The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1415: Greed

For cultivators, breaking through the Primordial Spirit Stage is a great difficulty.

Once the primordial spirit is achieved, whether it is life, cultivation, status, etc., will usher in a leap.

Even if only a small chance can be increased, they are often willing to pay all the price.

You know, treasures that can assist in breaking through the Primordial Spirit Stage, including the pill, are very rare in the realm of comprehension.

If Taiyimen hadn't had the channels of the heavenly palace, there really was no way to occasionally obtain such treasures.

Like Meng Zhang's second disciple An Xiaoran, as a Tier 4 alchemist, he can already refine a lot of Tier 4 pills.

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Taiyi Sect is even more focused on the power of the entire school, collecting various alchemy for it.

But those pills that can assist in breaking through the Primordial God Stage, even if the Taiyi Sect tried their best, couldn't collect them.

This type of pill is often in the hands of the Holy Land Zongmen.

On weekdays, at most, a small amount of this kind of medicinal medicine appears on the market.

Every time this kind of pill appears, it will be quickly robbed.

As for the Danfang, it will never appear on the market.

If Taiyi Sect could possess the sacred stone of Wanhe Mountain, it would really have laid the foundation of the sect for thousands of years.

At this moment, even with Meng Zhang's disposition, he couldn't help but move the idea of ​​killing people and stealing treasures.

He himself didn't need this sacred stone a long time ago.

However, as the head of the school, he had to consider the disciples of the school, and the future of the school.

Meng Zhang was calm on the surface, but in fact he managed to suppress the evil thoughts and continued to talk with the true monarch of the ridge.

Seeing Meng Zhangruo's innocent appearance, Shanji Zhenjun secretly sighed and continued to tell.

When Zhenjun Shanzhong was in control of Wanhe Mountain, this sacred stone was naturally controlled by the people of Zhenjun Shanzhong's line.

Even if the true monarch of the ridge is the head of Wanhe Mountain, he is not qualified to deal with matters related to the **** stone.

Of course, anyone with a little brain knows the importance of this sacred stone.

After the ridge king mastered the power of Wanhe Mountain, the first thing he thought of was this sacred stone.

At that time, it was Zhenjun Shanbei in the gate who was in charge of guarding the sacred stone.

Zhenjun Shanbei has always been low-key in the door, and has no contact with other monks.

Although he was trusted by True Lord Shanshige, he did not have any conflict with the head of True Lord Shanji.

When the news of the death of Lord Shanshige spread, and the true Lord Shanliang and Shanliang were fighting for power in the door, Shanbei Zhenjun also adopted a neutral attitude and did not help each other.

After the mountain ridge king took power, facing the monks inside the door suffered heavy losses, outside the door was the enemy of the Songfeng Sect, and even more monsters were raging.

Under such a situation of domestic and foreign difficulties, he certainly can't easily move the mountain back to the real monarch to cause infighting among the sects.

Anyway, the true monarch of Shanbei has been guarding the **** stone, and he does not fight for power with the true monarch of the ridge, and never comes out to cause trouble.

The true monarch of the ridge let him continue to guard the sacred stone, leaving him alone.

But when he learned from Meng Zhang that Zhenjun Yuanshen still existed, he immediately thought of the sacred stone.

As far as the true monarch of the mountain ridge knows, the stone fetus produced by that sacred stone not only helps the monks of Wanhe Mountain to break through the primordial spirit stage, but also has the function of warming and nourishing the primordial spirit.

In addition, the true monarch of the ridge also faintly knew that after the divine stone was directly refined, it could help the primordial cultivator reshape his body.

However, this sacred stone is related to the foundation of Wanhe Mountain, and the monks in the gate will never allow anyone to use the sacred stone in this way.

If someone really dared to do this, they would immediately gang up and down the door.

Mr. Shanji thought of Mr. Shanshige's selfish temper.

After parting with Meng Zhang that year, he hurried back to Wanhe Mountain at the fastest speed and came to the forbidden place where the **** stone was placed.

Shanbei Zhenjun, who guarded the **** stone, initially did not allow the head of Shanbei Zhenjun to approach the forbidden ground.

The true monarch of the ridge immediately knew that something was wrong, and seeing that the majesty of the head could not hold the true monarch of the back of the mountain, he had to start with him.

Both of them were cultivators in the middle stage of the soul, and they were inextricably fought for a while.

Fortunately, both of them were worried that the damage to the surrounding area would be too great, accidentally damaging the sacred stone, and they made their moves very well.

After falling to the wind, the mountain back true monarch had to take the initiative to retreat, let the mountain ridge true monarch rush in front of the **** stone.

Seeing the sacred stone, the true monarch of the ridge finally knew that the worst guess in his heart had come true.

The primordial spirit of Zhenjun Shanzhong had already sneaked into the sacred stone and was trying to refine the sacred stone.

No matter whether he was acknowledging the righteousness or pleading with the future of the martial art, the true monarch of the ridge could not stop the true monarch Shanshige.

If the mountain ridge true monarch wanted to expel Shan Zhongzheng by hand, there was a mountain back true monarch staring at him next to him, and he was even more worried about damaging the sacred stone during the hands-on process.

Zhenjun Shanzhong's primordial spirit is in the sacred stone, and he uses the sacred stone to protect himself.

The ridge-throwing prince has tried everything he can to stop him.

True Monarch Mountain Ridge also thought about summoning other monks in the gate to besiege True Monarch Yamashige.

However, a large part of Wanheshan's power is now playing under Xiaoqiao.

If this part of the force is arbitrarily mobilized, it will definitely arouse Xiao Qiao's suspicion.

The matter of the sacred stone is very important, and the true monarch of the ridge really can't believe in Xiaoqiao's sects like Ziyang Shengzong are not the righteous leaders, and they are high and upright in the day.

However, after discovering the treasure, he will also do things to kill and win the treasure.

Meng Zhang very much recognized the guard against Xiao Qiao and Ziyang Sect.

In addition, Zhenjun Shanzhong's primordial spirit has the cover of the sacred stone, and it is difficult to expel him without harming the sacred stone by ordinary means.

Fortunately, this sacred stone is not so easy to refine. Even if it is the primordial spirit of a great monk like Zhenjun Shanzhong, it is not an overnight effort to completely refine this sacred stone.

It is precisely because of the slow progress of the refining of the God Stone by the real Lord Shanzhong, that the real Lord of the Ridge has enough time to slowly plan.

In the meantime, he was even able to spend a lot of time dealing with Xiao Qiao.

Although Zhenjun Shanzhong's primordial spirit was very slow in refining the sacred stone, with the accumulation of water and mill work, he always had the day of success.

If he really allowed him to achieve his goal, the foundation of Wanhe Mountain was completely cut off.

As the head of the sect, True Monarch Ridge would never allow this to happen.

However, he alone, and even the internal strength of Wanhe Mountain, could no longer solve this problem.

Thinking left and right, I tried every means. Recently, as the speed of the refining of the divine stone accelerated by Zhenjun Shanzhong, Zhenjun Mountain had to make a difficult decision and had to ask Meng Zhang for help.

Before he met with Meng Zhang, he knew clearly that letting Meng Zhang know this secret was very risky.

If Meng Zhang covets this sacred stone, Wanhe Mountain will usher in a terrifying opponent in the case of civil unrest.

But the true monarch of the ridge is really unscrupulous.

In contrast, asking Meng Zhang for help is the best choice among all options.

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