The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1454: Fight

Once the monster army launches an offensive, it will almost never stop, fiercely and fiercely.

The fourth-order large array of the Three Light Slayer Demon Array runs at high speed, fully blocking the attack of the monster army.

Despite sufficient preparations in advance, the rapid consumption of the massive amount of spirit stones still made the Taiyimen monk who presided over the great formation pale.

Fortunately, Niu Dawei deployed properly and laid out a line of defense and a large formation here in advance.

Without the cover of this large formation, the three coalition forces would have been overwhelmed by the monster army.

Terran monks use the cover of the big formation to either cast spells to strengthen the big formation, or take the initiative to use the power of the big formation to attack.

The monster army paid heavy casualties, and finally broke the first defense of the big formation. What awaits them in front of them, in addition to the more defense levels of the big formation, there are also a large number of organ creations.

One after another tall lightning towers stood among the mountains, and huge thunder fire guns opened fire on the peaks...

Bizarrely shaped and powerful organ puppets lined up in front, ready to face the impact of the monster army at any time.

For this expedition to destroy the monsters, Taiyi Gate almost emptied all the organs in the gate.

In the current sects of Taiyimen and Jiqiaozong, the monks who stayed behind are still making all kinds of institutional artifacts day and night, ready to be sent to the front line at any time.

For Meng Zhang, although organ creations are expensive, they are consumables after all, and they are definitely not as important as the lives of their own cultivators.

As long as the Taiyimen can sacrifice a few disciples, it will be worthwhile to consume more organ creations.

Whether it is a civil war between a cultivator or a battle between a cultivator and other enemies, most of the time what is fought is the foundation of the sect, and what is fought is the ability of supply and logistics.

As long as there are enough organ creations, then Taiyi Sect doesn't have to fear the large army of monsters.

Unfortunately, the number of mechanical artifacts is limited, and the rear monks need to make them bit by bit.

The monsters demonize creatures and transform into new monsters very quickly, and they will soon be able to expand their own team countless times.

There is no shortage of strong men in the monster army, and the elites in the third-level monsters and fourth-level monsters are the existence that makes the human cultivators of the same level a headache.

Several Tier 4 monsters sneaked close to the big formation, suddenly activated, and immediately opened a few gaps in the periphery of the big formation.

Wen Qiansuan, who presided over the formation, immediately put the essence of Nine Heavens into the formation and launched the ultimate move of the formation.

The illusion of the sun, moon and stars flashed in the sky above the large array, and endless rays of light burst, blocking all the several Tier 4 monsters.

Wen Qiansuan's face twitched, feeling very heartache.

For any sect, the essence of nine days is never too much.

Although Taiyi Gate has several resource points within nine days, the gate has organized monks to search for it on nine days.

However, the number of the essence of the nine days in the door has never been sufficient.

If it consumes too much in the big formation, it will definitely affect the daily cultivation of the monks in the late Jindan stage and even the early stage of the Yuanshen.

Seeing more Tier 4 monsters rushing over, a group of Yuanshen True Monarchs in the great formation immediately greeted them.

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Their task is to block these fourth-order monsters and reduce the pressure on the big array.

Meng Zhang and the others, who were watching the battle in the high altitude, rushed down and slaughtered these Tier 4 monsters.

On the battlefield, it is not a place that pays attention to face. In order to gain an advantage, Meng Zhang and the others sneak attack and plot, using all kinds of methods.

A Tier 4 monster that was enough to rival the True Lord Primordial Spirit was quickly slain by Meng Zhang and the others.

Among the seemingly endless army of monsters, the existence of monsters like Tier 4 is also limited.

Although the number of Tier 4 monsters far exceeds that of the true primordial spirit of human beings, Meng Zhang and the others cannot be allowed to kill like this.

More and more Tier 4 monsters joined the battle, preparing to besiege Meng Zhang and them.

There are too many enemies with obvious advantages, and Meng Zhang and the others can hardly kill each other easily.

Once the monster army launches a full-scale offensive, there is no need to continue to order or conduct any precise command.

The Black Gold Demon is not the kind of general who is good at command.

He was able to subdue many Tier 4 monsters and organize the army of monsters in front of him, mainly relying on his own powerful strength.

Seeing that Meng Zhang and the others had already participated in the war, the Black Gold Demon was not idle, and flew to the battlefield with True Monarch Mo Qing.

Once the strongest combat power among the two monster armies entered the war, Meng Zhang and the others would no longer be as relaxed as before, but fell into tremendous pressure.

If it is alone, the Black Gold Demon can beat any of the three of Meng Zhang.

True Monarch Mo Qing also has the strength of the late primordial spirit, and his combat effectiveness is much higher than the average level.

Both sides didn't pay attention to what to do alone, even if they were the aggressive Black Gold Devil, they didn't have the intention of singles out against the enemy.

The number of Tier 4 monsters on the side of the monsters occupies an absolute advantage, and soon suppressed the True Monarch of the Human Primordial Spirit.

Meng Zhang waved the Spirit Snake Spear and forced back a Tier 4 monster that almost killed True Monarch He You quickly retreat into the big formation and use the power of the big formation to confront the enemy. "

"This time is not the time to be stingy with the essence of Nine Heavens. When you need it, the Jade Ching Chrysanthemum should be used as it should, and you must give full play to the power of the big formation."

As soon as Meng Zhang's voice fell, the fierce sword aura released by the Black Gold Demon had already reached him, making him hurriedly parry, and he could no longer speak.

However, after fighting for a while, the cultivators of the Human Race Primordial Spirit began to suffer casualties.

Facing a large number of Tier 4 monsters, the True Monarchs of the Human Race shielded each other and retreated, all of them retreated into the big formation.

Wen Qiansuan urged the big formation and issued a killer move to meet them.

No matter how precious the essence of Nine Heavens is, there is no precious life like that of True Monarch Yuanshen.

After retreating into the big formation, the true sages of the Yuanshen used the power of the big formation to barely block the attack of many Tier 4 monsters.

Meng Zhang, the mermaid king, and the gray peng king did not retreat into the big formation.

If they also retreat into the big formation, no one will pin the Black Gold Demon King and Mo Qing Zhenjun.

Although the Three Lights Slayer Demon Array is a Tier 4 Array, it can't withstand the constant onslaught of a powerful person like the Black Gold Demon King.

Facing the dominant enemy, Meng Zhang and the others were not stupid enough to fight the enemy hard, but resorted to a wandering approach, trying to contain the enemy as much as possible, so that they could not attack the big formation with all their strength.

In this way, Meng Zhang and their figures moved at high speed in the air, flickering from time to time, trying hard to contain the powerful like the Black Gold Demon King.

Before the other Tier 4 monsters had time to encircle, Meng Zhang and the others did not refuse to fight against the Black Gold Demon King and True Monarch Mo Qing.

Because of Meng Zhang's restraint, it has indeed greatly reduced the pressure on the large array.

But even so, under the non-stop siege of the monsters, the Great Array still appeared a bit precarious.

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