The Way of the Center

Chapter 617: : Annoying No. 1 center

"The contest between the two sides has restarted. I don't know what coach Hornacek said when he was suspended. But we can see that even at a disadvantage now, the Suns players are still determined!"

"The Suns are definitely one of the most anticipated teams this season. Apart from anything else, the spirit of this group of young people is already very rare. Oh? We can see that the people who are advancing from the backcourt are not Then there is Bledsoe who is full of impact, but Slovenian Goran Dragic. It seems that the Suns are planning to make their offense more calm!"

The commentators’ analysis is in place. Hornacek chose to let Dragic control the ball because he hoped the Suns’ offense would be more reasonable. As long as the offense is played reasonably, the hit rate will naturally go up.

Dragic's style is completely different from that of Bledsoe. He is more like a traditional point guard and is very good at pick-and-rolls.

Dragic took the ball and took a step beyond the three-point line to observe for a few seconds, and immediately began gesturing to arrange tactics.

Channing Fleira went outside the three-point line for Dragic to pick and roll. Aldridge didn't dare to empty and had to pull out.

Dragic used his ingenious rhythm to easily avoid Lillard's defense by covering.

Dragic's throwing and CIC efficiency are amazing. Aldridge didn't hesitate and chased after Dragic's ass.

At the same time, Bledsoe suddenly started. His move made the Blazers' defense a bit nervous.

Just when Dragic was about to pass the ball, Aldridge found out that Lillard had also been by Dragic's side, waiting for an opportunity to steal!

"No!" Aldridge yelled badly, and at the same time, Dragic started to pass the ball. It's just that his pass is not Bledsoe, who is actively running, but Channing Frye, who just ran outside the three-point line to pick and roll!

Channing Frye may be very mediocre in all aspects, but his three-pointer is the cost of his survival in the NBA.

What's more, what Qian Ning has now is still a big empty opportunity.

"Damien is still a bit too tender." Divac couldn't help shook his head.

"No way, Anjie paid the tuition all the way back then." Ricard sighed, and in the next second, Frye's three-pointer hit the net.

Although Lillard's and Aldridge's conversion errors were the key reason for the goal, Dragic's vision and overall situation are also essential.

"That's it, we still have time to move back to the score!" Hornacek clapped from the sidelines. This is the most satisfying attack since the game.

After dozens of seconds, the Suns made a comeback. Dragic is still in possession of the ball, and the Suns are advancing a bit faster, which seems to have a little bit of meaning back then.

Dragic didn't stop this time, but through a quick "shift" acceleration and deceleration, deceived Lillard and succeeded in breaking through.

Don't even think that Dragic is a white defender, and his body is not strong. But this guy is not afraid of physical contact when playing, and his success rate of fouling is quite high.

Go to An Jie to commit a foul? Of course not, the wise Dragic knew that head-to-head with Anjie would only make him unable to eat.

Dragic bravely broke through, but his goal was neither the basket nor An Jie, but Aldridge, the Blazers second master!

"Be careful, LaMarcus!" The defensive Anjie saw through Dragic's intentions, but Aldridge's reaction was not so fast.

Before he could figure out what was happening, Aldridge saw Dragic rushing towards his defensive side. Although Aldridge is not bad defensively, he is by no means the top. Seeing Dragic suddenly came to him, Ade didn't think much, and immediately blocked the past with one step.

The two smashed into each other firmly, and the thin Dragic was naturally "flyed" by the bullet for several steps.

The referee's sharp whistle sounded immediately, followed by dissatisfied boos from the fans of Moda Center.

"Very smart guard, if there is no Damien, he might be a very favorite choice for me." Ricard did not lose his temper this time, but praised his opponent. No way, who made Dragic's foul trouble-free?

On the court, the gentle and elegant Aldridge did not argue with the referee, but honestly raised his arm to indicate that it was his own foul.

Anjie ran over immediately and whispered a few words beside Aldridge. Dragic felt very upset in an instant, maybe next time, this trick won't make Aldridge fooled again!

With two free throws, Dragic's performance on the free throw line has always been very good. But in the future, he will not have the opportunity to get to the free throw line so easily.

In fact, Anjie just said some words of encouragement in Aldridge's ear, and did not make Aldridge's opponent make a foul-style breakthrough.

Perhaps An Jie's deterrence is so terrifying, his only slight movement on the court can make opponents frightened.

As Matthews missed another shot from beyond the three-point line, the Suns did not allow the defending champion to score for the third consecutive round, and they got another offensive opportunity.

If this goal is scored, the point difference between the two sides will once again become single digits. Therefore, the success of this attack will determine the trend of the game to a large extent.

Hornacek flew back and forth nervously on the sidelines, and the camera was given to Ricard again. This guy... This guy is chewing gum, with Erlang's legs tilted, and is out of step with the tense situation on the scene.

The Suns' momentum during this period is very strong, but Ricard felt that he didn't need to make a fuss about it. Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, his head coach is a little ridiculous. But Ricard doesn't care what outsiders think.

The Trail Blazers are the championship, and the leader of this championship team is Anjie, who has scored the most important goal in history.

It is impossible for such a group of people to survive such a small setback. If even this situation has to be resolved by Ricard calling a timeout, then the Blazers will basically have no chance of defending this season.

At the same time, Dragic and Bledsoe are finally connected. The Slovenian used a beautiful back pass to assist the in-cut Bledsoe to complete the tomahawk buckle. After Bledsoe scored a goal, he screamed up to the sky. After such a long time of suffocation, he finally vented.

"Coach Ricard hasn't called a timeout?" Seeing that the Trailblazers have only 8 points left, everyone was surprised at Ricard's calmness.

"He has his ideas, after all, this guy is the best coach of last season!" Bill Wharton is different from other TV stations' explanations. He is still on Ricard's side.

"These brats!" Ricard stood up, muttering to himself, he walked to the sidelines, but said nothing. In this way, it is enough.

The Blazers players are all alert, Ricard is unhappy, they must find a way to stabilize the situation.

"Give me the ball, give me the ball!" Standing at the middle distance, Anjie raised his hand to Lillard for the ball.

Plumlee immediately walked around, this impatient guy was going to trouble An Jie at all costs today.

This move around the front may be able to effectively deal with most of the centers in this league, but Anjie, again, he is not in the range of the "majority".

Seeing this situation, Lillard didn't pass the ball directly, and Plumli was smug, he thought his defense was successful.

But in the next second, Lillard, who had forcibly broken through two steps, suddenly threw the ball into the air. Plumlee turned his head in astonishment, but found that An Jie behind him had jumped high.

The yellow-skinned No. 00 used an aerial relay to bring the O'Brien Cup to Portland. Now, what's surprising about using an aerial relay to bring the Blazers out of the predicament?

No, even so, Anjie and Lillard's beautiful air match still makes the entire Moda Center go crazy!

"Fantastic, alley-oop!"

"The classic cooperation between Ann and Damien, Plumlee's defense is simply negligible!"

"What else can I say!? Perfect timing, heavy dunks! Let's go to today's top five! I hope to relive this picture again!"

The commentary area was completely boiling, and the audience was even more crowded.

After landing, An Jie blinked at Plumlee. This speechless provocation has made the second-year rookie lose his last bit of sanity.

So in the offense of the Suns, Plumley and Anjie confrontation is very big action. He put his elbow to An Jie's face without evasiveness. Of course, what An Jie is most afraid of is that others will be rough on him.

"Oh!" An Jie yelled, and suddenly covered his face. The referee immediately blew his whistle, and Plumley's actions just now weren't concealed.

Plumlee opened his arms and rushed to the referee, but was hugged by Channing Fra, an experienced guy.

"At this time, the Suns' morale is strong, and Plumlee shouldn't interrupt the team's offense because of this kind of thing!" Yu Jia knows An Jie's intentions, but Plumli can't manage so much in anger.

"Are you okay!?" Aldridge walked to Anjie worriedly. An Jie showed a gap and smiled at Aldridge.

Aldridge instantly understood and rushed to the referee to reason.

The upset referee just gave Plumley a normal foul and drove everyone away impatiently. Aldridge pretended to be dissatisfied and walked away. In fact, the Trail Blazers took a big advantage.

Offensive foul, ball exchange. The newly emerging Suns were thus interrupted by An Jie's offense, and the Trail Blazers also got an additional offensive opportunity.

Iguodala used a tie rod layup to grasp Anjie's offense for the team, and the point difference between the two sides was instantly opened up. After just that incident, the full morale of the Suns players has also been greatly fluctuated.

Dragic is still trying to stabilize the team's offensive rhythm, but he found that apart from Channing Frye, everyone else was a little uncomfortable.

No way, Plumlee and Bledsoe are the kind of young and energetic guys. The Suns small forward P.J. Tucker is very calm. The problem is that this guy is a defensive player of Tony Allen's type. The offensive end counts on him? Dragic might as well count on the impatient Plumli.

Dragic commanded to no avail, so he had to try to fight once by himself. But his throw was rubbed by An Jie's fingertips, regretting that he missed the throw.

The Blazers immediately launched a counterattack An Jie passed the ball calmly after being double-doubled at the basket, giving Aldridge a chance.

Faced with Plumley, who rushed towards him like a mad dog, Aldridge did not panic. He still controlled his own rhythm and shot the ball steadily. And what about Plumley? His palm hit Aldridge's wrist firmly.

The basketball hoisted the backboard into the net, and the referee's whistle sounded again. Plumley looked back in disbelief, yes! Aldridge got a chance to hit a three-pointer!

"It's a good pass!" Aldridge bumped his chest with An Jie forcefully.

"Good pass!" Bill Walton also took an admiration at Anjie's passing ability during double-teaming.

"Fuck! You opportunistic scumbag!" Plumley also took An Jie's admiration, he changed from admiring An Jie to extremely annoying.

That's right, Anjie doesn't need his opponent's love. The more angry you are, the stronger Anjie will be.

Morale of the Suns? I hope they can survive until the end of the second quarter...

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