The Way of The Dao

Chapter 683 (Vol 3) – The Three Mysterious Goddesses Of The Immortal Heaven

"Doesn't the background of your Master's enemies seem to be simple?" Ling Tian frowned slightly. Quickly reasoning through everything he had heard, it seemed somewhat more complicated.

"Mount Huang Sect!" Nalan Ziqing furiously whispered these words, unleashing a dangerous aura filled with murderous intent.

"Mount Huang Sect?" Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

"The members who killed Qing'er's parents were some members and some elders of this sect of that world." Xi Fei added in a cold voice.

"It's a top-tier sect in our world, Brother Tian." Ning Xiaoyi added, with a cold look as well, "This sect has many formidable experts. But besides that, when sis Fei and I went to explore we had a bad intuition."

Ning Xiaoyi and Xi Fei wanted to help Nalan Ziqing find all those involved so that they would pay for what they had done, thereby helping Nalan Ziqing overcome her demons of the heart. But unfortunately this sect was top-tier, with several Great Ascension stage experts, dozens of Separation and Reunion cultivators and hundreds of cultivators below this level, so even they as pinnacles of in mortal cultivation would not come out unscathed if they attacked this sect. Although they could deal with more than three experts of their own level each, it still wasn't enough. Furthermore there was that thorn in their hearts, feeling that something wasn't right the closer they got to that place.

"Masters, I thank you for your intention in helping me to take revenge, but I will really take revenge for myself and do justice for my parents. I will put an end to this sect myself once I am strong enough." Nalan Ziqing clenched her fists and dedicated a grateful sentiment to Ning Xiaoyi and Xi Fei. Both women were her Masters who had bestowed everything on her and she didn't want to involve them in something personal, she didn't want them to suffer for her. If something happened, it would be better if no one was involved, especially Xi Fei and Ning Xiaoyi.

"Qing'er..." Ning Xiaoyi and Xi Fei looked at her with some concern, understanding her feelings. Nalan Ziqing wanted to do everything by herself.

"Personal feelings must be finalized by oneself, otherwise it would only end up in even worse results." Ling Tian nodded slightly, surprising the three of them by hearing her words. But then Ling Tian looked at Nalan Ziqing and smiled slightly, "But sometimes we need to be helped by someone else, to have a fundamental and true support to get a flattering result. Remember that sometimes two hands are hard to face against four fists..."

The last thing Ling Tian had said was true. Many experts in their arrogance and invincibility tried to fight against formidable opponents of the same or greater strength than themselves, but unfortunately lost in the end because of their own arrogance, thinking that with only their pair of fists they could defeat several pairs of fists at once. There really was no such thing as invincibility within the same realm, because one would always find an opponent much better than oneself. But this did not apply to Ling Tian himself...

Nalan Ziqing blinked in surprise, narrowing her eyes as she heard Ling Tian's words. She had heard those words before a long time ago, but now that she remembered them it seemed to take on a certain meaning.

"Thank you, Master. But I would rather take revenge by my own hands." However, Nalan Ziqing shook her head, still grateful. She really wanted to become stronger and destroy that sect with her own hands. Even she didn't change her manner of addressing Ling Tian, she clearly saw Ling Tian's importance to her Masters, so she didn't want to be disrespectful.

"Remember that you now have your Masters to help you, you are not alone. And now you also have the support of all of us." Ling Tian nodded quietly, not surprised by Nalan Ziqing's answer. This type of mind and personality he had encountered many times, noticing how many of them reached for the skies and became powerful. This type of character was clearly the type that struggled and strived at every instant, being far ahead of their own generations. But when they encountered a problem that needed the slightest help from someone, they unfortunately succumbed.

Nalan Ziqing nodded this time silently.

"Ling Tian." Xi Fei and Ning Xiaoyi looked gratefully at Ling Tian as he offered his help to Nalan Ziqing. Although Nalan Ziqing was their disciple proper and their Master's granddaughter, they really considered her as a little younger sister.

Ling Tian glanced at Yun Mengxin and his other wives, as well as his female disciples who looked at him with smiles. He then focused his gaze on Ning Xiaoyi and Xi Fei and finally he gazed at the jade plates on the ground.

"Brother Tian, will you really take it down?" Ning Xiaoyi asked in confusion. She was still holding the ancient and beautiful zither in her hands. Somehow she liked that Ling Tian had made this kind of arrangement for her and her sister.

"This is disrespectful to you two. Besides, I had done it because I missed you two, but now you are here and there is no point in leaving them. Knowing that you are alive and better is more than enough for me." Ling Tian smiled softly, slowly pulling the jade plates before storing them in his storage ring.

These jade plates and the whole place was an example in his own way of a resting place for both women, so it was disrespectful to them really. But now that they were alive and with him, Ling Tian could not ask for more and feel happy.

"Will you also remove all the flowers?" Xi Fei asked with some sadness.

"Of course not. These spirit twin flowers are the favorites of you two. I spent a long time collecting many seeds to plant them, so I'll continue to take care of them now that I'm here." Ling Tian shook his head, looking fondly at Xi Fei.

Xi Fei and Ning Xiaoyi felt grateful and happy. Ling Tian really knew them to the point of knowing their tastes and favorite things.

"Now what will you two do? I mean, we still have a lot to talk about, and I would really like to stay in contact with you girls. But if you really have other plans I won't stop you." Ling Tian looked straight at both women. His heart was happy and ecstatic to see them in front of him, so their safety and well-being were important to him, so he didn't want them to leave so quickly. But sometimes there are things where he can't force anyone.

But to Ling Tian's surprise, he looked at Xi Fe shook her head and Ning Xiaoyi said, "Ling Tian, our only objective was to find you, so we have succeeded. Now we simply have Qing'er's goal to help her, but it will take time... and besides, I would also like to keep conversing with you, remember good times..." Ning Xiaoyi's voice trembled slightly at the end as she didn't know what else to say. She really wanted to stay with Ling Tian but she was afraid he wouldn't be comfortable!

"Besides you promised that you would help refine these swords to sis Xiaoyi and me." Xi Fei soon added as a small, almost visible pout was beginning to form on her face. She pulled out the sword she had obtained in that dimension, in the supposed inheritance of an immortal expert.

"Yes, that's right! You have to fulfill it Tian!" Ning Xiaoyi's eyes lit up as she pulled out her sword as well. Now there was a reason to stay without disturbing Ling Tian and the others.

Ling Tian blinked in surprise before letting out a few light chuckles and nodding, "I'll gladly help you. And you don't have to leave, if you really want to stay longer you are welcome. This place is also your home. My disciples as well as my beloved wives know about you and will have no problem with you staying." His gaze became soft and loving when he saw his wives looking at him also with big smiles.

Xi Fei and Ning Xiaoyi looked dumbfounded at Zhang Xinya and the other women, nodding inwardly. These were truly more beautiful women than they were.


Suddenly, a voice came from the distance as the next moment Shin Wei appeared beside Ling Tian.

"Little Wei." Ling Tian nodded and then looked at Ning Xiaoyi and Xi Fei with a smile, nodding gently. Xi Fei looked at the small delicate water sword in her hands and gently stored it in her storage ring, making sure it was fine even discarding other high quality swords; nothing else was more important to her than this delicate water sword. Ning Xiaoyi did the same with her cloud zither and stored it in her own storage ring; although she had another zither of higher quality, this cloud zither was special to her and she would treasure it for the rest of her life.

Both women cast a glance towards Ling Tian when they saw his confirming smile and they released their spirit senses towards their own swords casually, not wanting to be a hindrance and delay for Ling Tian. Nalan Ziqing silently watched her Masters, being alert for anything unexpected.

"Master, do you really know the leader of the Little Violet Cloud Tower?"

"Uhm? Uhm, yes, something like that. He's an old acquaintance."

Shin Wei asked in astonishment as he hands over a small jade plaque that contained patterns and symbols on its surface. He was shocked when he discovered that the place where Ling Tian had sent it was that Violet Cloud Tower, a kind of world organization that shares important news as well as hidden and classified information, having foundations in all the states of this world. But even though it was claimed to be the deepest and most powerful organization, there would be things they could not know. He and his martial siblings didn't have much of a relationship with this group, barely having some decent contacts, while his Master had a direct relationship with the leader. Even when he arrived and handed over the scroll Ling Tian gave him, the leader of the tower came out in person to look for him and treated him with kindness and respect the whole time!

Ling Tian released his spirit sense into this small jade plate, reading each and every symbol as small, imperceptible formations rose up and much information entered his Consciousness Sea. This took several minutes, with everyone silently watching Ling Tian dive into this plaque.

"Hoo? So this all happened since I left?"

Some indeterminate time later, Ling Tian sighed and raised a mischievous smile at the sight of Shin Wei and Lu Wuhu.

"The magnificent powerhouses at the peak recognized worldwide. The Greatest Beyond Heaven Sect. The millennia-old battle of the territories. The world alchemy organization..."

Every time Ling Tian said something Shin Wei and Lu Wuhu's complexions smiled bitterly and blushed in embarrassment. Although Ling Tian's words didn't say much, it was obvious that just by saying them meant that he was already aware of everything that happened.

The small jade plate filled with symbols and patterns was a kind of information storage container, allowing the user to read all of its contents.

Ling Tian then turned to look at Gao Xue and Gao Yue, smiling with interest but somewhat questioningly and say, "So my little girls are now considered the Three Great Goddesses from the Heavens?"

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