The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1123: Stop 1

The underworld is vast and boundless, divided into many levels and countless different areas.

Specifically, to send this external avatar into the underworld, Meng Zhang needs to think carefully.

The underworld is far more dangerous than the sun.

All kinds of naturally occurring dangerous places, all kinds of ghosts and gods, countless ghosts and ghosts...

With the current strength of this external incarnation, if you are unlucky, go to places you shouldn't go, you will easily fall.

In fact, in the realm of cultivation, many ghosts and gods transformed by true primordial primordial monarchs, after entering the underworld, are unlucky and will soon fall.

If you lose this external incarnation, not to mention the various precious materials lost, it is Meng Zhang's soul that will suffer severe damage. For a long time in the future, it will be impossible to divide and distract.

Without the external incarnation, all of Meng Zhang's plans and plans would be completely frustrated.

Therefore, when this external incarnation enters the underworld for the first time, where to settle is a question that requires careful consideration.

Meng Zhang's original idea was to allow this external incarnation to enter the Yindu City through the special passage of the Great Li Dynasty.

Anyway, Da Li Dynasty will take the initiative to open the channel every once in a while. With Meng Zhang's high-level contacts in the Great Li Dynasty, it is not difficult to obtain the qualifications for entry.

Yindu City was under the control of the Dali Dynasty, and the surrounding dangers were controllable, and the safety of the city was adequately guaranteed.

After the incarnation outside of the body enters the city of Yindu, as long as you don't go out and rush, hide in the city and grow slowly.

After thoroughly refining this golden stone pebbles, and after the strength has greatly increased, you can go out and try to build a foundation.

But after much consideration, Meng Zhang gave up this idea.

As a result, now Jiuqu province temporarily lost the connection channel of Dali Dynasty. It is not an easy task to go to the upper capital.

Secondly, Taiyi Gate was on the site of the Dali Dynasty, and the incarnation continued to go to the Yindu City controlled by the Dali Dynasty. Then the requirement of spreading the risk and leaving a retreat would not be met.

Thirdly, this golden stone egg is too precious and involves natural ghosts and gods. Meng Zhang can't worry about letting the external avatar take it to Yindu City.

If you can't go to Yindu City, choose another place.

The ghosts and gods have been in the underworld for many years, and have made certain achievements more or less.

Although Meng Zhang didn't know the details, he also knew that he was doing well, and most of them had a safe place to stay.

However, Meng Zhang could not absolutely believe in Shouzheng, and he was unwilling to send this external incarnation to him.

It is best to keep Meng Zhang's plan and layout in the underworld a secret for the time being.

Moreover, as far as Meng Zhang knows, Shouzheng itself is regarded as the Taiyi Sect in its heyday, a trick arranged in the underworld.

The external incarnation is a back hand arranged by the family, and different back hands should not be placed in a basket.

Therefore, when Meng Zhang communicated with Shouzheng before, he did not disclose his arrangements and plans at all.

However, Meng Zhang still made full use of the advantage of Shouzheng.

Many times, intentionally or unintentionally, Xiang Shouzheng inquired about all kinds of information in the underworld.

He has a certain understanding of the famous dangerous places, the famous powerful ghosts and ghosts in the underworld.

Later, when Meng Zhang went to the Heavenly Palace, he also bought some information about the underworld from the intelligence organization.

After some careful selection, he had two different choices.

One place is the famous Youfeng Plain in the underworld.

There are not many natural dangers on the Youfeng Plain, and there are no too powerful ghosts or ghosts and beasts, and the living environment is good.

Many human monks who have transformed into ghosts and gods prefer the Youfeng Plain as their first stop in the underworld.

It is said that on the Youfeng Plain, there are many ghosts and gods transformed into by the true primordial gods, establishing strongholds and forming forces here.

If a human monk who is new to the underworld can get the care of his seniors, he will escape many dangers and survive here in a safer way.

If Meng Zhang sends his external avatar here, the early safety will be guaranteed.

However, the disadvantage of Youfeng Plain is that the layout is too small and the development prospects are limited.

The slightly better places are already occupied by the predecessors who came first.

If latecomers don't want to take shelter of their predecessors and be controlled by others, they must rely on their strength to gain a foothold.

The cultivation of ghosts and gods also requires a variety of resources.

On the Youfeng Plain, resources are relatively scarce, and it is difficult to support a large number of ghosts and gods.

Therefore, many ghosts and gods who enter the underworld only use the place of the Nether Plain as a temporary foothold.

When he is familiar with the environment of the underworld and his strength stabilizes, he will leave the Youfeng Plain and look for a new foothold.

Logically speaking, Meng Zhang’s external incarnation can choose Youfeng Plain as the first stop to enter the underworld.

However, he carried the golden stone eggs condensed by natural ghosts and gods, and once they fell into the eyes of those powerful ghosts and gods, they would immediately provoke killing.

Therefore, Meng Zhang felt that it was better to choose a more secluded place for this external incarnation.

Before thoroughly refining the golden pebbles, it is best to stay away from other ghosts and gods.

In this way, Meng Zhang has only one last choice.

This choice is located around the Dead Sea.

The position of the Dead Sea in the underworld is probably similar to the position of the Dead Sea in the Taiyimen territory.

The surrounding resources of Dead Silent Sea are very barren, and it is impossible for ghosts and gods to cultivate and survive here.

And the Dead Sea itself is a special place in the underworld.

There are no ghosts in the dead sea.

No matter how powerful it is, as long as it goes deep into the Dead Sea, it will completely lose its news, disappear and never return.

Therefore, all the ghosts in the underworld will stay away from the dead sea.

There really isn't even half a ghost in this place of Dead Silent Sea.

Choosing this place, despite all the inconveniences, also has huge benefits.

Entering here can avoid the disputes in the underworld. When you are weak, stay away from the sight of powerful ghosts and gain time for development.

There are no powerful ghosts here, and ghosts and gods will not come here, and the golden pebble is naturally not afraid of being robbed.

As for the shortcomings of poor resources and inability to support cultivation, anyway, the first task of the incarnation outside the body is to refine the golden stone egg, and I am not busy with the next step of cultivation for the time being.

There are many dangers in the dead silence sea, but knowing the danger, the external avatar will naturally walk around, and will not take the initiative to die.

After repeated thinking and weighing the pros and cons, Meng Zhang finally made up his mind.

The first stop for the incarnation outside the underworld was chosen around the Dead Sea.

After making the decision, Meng Zhang stopped further delaying, and immediately began to act.

The external avatar quickly made various preparations and was about to set off.

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