The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1334: persuade

King Grey Peng saw that the King of Fury led the army slowly retreating, knowing that he had no intention of continuing to fight, and he had no intention of pursuing it.

The leader of this battle is Taiyi Sect, and the monster beasts in the Black Jade Forest are only auxiliary.

Block the extraterritorial invaders in the cloud and mist and prevent them from interfering with the battle on the Taiyi Gate, and King Grey Peng has achieved his goal.

There is really no need to do more entanglement in this situation, and it will harm your own strength.

Although he and Meng Zhang are very close, they have a good view of each other, and both have the meaning of making friends.

But no matter what, he wouldn't abandon his father for private reasons and make the monsters in the Black Jade Forest pay more.

Seeing Old He in the sky flying here, King Grey Peng immediately flew over and joined Old He.

The two had known each other when they were in the Ziyang Saint Sect.

The secret mission that King Grey Peng shoulders, as Old Crane, can also know one or two.

In the crowd, King Grey Peng saluted Old Crane, but did not slowly relive the past.

With the help of the old crane, the angry king deliberately avoided the battle, and the invaders outside the territory in the cloud and mist had no influence on the battle situation outside.

In the south of Jiuqu Province, Meng Zhang firmly entangled Qinggu Zhenjun.

As an old senior, Meng Zhang was still a young golden core monk when he reached the late stage of the Yuanshen.

He has practiced for many years, and he has already begun to think about attacking the Yang Shen stage.

Whether it is cultivation base or combat power, they are above Xinnen like Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang knew that he could not win against True Monarch Qinggu, so he didn't have the desire to win. He just entangled him and prevented him from going to reinforce Zhang Weineng's camp.

Relying on the power of the Void Cauldron, Meng Zhang can freely perform the technique of space teleportation.

After fighting with True Monarch Qinggu for a while, I felt that I couldn't stand it, so I temporarily retreated and took a break.

Qinggu Zhenjun wanted to continue on his way, and Meng Zhang would immediately teleport to him and launch another fierce attack.

No matter how Meng Zhang was, he was also a great monk in the late Yuanshen, and no one dared to ignore his attack.

Qinggu Zhenjun had to spend his energy to defend Meng Zhang's attack, which affected his journey.

Meng Zhang was like a **** piece of brown candy, Qinggu Zhenjun tried his best to get rid of it.

As for injuring and even killing Meng Zhang, it was even more difficult.

Meng Zhang was extremely agile, and when he saw True Monarch Qinggu want to perform a killer move, he would immediately teleport away.

Qinggu Zhenjun also used a lot of methods to block the space, trying to prevent Meng Zhang's teleportation ability.

But the Void Cauldron's ability on the Way of Space is too strong? It can easily break through his various blocking methods.

After many attempts to no avail? True Monarch Qinggu finally accepted his fate.

As long as Meng Zhang's interception, he would never want to go to Zhang Weineng's support with peace of mind.

Meng Zhang not only entangled the ancient true monarch, but also chattering in his mouth?

It's no secret what Qinggu Zhenjun behaves.

A guy who can betray his ancestry for his own way? That is extremely selfish.

His allegiance to the Dali Dynasty was only to obtain a secret method to break through the Yang God Stage.

In his heart? Absolutely not how loyal to Dali Dynasty.

Is he truly loyal? It is himself, his way.

Meng Zhang grasped this point and started to talk non-stop.

He told Qinggu Zhenjun that everything he did? He was worthy of the efforts of the Dali Dynasty.

He did not betray the Dali Dynasty? Nor did he violate Zhang Weineng's military order. It was only because of Meng Zhang's obstruction that he was incapable.

Even if Qinggu Zhenjun could kill Meng Zhang by chance, Meng Zhang's counterattack before his death would cost him a huge price.

At the age of the ancient true monarch, if too much time is delayed due to injury? There will not be enough time to hit the Yang Shen stage in the future.

Qinggu Zhenjun is already in his advanced age, and he has not much lifespan left? The chance of hitting the Yangshen Stage is even rarer.

He continued to struggle with Meng Zhang, and it didn't make any sense.

He should put all his thoughts on cultivation, and strive to break through to the soul stage as soon as possible. Instead of fighting meaningless? The true energy is wasted in vain.

Everyone is a cultivator of the Jiuqu League? Meng Zhang is not hostile to True Monarch Qinggu? I am very willing to see True Monarch Qinggu go further on the path of cultivation and set an example for the latecomers.

Meng Zhang had nothing but respect for Qinggu Zhenjun, the forerunner on the path of cultivation.

He hoped that True Monarch Qinggu would make a breakthrough first, which would be considered as a way out for himself.

Meng Zhang babbled a lot, almost every word said to the heart of Qinggu Zhenjun.

Zhang Weineng's success or failure is not directly related to Qinggu Zhenjun.

Before Zhang Weineng forced True Monarch Qinggu to come out to serve, he was already very dissatisfied with True Monarch Qinggu.

There were not many Shouyuans in his family, and he had to be delayed on meaningless things. True Monarch Qinggu had already suffocated a fire in his heart.

The rise and fall of the Dali Dynasty was not in the eyes of Qinggu Zhenjun at all.

From beginning to end, what he cared most was his own practice and his own path.

As long as he can go further, even if the Great Li Dynasty is destroyed, he will not take another look.

Even if he knew that Meng Zhang had a different plan, Qinggu Zhenjun was still willing to believe Meng Zhang's statement.

When Qing Gu Zhenjun received the secret method to break through the Yang God stage taught by Emperor Ba Wu, he issued the oath of crossing the Great Dao, always loyal to the Dali Dynasty, and will never betray.

The Great Dao Oath still has a lot of binding power to the true primordial soul, and it can't be violated easily.

But being loyal to the Dali Dynasty and never betraying does not mean that you can't be passive.

Qinggu Zhenjun was entangled by Meng Zhang on the way to support Zhang Weineng. That was force majeure, not that he was unwilling to support Zhang Weineng.

The most important thing is that if the Dali Dynasty is destroyed by the Ziyang Saint Sect, then Qinggu Zhenjun loses his loyalty object, and he has regained his free body again, and he can devote himself to the practice wholeheartedly.

Once he wanted to understand these things, True Monarch Qinggu knew what to do.

He slowed down the next offensive, UU Reading no longer thought of defeating Meng Zhang as soon as possible, but began to imaginary stories.

What a character Meng Zhang is, and he quickly saw through the mind of Qinggu Zhenjun.

So, the two of them played Taiping with tacit understanding.

You come and go, it looks like the fight is very lively, but in fact it doesn't have much power, it's purely a look.

Even True Monarch Qinggu still thought to start a conversation with Meng Zhang.

He asked Meng Zhang, he had arranged an offensive, and he had some confidence in dealing with Zhang Wei.

If Taiyimen wins and becomes the new overlord of Jiuqu Province, what plans does Meng Zhang have and how will he deal with the native monks in Jiuqu Province.

Meng Zhang chatted with Qinggu Zhenjun without a word.

Qinggu Zhenjun wanted to test Meng Zhang's tone, hoping to know what to do after Taiyimen.

Meng Zhang was also cautiously inquiring about the news, hoping to obtain information about the Great Dali Dynasty from Qinggu True Monarch.

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