The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1386: Native

When Meng Zhang acted, many places in Jiuqu province also secretly changed.

   Jiuqu province has a dense water network in the south, with countless large and small rivers and lakes.

   Below an inconspicuous small lake, there is a very secret cave.

   At this time, Zhenjun Wendong and his party were hiding in this cave.

   It has been a few years since the dynasty ruled Jiuqu province.

   In these years, the Dali Dynasty has established many secret strongholds in various parts of the Jiuqu province in accordance with the usual practice.

  Dali Dynasty also has institutions similar to the Taiyimen hidden hall, and there are more than one.

  Dali Dynasty, as a huge cultivation force with a history far above Taiyimen, has many wise men inside.

   They plan ahead and think about many situations. In response to these different situations, many preparations have been made and various responses have been made.

  The secret strongholds spread over almost the entire Jiuqu province are one link in these preparations.

   In the entire Jiuqu province, the number of secret strongholds owned by Dali Dynasty was far more than the Taiyimen all expected.

   The number of monks lurking in the dark is also quite large.

   After the official power of the Dali Dynasty in Jiuqu Province was destroyed, the gang of Dali Dynasty’s remnants did not flee far, but chose these secret strongholds as hiding places.

   The news that Zhenjun Wendong and Zhenjun Hengdao led the defeated generals to escape from the Jiuqu province and return to the mainland of the Great Li Dynasty, they deliberately released the news that they were used to cover their eyes, so that the Taiyimen monks who chased them could relax their vigilance.

   Among these defeated generals, Zhenjun Hengdao, as a general in the army, had the experience of hiding his identity and mixing into the Jiuqu League many years ago, so he did his part to become the leader.

   Wen Dong Zhenjun was by Zhang Weineng's side, so he could barely be regarded as a counselor.

   As a deputy, he assisted Zhenjun Yokoto to help him find out and fill up vacancies.

   They are hiding in the dark, secretly contacting the remnants of the Great Li Dynasty scattered everywhere, trying to concentrate everyone's strength and plot big things.

   After experiencing a big defeat, everyone has become a lot more careful.

   They knew they couldn't compete head-on with Meng Zhang, and they kept hiding and waiting for the opportunity.

   After Meng Zhang led the expedition to the Daheng Cultivation Realm, Lord Hengdao thought that the opportunity had come, so he was ready to act.

   But True Monarch Wendong is in a cautious manner, let True Monarch Hengdao not worry, but wait.

   When Meng Zhang led the army of cultivators into an ambush by the army of monsters, and the news of their fiasco returned to Jiuqu Province, everyone thought that the real opportunity had come.

   Although Wendong Zhenjun still has some doubts in his heart, there is no reason to stop everyone.

   What's more, at this time, they were supported by monks from the Dali Dynasty.

   After careful preparation, they launched a counterattack against Taiyimen.

   Of course, due to the great distance between Da Heng Comprehension Realm and Jiuqu Xing Province, and the intentional people deliberately stalk it, they cannot get the latest news of Da Heng Comprehension Realm and do not know the follow-up development.

   Otherwise, they may not have the determination to make trouble.

   They launched a counterattack against the Taiyimen this time, and they never expected to defeat the Taiyimen in this way.

   Even the true monarch Hengdao, who is the most active, is well aware of the huge power gap between himself and Taiyimen.

   The purpose of their uprising was to create chaos in Jiuqu Province and distract Meng Zhang in the Daheng cultivation world.

   It would be even better if the major powers of cultivation could be puzzled by the Taiyi Sect and shake the rule of the Taiyi Sect.

  The best and best result was that Meng Zhang was unable to fight the monsters wholeheartedly because of the fire in the backyard, so he was firmly entangled by the monsters, allowing them more time to cause greater damage to the Taiyi Gate.

  Because he has never relaxed his vigilance against Meng Zhang, Zhenjun Wendong is still very cautious in his actions.

   He did not rashly reveal the whereabouts of his group.

   secretly leave the secret stronghold every time, after completing the mission, sneaking back.

   It is True Lord Hengdao, because it is the main force of this attack, he has to come forward to contact the various cultivation forces and provoke them to resist the Taiyi Sect.

   So sometimes, I have to stay outside the secret stronghold.

   However, because of the cover of the Great Trade Union, he is not afraid of his whereabouts being exposed.

   There are special communication tools between Wendong Zhenjun and Yokoto Zhenjun, which can keep in touch all the time.

   Not long ago, he suddenly lost contact with Zhenjun Yokoto.

   Wen Dong Zhenjun suddenly became uneasy.

   Of course, the communication with the magic weapon was interrupted due to many reasons, not necessarily because the true Lord Hengdao had an accident.

   Such as the malfunction of the communication tool; Zhenjun Hengdao is in some special places, and the contact is obscured; Zhenjun Hengdao is entangled by important things and cannot reply to Zhenjun Wendong in time and so on.

   However, at such a moment, anything that is wrong will make Mr. Wendong think more.

   At this moment, a white-haired monk who looked extremely weak appeared in front of True Monarch Wendong.

   This person's name is Lu Gangfeng, a monk from the Dali Dynasty.

   Not long ago, he led a group of monks to the Jiuqu province and contacted Zhenjun Wendong through special contact methods.

  Lu Gangfeng told the gang of Zhenjun Wendong that they had left the mainland of Dali Dynasty and came to Jiuqu Province, originally for a secret mission.

   But I did not expect that Jiuqu Xingsheng actually happened such a change, even the rule of the Dali Dynasty was subverted.

   Such a change made their secret mission difficult to complete.

   But the secret mission was not completed, and they couldn't just return to the mainland of Dali Dynasty in such a dingy manner.

   Zhenjun Hengdao and Zhenjun Wendong are not qualified to intervene in their secret missions.

   Lu Gangfeng and his party stayed in the homeland of the Dali Dynasty temporarily, and accompanied this group of defeated soldiers.

   When Zhenjun Hengdao and the others launched a counterattack against Taiyimen, Lu Gangfeng and the others also provided a lot of support and helped a lot.

   During this process, Lu Gangfeng also revealed his identity as a Tianji Master.

   In any power of cultivation, the celestial jigsaw has a very high status, his identity is strictly kept secret, and he plays a pivotal role in many aspects.

   Especially the primordial cultivator like Lu Gangfeng, and the celestial celestial master with the strength of the celestial master, are very rare in the Dali Dynasty.

   His opinions and opinions can be directly conveyed to Emperor Ba Wu and affect the decision-making of the high-level court.

   No matter from which aspect, Lu Gangfeng's status is far above that of True Monarch Hengdao.

   Without the imperial court's order, Lu Gangfeng can give orders to True Monarch Hengdao and the others.

   However, Lu Gangfeng did not give orders based on his status, nor did he make any domineering actions. Instead, he got along with Zhenjun Wendong and the others very peacefully.

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