The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1398: Show up

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Before leaving, Meng Zhang secretly included Xu Mengying and the three of them in the Void Cauldron and followed his own actions.

Even if he was nervous and overreacted this time, and nothing happened when he got to the ground, it would be nothing but a trip for everyone.

In contrast to the hurried hands and feet in case of a surprise attack, it is the correct way to make adequate preparations in advance and be prepared.

Meng Zhang's caution gave him the capital to fight back.

Seeing that the situation in the field has changed, Meng Zhang suddenly added a few more helpers.

True Monarch Qinggu and the others did not dare to delay any longer.

The time has been delayed for a long time, who knows what kind of killer a character like Meng Zhang would come up with.

Everyone worked together and worked hard to motivate the magic circle they had laid out in advance.

Lu Gangfeng is not only a celestial clerk, but also has deep attainments in the way of formation.

Although it is not as good as Tier 4 Array Mage, it is not far behind.

Lu Gangfeng presided over the circle and began to stimulate the power of the circle.

The ground at the bottom of the river shook violently, and a series of water dragons condensed into shape, rushing towards Meng Zhang and the others.

Countless beams of light shot out from the stone tablets, cutting the space where Meng Zhang and the others were.


Qing Gu Zhenjun took the initiative to pounce on Meng Zhang with the power of the formation.

Without Meng Zhang's order, Wen Qiansuan and others began to respond to the enemy spontaneously.

Wen Qiansuan has been an advanced fourth-order array mage for many years, and his array skills are far above that of Lu Gangfeng.

He just glanced briefly, and he could see through the details of the circle in front of him.

This magic circle is a collection of a bunch of things, using the talisman circle, various array tools, etc., and hurriedly laid them down.

It looks magnificent and powerful, but in fact it is strong outside and inside, with flaws everywhere.

Wen Qiansuan held a formation plate in one hand, and waved a formation flag in the other hand, and he began to use means to break the formation.

Xu Mengying has participated in Taiyimen's external wars many times, and Wen Qiansuan has a lot of experience fighting side by side.

Wei Wuxiao is a fellow of Wen Qiansuan, and he is naturally familiar with his skills.

Both of their sisters knew that they would cooperate actively to help Wen Qiansuan break through the battle.

The three of them worked together to temporarily block the power of the magic circle and began to counterattack.

True Monarch Qinggu held a whisk. Before the person approached Meng Zhang, the whisk was gently swept, and crisscrossing cyan air currents swept over him frantically.

The Yin and Yang spirit gourd behind Meng Zhang's natal magic weapon appeared, and the black and white yin and yang qi spewed out, actively facing these blue air currents.

Seeing that Meng Zhang was attracted by True Monarch Qinggu, True Monarch Shui Ling thought he had escaped.

The sharp pain from the wound has already made her unable to support it.

The power of Slaughter Avenue was wantonly destroying her wound, and rushed towards her body.

True Monarch Shui Ling couldn't help but sit down cross-legged, ready to stabilize the injury first.

A black shadow flew out of Meng Zhang and lightly passed the body of True Monarch Shui Ling.

True Monarch Shui Ling immediately turned into a corpse without any breath of life, and even the primordial spirit did not have time to escape.

The black shadow killed True Monarch Shui Ling and didn't give up, and continued to fly towards True Monarch Xuanfeng.

A hurricane blew up in front of True Monarch Xuanfeng, blocking this dark shadow and making it appear.

True Monarch Xuanfeng hadn't reacted yet, True Monarch Qinggu, who was fighting Meng Zhang over there, noticed the situation here first.

"Even the ghosts and gods of the underworld have been summoned, the old man really underestimated you."

Meng Zhang did not speak, but responded with a magical power.

That dark shadow is the external incarnation of Meng Zhang, too wonderful.

Just now, Meng Zhang used the special induction between the deity and the external incarnation to secretly summon him to Yangjian.

In these years, Tai Miao has almost completely refined the newly acquired piece of natural ghosts and gods.

If fighting in the underworld, Tai Miao can easily bring out the fighting power of the Yuanshen late stage.

Even if he came to Yangjian and was suppressed by the rules of heaven and earth, he also had the strength of the mid-primary spirit consummation.

As for the special abilities he obtained from that piece of divine power, that was even more.

It can be said that after this practice, Tai Miao is completely reborn, and in essence it is very close to a natural ghost.

The identity of the ghosts and gods of the underworld being broken by the ancient true monarch is so wonderful that it will not be affected at all.

With a big wave of his hand, a huge black ghost claw easily tore through the hurricane in front of him, and fiercely grabbed True Monarch Xuanfeng.

Nether Ghost Claw, many ghosts and gods can perform this great magical power.

But it is not so easy to be able to perform so superbly.

Because the deity and the external body are connected in mind and body, Tai Miao has Meng Zhang's insight and combat experience.

Although Tai Miao's cultivation was suppressed to the middle stage of the soul, but in essence, he was still a strong man at the level of the great monk in the later stage of the soul.

Whether it is the control of power, the use of various magical powers, and the understanding of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, he is far above True Monarch Xuanfeng.

The two sides are not at the same level at all, and under the same level of strength, there is a world of difference in combat effectiveness.

True Monarch Xuanfeng is the veteran true primordial soul, and even True Monarch Jin Li's qualifications are far inferior to him.

However, he can only be regarded as an ordinary character among the true primordial souls, and he is definitely not a surprisingly brilliant genius.

For many years in the middle stage of his advanced soul, he has not been able to find a further way.

The achievements of his cultivation in this life are limited to this.

With the natural resources of ghosts and gods, and all kinds of extraordinary talents, it is so wonderful, but only after a short time of fighting, it has the upper hand, firmly suppressing the true monarch Xuanfeng.

Nine Nether Fires appeared out of thin air, surrounding True Monarch Xuanfeng.

True Monarch Xuanfeng mobilized the power of the Dao of Wind, and a hurricane blew up, and these seemingly ordinary flames could not be extinguished.

Before Nine Nether Fire was close, True Monarch Xuanfeng felt shuddering.

A chill seemed to rise from the soles of his feet and rushed to the top of his head.

True Monarch Xuanfeng is also a man who has experienced hundreds of battles, and while trying to parry, he asks True Monarch Qinggu for help.

To Lu Gangfeng and the others True Monarch Xuanfeng is just an outsider.

Before doing it, True Monarch Shui Ling did not disclose key information to True Monarch Xuanfeng in order to keep it secret.

Although she often pretended to inadvertently say some provocative words, carefully observing the reaction of True Monarch Xuanfeng, but she still did not say it thoroughly, let alone pull True Monarch Xuanfeng aboard the boat.

It is difficult to achieve close cooperation when both parties have not prepared enough in advance.

True Monarch Xuanfeng was embarrassed by Tai Miao's killing, but the power of the magic circle controlled by Lu Gangfeng could hardly support him.

True Monarch Xuanfeng himself was even more unable to use the power of the magic circle to bless and cover himself.

Lu Gangfeng managed to mobilize a part of the magic circle and was ready to support True Monarch Xuanfeng. Before he could make more moves, Wen Qianjun dispelled it, creating a strong pressure on the magic circle.

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