The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1376: Sky Thunder

Soon after King Grey Peng led the army of monsters and monsters to fight, Meng Zhang and the others sneaked out of the valley.

   Gray Peng King is a powerful monster with the strength of the late primordial spirit, and his army of monsters is extraordinary.

   In the face of such a powerful enemy, even if it is a crazy monster, he dare not take the slightest care.

   The army of monsters who had been stationed outside this valley separately drew out several groups of monsters to fight against the Grey Peng King.

   There was a big loophole in the defense around the valley.

   The nature of Meng Zhang's action was a beheading action, which didn't require too much force. The main reason was to dispatch a small number of high-ranking monks to ensure that one hit would be hit.

  The monks on the side of Meng Zhang were basically taken into the void cauldron by Meng Zhang.

   Qiankage True Monarch has his own concealed figure and the means to sneak in secretly.

  In this respect, he was born in the dark alliance and worked as an assassin and scout for many years, and his skills are not necessarily worse than Meng Zhang.

   The mermaid king is still at least wary of Meng Zhang, unwilling to enter the void cauldron.

  As the leader of the aquarium, he still has a lot of hole cards.

   He took out a magic weapon with concealment function, and hid the deeds of himself and two of his men.

After    was demonized in South China, he still retained many memories and feelings from the past.

   The demonized Xiang family member has become his most direct line, and he has the most trust.

   What good is it, it is also the first to take possession of the family.

   Many monsters who disobeyed Xianghua Nan were used as a tonic by Xiang Huanan and handed over to Xiangjia monsters.

   After Xiangjia monster swallowed these monsters, they hid in the valley one after another and began to evolve.

   The evolution of monsters takes a certain amount of time, and this process cannot be interrupted.

   Some monsters will even enter a long sleep to complete the evolution completely.

   Xiang Huanan didn't trust the newly conquered monsters, so they were not allowed to approach this valley easily.

   Therefore, there are not many monsters that can really work in the valley.

  If Meng Zhang and the others break into the valley, at least in a short time, there is no need to worry about encountering an endless army of monsters.

  Meng Zhang, they hid their figures and began to slowly approach the valley.

   During this process, Meng Zhang and the others did not change anything.

   Looks like?  The influence caused by the power left by Palace Lord Magic Plow?  It really has faded.

  Meng Zhang had known for a long time that Jun Chen Realm had a strong rejection of all external forces?  .

  A powerful and eye-catching existence like the power of a demon?  Once you enter the Junchen Realm, it will soon become a key object of Junchen Realm?  It is difficult to maintain for a long time.

   The monster itself is a very chaotic creature, without strict order and discipline inside.

  Although under the strict order to South China?  The monsters in the valley have strengthened their defenses?  Strict patrols are being carried out all the time.

  Meng Zhang they still looked for a suitable opportunity and sneaked into the valley secretly.

  Meng Zhang’s goal this time is to demonize to South China. For those monsters moving around in the valley, he will try to avoid them?   Avoid alarming them.

  Under Meng Zhang's keen perception?  In the depths of the valley, many monsters fell asleep.

  Many monsters are motionless, their breath fluctuates, and their bodies begin to show various distortions.

   These should be the evolving monsters.

  Although they were also the targets of Meng Zhang’s extermination, but Meng Zhang’s primary goal?   Still to South China.

  Meng Zhang ignored these monsters and continued to sneak into the valley.

   Xiang Huanan did not hide himself deliberately.

  He is in the middle of the valley?  It seems that he is unscrupulously releasing his violent aura all the time.

  This kind of breath is so striking?  Meng Zhang and the others just entered the valley, and they felt it clearly.

  In the middle of the valley?  There is a black smoke rising into the sky.

   In the smoke?   is full of chaos, killing, evil and other auras.

  Under the smoke?   is the source of the smoke, a huge ball of meat.

   The meat ball floats in the air, and the tentacles dance wildly.

  Meng Zhang and they sneaked into the valley smoothly all the way.

   But when they saw the meat ball, the meat ball also found them.

   A violent sound wave came out of the flesh ball. Meng Zhang and the others couldn't dodge, and they were all forced to show their bodies.

   Especially the two subordinates brought by the Mermaid King were slightly weaker.

   The huge meat ball rushed towards Meng Zhang and the others without hesitation.

   The black smoke rising into the sky was even more sweeping towards Meng Zhang and the others.

   The monsters in the valley seemed to have been irritated by unknown, one by one, they became extremely violent and flocked to Meng Zhang and the others madly.

  Meng Zhang urged the Void Cauldron to release all the true primordial monarchs inside.

   These two subordinates of True Monarch and Mermaid King, their task is to block the huge group of monsters and prevent them from interfering with Meng Zhang's battle.

  Meng Zhang and the mermaid king directly pounced on the huge meat ball from the front.

   The figure of True Monarch Qiankage disappeared in the shadow again.

   There are many monsters in the valley, and there are almost endless monsters outside.

   Must fight quickly, not be surrounded by a huge group of monsters.

   As soon as Meng Zhang shot, he sacrificed the magic mirror.

   has repaired most of the magic mirror, exerting tremendous power.

   A round of golden magic gold light shot constantly bombarding that huge meat ball.

   The mermaid king waved the magic weapon in his hand, and a series of water dragons rose from the ground, turned into a series of thick chains, began to entangle the huge ball of meat, and tried to restrain it firmly.

   Amidst the ubiquitous shadows, countless shadows suddenly appeared, madly pounced on the giant's meat ball, and kept biting and pounding on it.

   The huge meat ball twisted slightly, and then broke free from the restraint, and the water dragons broke apart.

   Countless tentacles slapped wildly, and the invisible shadows were scattered one after another.

  The golden light of demonic reduction, which is the greatest threat to monsters, is the key target of prevention in South China.

   A black smoke blocked the magical golden light, continuously reducing and offsetting the power of the magical golden light.

   If nothing happens, this battle will be another fight.

  Meng Zhang and the three of them joined forces, and none of them may be able to beat the demonized Xiang Huanan.

   Unfortunately, Meng Zhang still has a great hole card.

   And, seeing the time is right, he didn't hesitate to show his hole cards.

   Meng Zhang tried his best to stimulate the heavenly thunder of the gods.

   A terrifying thunder sounded in the sky, and almost all the monsters in the valley fell to the ground in fright.

   A dazzling white light fell on the giant Derou Ball.

   The imposing and aggressive meatball just now had no resistance and was easily blown to pieces.

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