The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1107: betray

Outside the barbarian camp, the power of the yellow spring summoned from the underworld by the Huangquan true evil formation is continuously defaceting this demi-god realm.

A large part of the demi-god domain has been defaced, and the purification speed of the demi-god domain itself is far behind the defacement speed.

As a person connected to the Demi-God Realm, Chief Wolfhawk is constantly suffering the impact of the cold air.

As long as it is a living person, even a monk who is not weak, as long as he is contaminated by the aura of Huangquan, most of them will immediately lose their vitality, or even directly become a ghost.

In order to counter the attack of the Yellow Spring's breath, Chief Wolfhawk also consumed a lot of strength.

If the Demi-God Realm is completely defaced by the power of Yellow Spring, Chief Wolfhawk will have no way to escape.

Chief Wolfhawk can already foresee his own fate.

The Great Chief Wolfhawk is also a talented, powerful and powerful hero, and he is absolutely unwilling to die here like this.

Forcibly leaving this demi-god realm, although it will cost him a lot, it is better than burying this demi-god realm.

Of course, if this semi-god realm was completely lost, he would definitely not be able to escape the punishment of the Hun Ling Zun.

If you take the initiative to escape, it is even more sinful.

With his temperament to respect the gods, he would definitely disregard him, and directly put his spirits on the sacred fire and burn them.

Therefore, the Great Chief Wolfhawk has one more thing to do before leaving the Demi-God Realm.

The Great Chief Wolfhawk, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly stood up and looked directly at the idol in front of him.

There was a consciousness of Hun Ling Zun Shen in the idol. The news that this consciousness revealed just now made Chief Wolfhawk make his final determination.

The Great Chief Wolfhawk has been in Junchen Realm for so many years, not without asking foreign affairs, but only knowing to hide in the Yuantu prairie.

On the contrary, he spent a lot of effort, through various channels, to collect all the intelligence of Jun Chen world.

In Junchen Realm, there are a large number of powerhouses.

If it weren't for the internal fighting between the cultivators, the barbarians he led might not be able to gain a foothold in the Yuantu prairie.

Hun Ling Zun God, such a powerful god, didn't dare to directly descend to Jun Chen Realm, which could actually explain many problems.

This time the enemy suddenly attacked, and as soon as he took action, he took out an effective method against the semi-god realm, which was clearly prepared.

The Hun Ling Zun God originally descended the clone to come for reinforcements, but now not only can't contact the clone, even the deity can't contact, the Hun Ling Zun God clearly has a problem.

The Great Chief Wolfhawk originally took refuge in the Hun Ling Zun God completely for the pursuit of greater power.

He seems to have a devout belief in the Hun Ling Zun God, but he is not the kind of mad believer who loses himself.

At the critical moment, deep down, what he cares most about is himself.

Since he was able to betray the Totem belief back then, now he betrays the Hun Ling Zun God again, that is basically a matter of course.

Seeing the very disrespectful actions of the Great Chief Wolfhawk, the spirit of the **** among the idols was about to scold him.

A majestic qi and blood rose from the body of the Great Chief Wolfhawk and rushed straight into the sky, as if it were a cloud of qi and blood.

The barbarian mainly cultivates the flesh, and the powerful flesh makes it possess terrifying vitality.

The power of qi and blood stimulated by a special secret method can ban the power of other systems, including divine power, true essence, and so on.

A terrifying force of energy and blood emanated from the body of the Great Chief Wolfhawk, completely covering the idol.

No matter how mad at the consciousness of the mixed spirits in the idols, how they scolded, how they threatened...

The Great Chief Wolfhawk ignored all of them and used the power of vitality and blood wholeheartedly to completely seal the idol.

After a while, the outside of this idol seemed to be covered with a layer of blood-red light.

This idol is still of great use to Chief Wolfhawk.

However, due to the special nature of this idol, he could not store it in a magical instrument.

I tried my best, but turned it into the size of an arm, so I could only hold it in my hand.

Next, the Great Chief Wolfhawk began to use the power of qi and blood with all his strength to get rid of the divine power in his body.

In order to reward the Great Chief Wolfhawk, Hun Ling Zun Shen specially gave a lot of divine power to strengthen himself and strengthen his strength.

Over the years, he has maintained the connection with the Demi-God Realm, and the power of the Demi-God Realm has penetrated deeply into the body of the Great Chief Wolfhawk.

The Great Chief Wolfhawk took out the determination and will of the strong man to break his wrist and scrape the bone to heal his wounds, to drive out all the divine power in his body that belongs to the mixed spirit god.

Almost at the same time, he had to use the power of qi and blood to impact the connection between himself and the demigod realm.

He didn't hesitate to lose his origin, and he had to free himself from this demi-god realm in the shortest time.

As the Great Chief Wolfhawk who presided over the demigod region gave up resistance, he only wanted to escape from here after abandoning the demigod region.

The demi-god realm's resistance to the Huangquan True Devil Formation plummeted, and it became increasingly unable to withstand the invasion of Huangquan's power.

In addition to the barbarian camp, several barbaric kings who were most loyal to the Wolfhawk Chieftain took the initiative to abandon their opponents and fled back to the barbarian camp.

Among the barbarian camps, some of the barbarian warriors closest to Chief Wolfhawk mounted their flying mounts, left the barbarian camp, and fled to the depths of the Yuantu Chief Wolfhawk started. In order to escape the heart, of course some preparatory work must be done.

He has to preserve the strength of his subordinates as much as possible to have the chance to make a comeback.

Although he has various disadvantages, as a barbarian chief, he still has to preserve the vitality of the barbarian as much as possible.

While he was busy breaking away from the demigod domain, he also began to arrange for his confidant to retreat first.

Meng Zhang and the others, who were urging the magic circle, didn't know that the Great Chief Wolfhawk had the heart to escape.

They just found that no matter it is this demi-god realm or the barbarian side, the resistance is obviously weakened.

It is a good thing for the enemy to weaken.

The interference from the strong barbarians weakened, and Meng Zhang and the others could concentrate more power of the formation, speeding up the defacement of the semi-god realm.

Before long, the light shield above the barbarian camp began to slowly disappear, and the original dazzling light became dim.

A stream of yellow spring breath penetrated the semi-god realm and penetrated into the big camp.

In the sky above Daying, countless water droplets began to fall, like a light rain.

The water vapor permeated, and countless barbarians in the camp lost their vitality.

The originally indestructible Demi-God Realm has been riddled with holes and is on the verge of collapse.

The Great Chief Wolfhawk, who was in the center of the barbarian camp, let out a roar, blood spurted wildly in his mouth, and blood spurted from every pore in his body.

He was suddenly short, from a tall and mighty man to a thin and shriveled old man.

At the expense of his vitality and longevity, he finally broke away from the connection with the demi-god realm, and completely got rid of the shackles of the demi-god realm on his family.

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