The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1357: Divide

Xiao Liang made such an arrangement mainly because he feared that Meng Zhang and others would not be in harmony with Xiao Qiao, and the two sides would accuse each other and fall into internal fighting, which would not only miss major events, but also disturb the senior members of the Ziyang Sacred Sect.

However, in this way, his arrangement is equivalent to dispersing the power to quell the evil.

The strength of the monsters is very strong, and their own internal disharmony, and their own affairs. If one is not good enough, let alone quelling the evil, it is possible to be destroyed by each monster.

Taking Xiao Liang's old hotness, of course, he also thought of this problem and responded accordingly.

He drew a few lines on the map of Daheng Comprehension Realm, dividing the entire Daheng Comprehension Realm into several different areas.

The expedition army led by Meng Zhang, the monk army organized by Xiaoqiao, and the mermaid king were all divided into areas of responsibility.

They are responsible for eliminating the monsters in their respective areas and quelling the local disasters.

As for King Gray Peng, Xiao Liang was not good at directing him, but in the name of the sect, he asked him to actively cooperate.

At first glance, Xiao Liang's approach is very fair.

He treats everyone equally, and doesn't do anything about dividing the area.

He has the same requirements for everyone.

Meng Zhang and the others must complete the task within a limited time. Otherwise, you will be punished by the Ziyang Saint Sect.

Neither Meng Zhang nor Mermaid had any objection to Xiao Liang's seemingly fair arrangement, and they honestly accepted it.

But this was only the first step of the arrangement, Xiao Liang had other arrangements.

Among the several, Xiao Qiao used the native monks in the Daheng cultivation world to form a large army, and his strength was not weak.

Moreover, he has been strengthened.

Soon after making such an arrangement, Zhenjun Nan Zhu was embarrassed to bid farewell to Meng Zhang.

The three brothers and sisters were originally invited by Xiao Liang to settle in Taiyimen to help Meng Zhang resist Zhang Weineng.

Now the power of Dali Dynasty in Jiuqu Province has been wiped out, and Zhang Weineng has long died.

They continued to follow Meng Zhang's actions, and were also ordered by the Ziyang Saint Sect to quell the evil.

Now, Xiao Liang asked them to leave the expeditionary army led by Meng Zhang and go to Xiaoqiao to support? Naturally they couldn't refuse.

Although the three of Zhenjun Nanzhu are casual cultivators above their names? However, they have been actively approaching the Ziyang Saint Sect for many years, but they have never been able to enter.

It wasn't until I got in with Xiao Liang's relationship?

Xiao Liang drove them many times? They have almost become the thugs outside the Xiao family.

Sometimes, Xiao Liang would also ask them to complete some tasks of the Purple Sun Sacred Sect.

Their three brothers and sisters wanted to truly join the Ziyang Saint Sect? They couldn't do without Xiao Liang's help.

Zhenjun Nanzhu and Meng Zhang have known each other for so many years, and they get along happily.

If it wasn't for Xiao Liang's pressure? He wouldn't leave at this time.

Before leaving? Zhenjun Nanzhu also explained what he had to do, so as not to offend Meng Zhang.

After the three brothers and sisters of Zhenjun Nanzhu left, the strength of Meng Zhang's side plummeted? Especially in terms of high-end combat power? There was an obvious deficiency.

Meng Zhang also had nothing to say about Xiao Liang's methods.

The three of Zhenjun Nanzhu were originally not under the Taiyi Clan, so naturally they had the right to come freely.

In fact, in addition to the transfer of the three Zhenjun Nanzhu, Xiao Liang also used many other methods to strengthen Xiao Qiao's strength.

Ziyang Saint Sect is now unable to release his hand to quell the devastation of Daheng Cultivation Realm.

But this does not mean that Xiao Liang has no way to recruit helpers from other places.

In the past, quelling the evil was the official business of the Purple Sun Sacred Sect. Of course, Xiao Liang was unwilling to consume the strength of the clan? Even more unwilling to take advantage of his own favor.

Now, Xiao Qiao is personally involved? This matter is directly related to the Xiao family.

Xiao Qiao has ambitious ambitions? Want to quell the evil?

As the elder of the clan, Xiao Liang naturally wanted to actively support him, and he did not hesitate to invest some of the family's resources for this.

After all, Xiao Qiao is his own, and Meng Zhang is just an outsider.

This time, if it were not for worrying about the intensification of the contradiction between Meng Zhang and Xiao Qiao and the troubles, he might not have made concessions to Meng Zhang.

Even though Xiao Qiao was wrong in all sorts of things, he was also a member of the Xiao family, an excellent junior in the family.

Regardless of right or wrong, Xiao Liang naturally wanted to help Xiao Qiao for no reason.

Although he was optimistic about Meng Zhang before, and actively wooed Meng Zhang, he would naturally make a choice in favor of Xiao Qiao between himself and outsiders.

Xiao Liang had not personally experienced the strength of Daheng Cultivation Realm monsters.

All his information about monsters comes from Xiao Qiao.

According to Xiao Qiao's statement, after he received support, he had a strength no weaker than monsters.

Xiao Liang did not doubt Xiao Qiao's statement.

With Xiao Qiao's ability, he still has the basic judgment, and he will not make mistakes on this kind of problem.

After thinking about it, Xiao Liang had a vicious plan.

With the strength that Xiao Qiao currently possesses, it is indeed a bit difficult if he wants to completely eliminate the monsters.

But if he led the army of monks and took the initiative to drive away monsters, he should be able to do so.

Monsters also have a side of bullying and fearing hardship.

Facing the aggressive Xiao Qiao, most of the monsters would not fight to the end.

The Daheng Cultivation World is so big, the monsters naturally have a place to escape.

Xiao Qiao only needs to drive the monsters to the area where Meng Zhang and the others are.

Next, it was Meng Zhang's responsibility to deal with monsters.

When the monster and Meng Zhang were both defeated, Xiao Qiao came to a snipe and clam to fight for the fisherman's profit.

It should be easier to destroy monsters with severely damaged strength.

As for the loss Xiao Qiao would definitely pay, it was not worth mentioning.

Anyway, Daheng Cultivation Realm's cultivating forces kept monsters, causing the devastation to erupt, and they would have died a long time ago.

Allowing them to die in the battle to quell the evil is considered cheap for them.

Of course, this strategy is only Xiao Liang's idea. How to implement it depends entirely on how Xiao Qiao acts.

In the process of implementation, various variables will definitely be faced.

How to deal with these variables and ensure smooth implementation will be a test of Xiao Qiao's ability.

This can also be seen as a trial and test of Xiao Liang to the younger If Xiao Qiao can be successfully completed, it means that he is a real manufacturable.

At that time, he will not only be rewarded by Xiao Liang, but also be further cultivated by the family.

Xiao Liang communicated well with Xiao Qiao through messengers.

At the same time, he also tried his best to mobilize resources to help strengthen Xiao Qiao's strength.

At this time, Meng Zhang didn't know that Xiao Liang's intentions would be so vicious.

Because of the departure of the three of Zhenjun Nanzhu, he was greatly annoyed and at the same time he felt a little headache.

Without the help of Zhenjun Nanzhu, relying solely on his strength alone, if the demonized man came to South China, he would not be able to resist it.

At this time, he needs to have a good chat with the mermaid king.

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