The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1242: Ceremony

The crowd gathered together and came to the martial hall of Taiyimen together.

   After a few routine greetings, Meng Zhang stopped talking nonsense and went straight to the topic.

   He invited the four sects of Changchun Guan, Jiqiaozong, Huanglianjiao and Huolieshan to formally join the Hanhai Dao League led by Taiyimen.

  Of course, because these four families were originally independent Yuanshen sects, unlike the current members of the Hanhai Dao League, they are basically vassals of the Taiyi Sect.

   After they joined the Hanhai Dao League, their status is naturally different.

   Meng Zhang made very good conditions to recruit these four sects.

   After they joined the Hanhai Dao League, they have a high status and a certain degree of autonomy, and they can enjoy many benefits.

   As for the specific details, the monks of several sects can slowly negotiate with the Taiyimen side in the future.

   In short, Meng Zhang will not let everyone suffer.

   Everyone joined the Hanhai Dao League and truly became a family with Taiyimen. Only in the future will they be able to help each other and work together.

   Compared with the unknown little alliance before, the Hanhaidao League is more atmospheric.

   In the past, Meng Zhang established an anonymous small alliance in order to unify the cultivation forces in the northern part of Jiuqu Province.

   Although Meng Zhang is the leader of this small league, he does not have much control over the entire league.

  At the beginning of the establishment of the small league, the various cultivation forces were still very afraid of Taiyimen. Not only did they have many restrictions on the leader of Meng Zhang, but even the headquarters of the alliance was placed in Huanglian Sacred Mountain, the headquarters of Huanglian Sect.

   After these comprehension forces joined the Hanhai Dao League, there would never be the same situation as before.

   Meng Zhang, as the leader of the Boundless Sea Dao League, has absolute authority over the various cultivation forces under his command, and he can force them to order them. They dare not refuse.

   In fact, Meng Zhang has been controlling the previously unknown little alliance through various means, and has continuously strengthened the connection with the various cultivation forces.

   Huanglian Sect has the closest relationship with Taiyi Sect. Changchun Temple and Jiqiao Sect are increasingly inseparable from Taiyi Sect, and Huolieshan is unwilling to confront Taiyi Sect head-on.

   After the battle to eliminate the Shangguan family, this small alliance has actually been completely controlled by the Taiyimen, but it lacks a name.

   Now that everyone has officially joined the Hanhai Dao League, it is justifiable to become a group.

   Huanglian Sect’s Xu Mengying had negotiated with Meng Zhang before.

   The Ingenious Lord of the Ingenious Sect and the True Lord of Changchun in the Changchun View, dare not violate Meng Zhang's meaning.

   True Monarch Huo Lie is not a fool, knowing the current situation, he can't help himself to refuse.

  Finally, all the true primordial primordial monarchs present represented their cultivation forces and expressed their willingness to join the Hanhai Dao League.

   The iron was hot, and after everyone agreed, Meng Zhang immediately announced that a grand ceremony would be held to celebrate everyone's joining.

   Originally, it was possible that True Monarch Huo Lie and the others were interested in discussing their future status and treatment in the Dao League, and delaying time.

   But in the face of Meng Zhang's step-by-step pressing, they couldn't help delaying them.

   After True Monarch Huolie agreed to join the Hanhai Dao League, they immediately rushed back to the martial arts non-stop to discuss with the high-level members of the door.

   Now that they know that joining the Hanhai Dao League is inevitable, they naturally have to work hard to fight for various benefits for their own sect.

   Several sects sent special teams to the Taiyimen Mountain Gate to discuss the specific matters of joining the Hanhai Dao League.

   They are intensively negotiating, many details have not been negotiated, the grand celebration began.

   At the Baicao Slope of Taiyimen Mountain Gate, Taiyimen sprinkled invitations and invited guests from all walks of life to come to this celebration.

   The comprehension forces in the northern part of the Jiuqu Province, except for the Rift-Free Valley, all the others have become members of the Hanhai Dao League.

   The guests invited this time are mainly the major comprehension forces in the south of Jiuqu Province. Among them, the representative of the official forces of the Great Li Dynasty, Governor Zhang Weineng was also invited.

   The major powers in the south of Jiuqu province have all bought the face of the great monk Meng Zhang and sent envoys to congratulate him.

   Even the casual cultivator like True Monarch Xuanfeng, even though he holds an official post in the Dali Dynasty, he personally came to congratulate him.

   Governor Zhang Weineng would definitely not want to see the cultivation forces in the north of Jiuqu Province. They were basically swept away by Taiyimen, almost all of them joined the Hanhai Dao League.

   But at this time, he didn't have the ability to forcibly stop it either.

   He would never force a war with Taiyimen because of this incident.

   Although he is the governor of the province with great power, he still can't do his own way, but is subject to many constraints.

   Especially now that the situation is delicate, many comprehension forces in the south of Jiuqu province need his good life to comfort him.

   After thinking for a while, Zhang Weineng sent Zhenjun Wendong as his own messenger to participate in the ceremony.

   As for large foreign merchants such as the Chase Business Alliance, Meng Zhang regards them as non-existent. Whatever happened, I never said hello.

   While the ceremony was being held, Taiyimen also did one thing.

   Under the organization of the monks in the dark hall, the Taiyimen cleaned up the inside of their own sect and the Hanhai Dao League from top to bottom, and completely eliminated the monks who colluded with the official Dali Dynasty.

   Taiyi Gate is fortunate, the rules in the gate are strict, and the monks all know the importance. However, there are many monks on the vast sea Dao League who have done some things that shouldn't be done.

   As the master of the dark hall, An Moran presided over the operation in an all-round way.

  Meng Zhang also didn't want to go to war, let alone a **** internal cleaning.

Taiyimen is nominally the cultivation force under the Dali Whether it is a disciple of the Taiyimen or the monks of the Hanhai Dao League, it is natural and righteous to communicate with the official monks of the Dali Dynasty. .

   Of course, there must be someone secretly colluding with each other and betraying the intelligence of Taiyimen and Hanhai Daomeng.

   Even many exchanges of interest and various transactions are unavoidable.

   An silently followed Meng Zhang's meaning, and did not blindly expand the scope of the attack.

   Some of the monks who have done too obvious, betrayed the interests of the Hanhai Dao League, have become the targets of murder.

   An silently cleaned out a small number of monks, warning and frightened the others.

   Antang’s actions this time showed the attitude of the upper echelons of Taiyi Sect, especially Meng Zhang.

  Dali Dynasty is an outsider, even an enemy.

   When interacting with monks from the Great Li Dynasty, it’s best to have a bottom line, and don’t cross the line easily.

   Meng Zhang didn't like the official forces of the Great Li Dynasty, and Ruoyuowu showed hostility.

   All the cultivators of the Hanhai Dao League were warned and knew how to act in the future.

   For a while, the Hanhai Dao League side began to slowly cut off the official contact with the Dali Dynasty.

   The members of the Hanhai Dao League who had made friends with the official monks of the Dali Dynasty were all busy breaking off contact with each other and drawing a clear line.

   Many private contacts and transactions disappeared.

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