The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1411: Youhuan Zhenjun

You know, the great monks in the later stage of the Yuanshen have an extraordinary position in the Junchen Realm.

Either the leader of one party, or the pillar of a power of cultivation...

Even if it is a casual cultivator like Zhenjun Nanzhu, if it is not for the face of the cultivator of the Ziyang Saint Sect, Meng Zhang will not be able to hire it.

If you want the cultivators of the later stage of the soul to take action, the price is absolutely high.

But because of the strength of the Taiyi Sect, Meng Zhang now has no good strategy besides relying on external forces.

There must be a great monk in the later stage of the Yuanshen sitting outside the cloud and fog, before Meng Zhang can feel at ease.

Otherwise, once the Wrath Jiao King leads the invaders outside the domain to kill, it will be a tragic massacre, and Taiyimen will also face a crisis of life and death.

As for the Daheng Cultivation World, Taiyi Sect has already occupied a large area and has significant interests, and Meng Zhang is also unwilling to give up lightly.

After Meng Zhang found True Monarch Qianying, he made a request, hoping to temporarily hire a monk from the late Yuanshen.

At present, only organizations like the Dark Alliance can meet Meng Zhang's needs.

If even the dark alliance is unable to do anything, Meng Zhang has to pull his face down and ask for help from Granny Qiansi and the old man Yinhu.

Of course, the person who returns to the virtual and powerful is not owed.

If it was not a last resort, Meng Zhang would not ask them for help.

True Monarch Qianying and Meng Zhang met for a short time, but they already had a certain friendship.

Especially after the battle against South China, Qianying Zhenjun was very optimistic about Meng Zhang and was willing to make good friends with this young man with great potential and promising future.

Judging by the standards of True Monarch Yuanshen, Meng Zhang really can only be regarded as a young man.

Although the dark alliance itself sells intelligence, it provides the business of hiring monks.

However, it is still very difficult to hire the great monks in the later stage of the soul from it.

The last time Meng Zhang successfully hired True Monarch Qianying, it was the face of the silver pot old man.

His current status alone, a mere head of the Taiyi Sect, is not enough for the dark alliance high-level officials to pay attention.

After hearing Meng Zhang's request, True Monarch Qianying hesitated for a while before deciding to help Meng Zhang once, which was regarded as a favor.

True Monarch Qianying left the expedition army and personally went to the Dark Alliance branch of the Heavenly Palace.

Before leaving, True Monarch Qianying told Meng Zhang that although the Dark Alliance had a great family, there were also many great cultivators of the late Yuanshen for employment.

And these few great monks are still distributed in almost the entire Junchen Realm, and maybe many are now being hired.

Although he is willing to help, if Meng Zhang is unlucky and there is no suitable candidate for the dark alliance, then he has nothing to do.

Of course, he will definitely do his best to run for Meng Zhang.

In this regard, Meng Zhang could only express his understanding, and once again thanked True Monarch Qianying for his help.

The departure of True Monarch Qianying has been for more than half a month, and there has been no news.

Seeing Old He's leaving soon, and when Meng Zhang was a little impatient, Qianying Zhenjun finally returned.

He didn't come back alone this time, he also brought a female nun with him.

This female sister has a cold temperament and a strange expression on her face all the year round.

Qianying Zhenjun introduced this person to Meng Zhang.

This female cultivator, like True Monarch Qianying, is a dark alliance cultivator.

Her name is You Huan Zhenjun, and she is also a great monk in the late Yuanshen.

In the future, there is still a place to take advantage of this person, and Meng Zhang hurries to bow to True Monarch You Huan.

Despite the enthusiastic introduction of True Monarch Qianying, the sister named You Huan True Monarch still has a very indifferent attitude, unwilling to say anything to Meng Zhang.

In Meng Zhang's induction, True Monarch Youhuan was not weak in cultivation, even among the great cultivators of the late Yuanshen he had seen, he was not considered a weak one.

It is normal for a capable person to be talented and arrogant and a little temperamental.

Meng Zhang didn't want to make friends with her, but needed her power temporarily.

Meng Zhang didn't care about her attitude at all.

As long as True Monarch Youhuan completes the task and helps to watch King Raging Flood, then no matter how bad her temper is, Meng Zhang will be able to accept it.

Before Qianying Zhenjun left, Meng Zhang had said that in order to hire a great monk in the late Yuanshen, he was willing to pay any price.

Of course, Meng Zhang couldn't really do anything at all costs.

It's just that the cost of hiring True Lord Youhuan is not generally high.

True Lord Qiankage and True Lord Youhuan listed a lot of conditions.

Among them, the ordinary cultivation resources required alone are almost 20 years of Taiyimen's income.

In addition, a lot of high-end resources are required.

Meng Zhang knew that the other party asked for these ordinary cultivation resources, mostly not for his own needs, but for the dark alliance.

Fortunately, the treasures of heaven, material and earth, and high-end resources required by True Lord Youhuan are not too hard to find.

Taiyimen, as long as they are willing to spend time and cost, can collect them slowly, or even go to the Tiangong to buy them.

Taiyimen paid so much, You Huan Zhenjun only agreed to sit outside Yunwu Daze for ten years.

If she is required to fight the enemy in person, the employment fee will be calculated separately.

These seemingly harsh conditions, Meng Zhang did not hesitate to agree to them.

Meng Zhang still has some understanding of the employment market.

To hire a great monk in the late primordial spirit, it would have to pay a high price.

The asking price of True Monarch Youhuan is a lot higher than the market price, but it can't be said to be taking advantage of the fire.

Because Meng Zhang has a solid demand here, there must be a great monk from the late Yuanshen to sit Otherwise, Taiyimen will pay a greater loss.

Like the last time the three brothers and sisters of Zhenjun Nanzhu were hired by the Taiyimen, it was because they wanted to please the Ziyang Saint Sect and curry favor with Xiao Liang, so no lion opened his mouth.

During this process, True Lord Qianying has always helped True Lord Youhuan ask for a price, and negotiated with Meng Zhang in various ways.

True Monarch You Huan didn't say a word, and seemed impatient to entangle these mundane affairs.

After Qianying Zhenjun and Meng Zhang negotiated, the two sides reached a consensus.

True Monarch Youhuan didn't have a word of nonsense, so he went straight to sit outside Yunwu Daze.

After True Monarch Youhuan left, True Monarch Qianying and Meng Zhang talked privately.

He first pleaded with Meng Zhang for the attitude of True Monarch You Huan.

Seeing that Meng Zhang was in a good mood, he really didn't care about these little things, so he went on.

He told Meng Zhang that the position of True Monarch Youhuan in the dark alliance was still above him.

Originally, True Monarch Youhuan rarely accepted employment from outsiders.

This time he had spent a lot of effort to say that You Huan Zhenjun moved.

True Monarch You Huan has an extraordinary identity and a profound background. Even if his attitude is almost a bit, he hopes that Meng Zhang will be forgiving and he must not be offended.

Meng Zhang accepted all of Qianying Zhenjun's kind reminders.

Probably because he felt a little sorry, Qianying Zhenjun also suggested that he had accepted Meng Zhang's employment at the beginning, and said that it was ten years away.

The situation on Daheng's cultivation world is tense now, and it is when manpower is needed. Even if the ten-year period expires, he can stay for a few more years.

For this, Meng Zhang is even more grateful.

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