The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1146: test

Meng Zhang knew that even if it launched a thunderous blow this time, it would be impossible to exterminate all the cultivators of these cultivation forces.

   For various reasons, there will definitely be some fish slipping through the net.

   The remaining power of comprehension in the Yuantu Prairie is definitely not limited to these few.

   It's just that other remaining powers of comprehension are even more declining, and even less weathered, they can't even support them.

   Chase Business Alliance and other big businessmen choose chess pieces to support, they may not look down on them at all.

   Even if the Taiyi Sect attacked decisively, it wiped out the cultivating forces in front of him.

   Datong Business Alliance and other big merchants can still launch a bunch of residual comprehension forces on the Yuantu Prairie if needed.

   is the most, but it takes a little more effort and a little more price.

   Even a cultivator who has nothing to do with the Yuantu Prairie can still become a residual monk in the Yuantu Prairie through the operation of the Datong Business Alliance.

   Datong Business Alliance and other big businessmen have some means to launch their own chess pieces, but Taiyimen simply cannot stop them all.

   Taiyimen shot this time, only by using extremely cruel means can he prove his own determination and cause shock to the enemy.

   From now on, those original owners who dared to claim to be the Yuantu Prairie, want to compete with Taiyimen for the cultivation of the Yuantu Prairie, they must think carefully about what their own fate will be.

   The three sailboats began to lower their altitude and flew close to the place where the cultivating forces established the mountain gate.

  Meng Zhang, Wen Qiansuan, and Jin Qiao'er, the three true masters of Yuanshen, took the initiative to fly away from the warship and stopped in the high altitude.

   The three sailboats were loaded with elite Taiyimen monks, and they pounced on the mountain gates of the several cultivation forces.

   In addition to carrying Taiyimen monks on each sailboat, there are also many organs made by the Taiyimen divine workshop.

   After many years of development, in particular, I have obtained many classics of organ techniques from Tiangong, and many real objects are used as references.

  Taiyimen Shengongtang’s art of organ creation has improved rapidly.

   In many ways, it is no longer under the ingenuity.

   There are many war tools among the organ puppets created by Shengongtang.

   Today’s battle is based on the big bullying the small, relying on the strong to bully the weak, and one's own side has a good chance of winning.

   just take this opportunity to test the power of these war tools and find the shortcomings so that we can make improvements in the future.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   In addition to using this place as an experimental site for war tools, Wei Wuxian, the master of the Imperial Beast Hall of Taiyimen, also came here in person.

  Wei Wuxie is also the elder of the door, and he is a master of Jin Dan's later stage of cultivation.

   Her more commendable ability is her ability to control and domesticate spirit beasts.

   Especially after gaining the inheritance of the Beast King Mountain of the Great Beast Sect, after years of hard training, she has a unique style in the Art of Beast Sect.

   Since many years ago, she has tried to breed and domesticate various cloud beasts that live within nine days.

   Many sects of the cultivators have tried to domesticate the cloud beast, but most of them ended in failure.

   Among these sects, many are stronger than Taiyimen, or better at the existence of imperial demon beasts than Taiyimen.

   Wei Wuxie showed a rare talent in the art of guarding beasts.

   Many years ago, she successfully domesticated the cloud beast and was able to make it available to the disciples in the door.

   After so many years of continuous efforts, there are more and more types of cloud beasts domesticated in Taiyimen, and they can be improved and strengthened in a targeted manner.

   Borrowing the opportunity of today's World War I, Wei Wuxian also wanted to let certain Yun Beasts go through actual combat tests.

   Regarding the outcome of this battle, Taiyimen didn't have any doubts.

   A monk who came from a great primordial sect like Taiyimen, facing a monk who came from Xiaomen Xiaohu, even if his cultivation level is the same as the enemy, he can easily beat the opponent.

   Whether it is a cultivated magical power spell, or a self-refined magic weapon, as well as the talisman, pill, and yin thunder equipped on the body, they are all the winners and losers that can determine the outcome of the battle.

  The manpower and material resources possessed by the ether gate are not bad in the Yuanshen sect.

   In terms of arming and strengthening the monks in the door, Meng Zhang is also willing to spend money.

   After the three sailboats carried the Taiyimen monks to attack, Meng Zhang's attention shifted away and he did not focus on the battlefield in front of him.

  On the ground below, one after another beacon signals soared into the sky, with a sharp howling sound.

   The attacked cultivating forces sent out a distress signal the first time they were attacked, seeking help from the outside world.

   Soon, these guys will find that various cultivation forces are being attacked almost at the same time.

   They can't take care of themselves, they can't even guard their own gate, and they are not able to rescue others.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   They can only pray that the official rescue force of the Datong Commercial League or the Great Li Dynasty will arrive here in time.

   Soon after the attack began, Meng Zhang glanced into the distance.

   The power of rescue came really fast.

   It seems that big merchants such as the Chase Business Alliance should attach great importance to these chess pieces.

   They arranged masters to be stationed nearby. In addition to protecting these chess pieces, they should also have the meaning of monitoring.

   After a while, the two true primordial spirits flew over from a distance and rushed directly to the mountain gate of the group of cultivation forces.

   Meng Zhang gave an order, and Wen Qiansuan and Jin Qiao'er took the initiative to meet each The two Yuanshen Zhenjun encountered in the air, without a word of nonsense, a battle broke out immediately.

   Meng Zhang did not rush to join the battle, but watched the battle as a reserve force.

   Wen Qiansuan was fascinated by the formation, and invested a lot of time and energy.

   But he did not put down his cultivation base, nor did he affect his own combat effectiveness.

   He blended the formation cultivation base into supernatural power spells, showing a good combat effectiveness.

   Facing the two true primordial gods, Wen Qiansuan displayed the magical powers of a thought formation. With only a few array flags, he temporarily set up an array in the air to trap the two enemies.

   He uses the power of the formation to strengthen himself and weaken the enemy.

   It was not long before Jin Qiao'er became the primordial spirit, but with the careful teaching of Jin Li Zhenjun, he quickly became familiar with the power of the primordial spirit stage.

   She skillfully mobilized the power of Thunder Avenue and sent out a divine thunder attack.

   Jin Li Zhenjun is good at thunder method, and thunder avenue is also her major avenue.

   Jin Qiao'er, as her proud disciple, not only got her true story, but in this regard, she has a tendency to be better than blue.

   The thunder attack containing the power of the avenue made the two enemies trapped by the magic circle overwhelmed.

   They tried hard to avoid, but because they were restricted by the magic circle, they often had to head-to-head with the attack of the mine.

   With Meng Zhang's eyesight today, he just looked at it for a while and knew that unless the enemy could come up with that rare and powerful hole card. Otherwise, today is not going to stand up.

   The defeat of the two enemy Yuanshen True Monarchs is only a matter of time.

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