dr. Ramirez dropped his hand. "These abilities can mix to produce interesting results."
"It was also observed that the Lumeye need to absorb their specific element through the skin as a nutrient."
"As for the manifested object. Cam said that they are mediums to help control their abilities."
In all seriousness, he added, "I believe it is in our best interest to keep my discoveries about our guests on a need to know basis. Even from Captain Kelly. He is too much of a military man."
Vlog out.
Vlog #8.
"Finally, finally, our hard-working is showing some effort. The government is keeping its end of the bargain, making sure that the inventions are distributed to the right places, and it suddenly shows. The echo-system is beginning to show signs of improvement." He sighed. "I fear that Earth has a long way to heal. Hopefully, humanity will give it the change to do so."
He sat straighter in his chair. "I have good news. Thanks to our 'guest,' which I believe are dubbed the Lumeye." He huffed a little. "Not my first chose, but it seemed to stick, and Cam is mildly happy about it." A pause. "Oh yes, while studying the Lumeye's DNA, I couldn't have made this discovery. I have concocted a drug that more than double the live span of an average human but reduces birth-rate by half. With our overcrowding issue, I don't think it is much of an issue. Plus, with this, I believe it is merely the beginning before we can cure major diseases, like cancer and heart disease. The possibilities are endless."
Dr. Ramirez beamed. "On a side note, I like to announce that my granddaughter, Dr. Sara Ramirez, will be working here. At only eighteen, she has two doctorates and working on a third. I am so proud of her."
Vlog out.
Vlog #9.
"Well, that was unpleasant," stated Dr. Ramirez, staring at the ceiling for a minute before his tired eyes faced the screen. "In the last couple of months, several issues have arisen that may upset things in the future."
"There was talk about my project with the capsules. Throughout the years, I have reported about how many went through the incubation process, but nothing more than that. Especially anything that could be used against them. I thought my drug would deter them for longer than it did, but…" He sighed, shaking his head.
"For instance, it was noted that the Lumeye naturally developed a bond with other Lumeye. As a result, they began to separate into smaller groups. It appears different than the bonds that form among humans. In fact, it seemed almost instantaneous in nature. So, it must be a by-product of their abilities. For now, it needs further study."
"Meanwhile Ayden, a Lumeye male, tried to destroy one of the few remaining capsules. Sara moved to intercept him, but…" He rubbed his eyes behind his glasses. "I don't know what the boy was thinking."
He sighed. "Maybe being cramped in one place is getting to us all. Maybe…" He had a thoughtful look. "Hopefully, they will be given a chance to make to their own choices.
"And Cam." Another sigh." He is draining all his energy into the Lab and slowly fading away. I don't want to think about what will happen when he finally shuts down. We will lose our dearly needed protection and most of all, I, for one, will be losing a friend."
Dr. Ramirez paused in resignation before continuing. "Captain Kelly wants to talk to me, and I am all too aware of the warning he is about to give me. He is a good man, but he is a military man through and through. I fear that there is not much I can do, but I made a promise. I will do whatever I can to keep it."
Vlog out.
Vlog #10.
Dr. Ramirez looked beat up, with a wild look in his eyes. "Even with Captain Kelly's warning, I couldn't prepare for this. I tried to save as many people as I could. Some did escape, including my granddaughter, but we were lured into a trap. The Lumeye has barely existed and, yes, they have extraordinary abilities, but they barely know how to use them, let alone fight against trained soldiers."
He sighed, "I also didn't account for one thing. Dr. Meadows. He betrayed me. I worked with the man for fifty-two years, and he betrayed me! He found a way to jam Cam; somehow, he stole some of my research, and he manufactured a collar to stop the Lumeye's access to their abilities."
He covered his face with his hands. "But I know Meadows, and he probably hadn't accounted for their need to absorb their element. Either the collars will eventually overload, or they will slowly starve to death."
"Hell, I don't think he gives a damn, but if they find out about their mediums…" He left it unsaid, only shaking his head.
"They don't have any comprehension of how fragile the eco-system still is. If these people think that they could get everything they from the Lab, then good luck trying." He laughed. "Cam had prepared for this. He did warn us." Explosions could be heard in the background…and the screaming.
There was banging at the door, which was ignored. Dr. Ramirez stared intently at the camera; his expression sombre. "If it is the last thing I do, I wanted to apologize. That day I made a promise, a promise I couldn't keep. I have failed you and this world, and I feel ashamed."
Vlog paused.
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