The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1390: Tail

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After True Monarch Shui Ling and True Monarch Xuanfeng rushed back to Jiuqu province, they didn't even return home, so they rushed over to visit Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang spent most of his time in the south of Jiuqu Province.

Although the secret strongholds of the Dali Dynasty are all over the Jiuqu province, there should be more in the south.

Taiyimen has long been the overlord of the north of Jiuqu province. If the Dali Dynasty secretly started construction in the north, it would be difficult to hide from Taiyimen's eyes and ears.

Maybe a few secret strongholds can be built secretly under the eyelids of Taiyimen. If there were more, it would be too much to look down upon Taiyi Sect's control over its own sphere of influence.

Meng Zhang is in the mainstream of Jiuqu River, near the border of Jiuqu Province, where the two people merged together.

He was looking forward to the return of the two, especially the arrival of True Monarch Shui Ling.

Of course, this was not because of True Monarch Shui Ling's strength, nor was it because of her beauty, but for another reason.

Many years ago, when the Dali Dynasty secretly laid out in the Jiuqu Xing Province and began to build a secret stronghold, it was accidentally hit by a Shui Ling Pavilion disciple.

Although Shui Ling Pavilion joined the Dali Dynasty earlier, and gained many benefits in the process of conquering the Jiuqu Province by the Dali Dynasty.

However, since the Great Trade Union and other big merchants entered the Jiuqu province, Shuiling Pavilion has also been taken away from many benefits, and life has become increasingly sad.

The official monks of the Dali Dynasty hid their identities and secretly transported a batch of supplies to these secret strongholds.

The Shui Ling Pavilion disciples who accidentally smashed their whereabouts did not recognize their identities, because they had the intention of killing people and seizing treasures.

After a fierce battle, these Shui Ling Pavilion disciples won a big victory, killed their opponents, and seized the cultivation materials they transported.

But at the last moment, they also discovered the identity of each other.

The disciple of Shuiling Pavilion, who knew that he had caused a catastrophe, urgently contacted Zhenjun Shui Ling, the master.

According to common sense, True Monarch Shui Ling should take all these Shui Ling Pavilion disciples and take the initiative to send them to the hands of the Dali Dynasty. He bowed his knees and sent a lot of compensation materials, and prayed for the official forgiveness of the Dali Dynasty.

However, among these disciples, there are juniors who are optimistic about Shui Ling Zhenjun, which is related to the inheritance of Shui Ling Pavilion.

In addition, the location of the incident is very secret, and he has successfully killed people. After real monarch Shui Ling hesitated for a while, he made another choice.

She destroyed all traces of the scene and made sure that no clues were left.

After these Shui Ling Pavilion disciples were brought back to Shui Ling Pavilion by her, they were secretly imprisoned in the gate of the Zong.

This kind of thing is serious in nature, but it is not worthy of the Great Dali Dynasty to use too much force to track down at this time.

After a tense investigation, with no results, the Dali Dynasty, which was facing pressure from the Ziyang Saint Sect, had to temporarily give up the investigation of the matter.

Later, True Monarch Mo Qing unintentionally found a clue and traced it to Shui Ling Pavilion.

True Monarch Mo Qing was not a loyal minister of the Great Li Dynasty, so he concealed this matter to see if he could benefit from it.

Later, he revealed the matter to Meng Zhang.

In launching a war to overthrow the ruling power of Jiuqu Province, Meng Zhang used this secret to keep True Monarch Shui Ling neutral.

True Monarch Shui Ling had known for a long time that with the sternness of the Dali Dynasty's methods, once this secret was exposed, the Shui Ling Pavilion would be severely punished by the Dali Dynasty, or even annihilation.

Therefore, she had to succumb to Meng Zhang's intention.

Now, although the situation has long since passed, it is difficult to look back if he has already boarded the Taiyimen boat.

Among the major cultivation forces in the south of Jiuqu Province, Shuiling Pavilion and Qingyuanzong were probably the ones who most did not want to return to the Great Li Dynasty.

True Monarch Shui Ling is a female cultivator, with clever wrists and long-sleeved dancers. She often travels to and from Jiuqu Provincial Governor's Mansion and other places. Among the official monks of the Dali Dynasty, there are many ministers under their skirts.

Probably all males are more or less expressive in front of females, and cultivators are no exception.

She is good at taking advantage of women, and the news has always been very well-informed.

There are also many contacts between her and Zhenjun Wendong.

Meng Zhang knew the secrets of True Monarch Shui Ling, as well as her connections and relationships.

True Monarch Shui Ling and True Monarch Xuanfeng saw Meng Zhang, and after a brief greeting, Meng Zhang went directly to the topic.

Meng Zhang asked True Lord Shui Ling if there were any clues to the whereabouts of True Lord Dong.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhenjun Shui Ling said a place.

Soon after, Meng Zhang, Xu Mengying, True Monarch Shui Ling and True Monarch Xuanfeng came to the top of a lake.

With the deepening of Space Dao's attainments, Meng Zhang's ability in space teleportation has also greatly improved.

The current Meng Zhang can take a few people together for space teleportation, and there is no need to install them in the void cauldron.

Coming here, Meng Zhang's delusion-breaking eyes easily saw through the reality below, and led everyone into the secret cave below the lake.

Originally Wendong Zhenjun and the others were very anxious when they moved, and they didn't completely clear all the clues here.

In order to avoid making too much noise, they did not have time to destroy this secret cave.

In this secret cave, Meng Zhang has discovered something.

That mysterious celestial secret master is here to use celestial secrets to fight against himself.

Meng Zhang sensed the breath left by the celestial jigsaw, and felt a bit familiar.

He thought about it carefully, this kind of breath made him feel familiar.

Soon, Meng Zhang reacted.

Back then, at the request of the predecessors to guard the integrity of the ghosts and gods, when I went to the Dali Dynasty to go to the capital, entered the underworld city, and then went outside the underworld city, I felt in the dark.

Before he set off, Shouzheng had vaguely reminded that the other party had a celestial clerk to participate.

Although Meng Zhang was inferior to the opponent in the heavenly secret technique at that time, he relied on Dayan's cleverness and inadvertent arithmetic, not only avoided the prying eyes of the heavenly secret master, but also gained some gains on the contrary.

Of course, this was also related to Lu Gangfeng's unwillingness to wear too much at that time, and his reservations when using the Heavenly Mystery Spell.

Now I came to the place where Lu Gangfeng had just performed the Heavenly Mystery Meng Zhang felt it carefully and even calculated it a little bit.

Finally, Meng Zhang caught the tail of the mysterious celestial clerk.

He didn't know the identity and origin of the other party, but he knew that the other party had participated in the actions of True Monarch Mo Qing and Lord Sword Lord.

This celestial machine was related to True Monarch Mo Qing, and participated in the incident that caused chaos in Jiuqu Province, which made Meng Zhang think more about it.

Could it be that the fire in my backyard this time was not only caused by the remnants of the Great Li Dynasty, but also the calculation of True Monarch Mo Qing?

What is the purpose of Zhenjun Mo Qing doing this?

There was a fire in the backyard and Meng Zhang rushed back to put out the fire. It was easy to guess.

Could it be that True Monarch Mo Qing wanted to move Meng Zhang away from the realm of Daheng cultivation?

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