The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1244: Squirting

Seeing True Monarch Wendong who jumped out on his own initiative, Meng Zhang had no expression on his face, and asked coldly, "Brother Wendong, are you trying to shield these human scum who are colluding with invaders outside the territory?"

"I don't know if this is what you meant, or Governor Zhang's meaning?"

As soon as Meng Zhang spoke, he was obviously ill-intentioned. Not only did he put a big hat on Wen Dong Zhenjun, but also brought in Governor Zhang Weineng.

Facing Meng Zhang's question, Wen Dong Zhenjun flushed with anger.

"Meng Zhang, you don't want to spit people, just give people accusations for no reason."

Meng Zhang shook his head, his face full of pity.

"Brother Wendong, you are confused. Since I dare to expose their charges, I must have enough evidence to do so."

"It's you, brother Wendong, how can you shield these human scum for some private friendship?"

"You do this, does Governor Zhang know?"

Zhenjun Wen Dong was very angry, but did not continue to argue with Meng Zhang.

He represents Governor Zhang Weineng, and logically speaking, he should have the supreme authority in the Jiuqu province.

In front of sects such as Taiyimen, he should be even higher.

But Meng Zhang completely ignored him, and even the authority of Governor Zhang Weineng.

Even if there is any problem with the Rift Valley, it should be the official responsibility of the Dali Dynasty to deal with it. Meng Zhang really does not have the qualifications to cross over on his behalf.

He threatened to wipe out the Rift-Free Valley, just to slap Dali Dynasty in the face.

Moreover, he splashed dirty water and bite indiscriminately. He simply didn't take Jiuqu Provincial Governor's Mansion in his eyes.

As Wendong Zhenjun continued to argue with Meng Zhang, it was not only his face that was damaged, but also the majesty of the Dali Dynasty.

Zhenjun Wen Dong glared at Meng Zhang, his warning eyes looked very fierce.

Meng Zhang didn't continue to talk about Dong Zhenjun. Everything is enough. If he continues to stimulate him, he will react excessively, it will be no good.

After all, it was Meng Zhang's unwillingness to completely tear his face with Da Li Dynasty.

Stay on the sidelines for everything and see you later.

When the Ziyang Saint Sect failed to completely defeat the Dali Dynasty, Meng Zhang was still a courtier of the Dali Dynasty.

Meng Zhang blatantly attacked the Rift-Free Valley in front of all the guests participating in the celebration, and declared that he would annihilate each other.

Among these guests, anyone with a strong sense of knowledge did not dare to say anything.

Especially after seeing the dispute between Zhenjun Wendong and Meng Zhang, everyone pretended not to see it all.

Today's affairs may be a fuse, which will cause chaos within the Jiuqu province.

Soon after Meng Zhang announced this, the celebration ceremony ended.

The guests from all walks of life hurriedly left here as if there was a fire at home, regardless of the host's diligence.

Celebrating what happened during the ceremony, they should take it back and tell the door as soon as possible.

If there is a conflict between Meng Zhangzhen and Governor Zhang Weineng, all comprehension forces must prepare early in all aspects.

Zhenjun Wen Dong finally warned Meng Zhang a few words, and left in a hurry.

He wants to report Meng Zhang's latest attitude to Zhang Weineng to know.

If Meng Zhang really starts to attack No Rift Valley, Governor Zhang Wei can certainly not sit idly by and must make the correct response.

The celebration ceremony has just ended, and the Taiyimen cultivator army that has been prepared for a long time has been assembled.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of True Monarch Huolie, True Monarch Changchun and other allies to come to participate in the celebration ceremony, Meng Zhang called them all and invited them to go to the Rift-Free Valley together.

Not to mention the power of the Taiyi Sect, even with the power of Meng Zhang alone, he is sure that he can destroy the Rift-Free Valley.

The reason why everyone is called is to show that from now on, everyone has been allies who advance and retreat together.

Secondly, it also showed that he had integrated the comprehension forces in the northern part of Jiuqu Province, and meant to demonstrate to Governor Zhang Weineng.

Beyond the Baicao Slope of Taiyimen Mountain Gate, the huge fleet of flying boats covered the sky and was well prepared for the expedition.

Before outsiders were aware of it, Taiyimen mobilized disciples in the door, and also recruited a part of the monks of the Hanhai Dao League, boarded a flying boat, and moved out of the Baicao Slope of Taiyimen Mountain.

Meng Zhang invited all allies to board a Tier 3 flying boat.

Following his order, the entire flying boat team acted immediately and flew at high speed in the direction of the rift-free valley.

In the team, in addition to Xu Mengying, True Monarch Changchun, True Monarch Qiao and True Monarch Huo Lie invited by Meng Zhang, there are three True Monarchs from Taiyi Sect.

Meng Zhang's eldest disciples Niu Dawei, Jin Li Zhenjun, and the second disciple An Xiaoran who had just returned from Tiangong.

This time the expedition didn't mean that An Xiaoran, the soul of the soul, was missing. The main purpose is to let her see the world and increase the experience of some soul-level battles.

According to the intelligence collected by Taiyimen over the years, there are at most two true primordial primordial monarchs in the current non-rift valley, including the true monarch of non-rift.

The number of monks without Rift Valley is not many, the total number is at most two or three thousand.

No Rift Valley was a closed and conservative sect in the Jiuqu League era, and rarely involved in foreign No Rift Valley was nominally a sect, but the monks it recruited were mainly from around Wu Rift Valley Selected from among the several cultivation families, basically will not recruit outsiders.

Rift-free valley in the north of Jiuqu province has always been covered with a veil of mystery.

The monks of the sect seldom walk outside. If not necessary, he will not actively communicate with other monks.

The Taiyimen Secret Hall has been secretly investigating Wu Rift Valley for many years, but it has not found much useful information.

Most of the information that secret agents can obtain is the kind of outdated information that everyone knows.

Of course, the general strength of No Rift Valley can hardly be concealed from the eyes and ears of the spies from all sides.

In Meng Zhang's thoughts, no matter how mysterious the Rift-Free Valley is and how many hole cards it has, its strength is only that, and it can't be changed anyway.

I personally led the army to go, how much resistance can there be no Rift Valley?

There was still a period of time from when Meng Zhang announced in public that he would destroy the Rift-Free Valley until he led an army of monks to attack.

This can be regarded as the escape time Meng Zhang left for the cultivators without Rift.

If there is no Rift Valley's high-level knowledge, and True Lord Without Rift knows good or bad, then Rift-Free Valley should immediately dismiss the monks, go their separate ways, and close the door.

Meng Zhang didn't have to kill the Rift-Free Valley, killing every disciple of the Rift-Free Valley.

He will occupy the mountain gate without the rift valley and bring all his territory under the rule of the Taiyi gate.

As for those monks who escaped from the Rift Valley, as long as they don't take the initiative to oppose the Taiyi Sect in the future, Meng Zhang will be very generous to leave them a way out.

After all, the Rift-Free Valley is just a disaster this time. Meng Zhang's real goal this time is to show his strength and frighten Zhang Weineng, the governor of Jiuqu Province.

The cultivators of Taiyimen boarded a flying boat, formed a huge team, and smashed to the target in this way.

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