The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1461: Chase

The famine demon **** believed by Zhenjun Moqing and the palace lord of the demon plow believed by Xiang Jia have been deadly enemies for many years.

True Monarch Mo Qing had thought about it, and wanted to wipe out this gang of Xiangjia monsters and cut off a tentacle that the Lord Demon Plow extended towards Jun Chen Realm.

He once instigated the Black Gold Demon King to take action against the Xiang Family monsters, wanting to borrow a knife to kill people.

After the Black Gold Demon ruled the army of monsters, he became more afraid of True Monarch Mo Qing who had supported him for many years.

When Xiang Huanan was killed by Meng Zhang and the others, many Xiangjia monsters were also killed.

The monsters in Xiangjia's realm were of average strength, far from being a threat to the Black Gold Demon King.

Therefore, the Black Gold Demon King did not listen to True Monarch Mo Qing's instigation, but deliberately left this group of monsters, which is regarded as a check on True Monarch Mo Qing.

There are still many places where True Monarch Mo Qing needs to use the power of the Black Gold Demon, so it is not easy to go against his will.

Therefore, the monsters on the Xiangjia territory have escaped a lot of wind and rain, and have stayed here peacefully all the time.

This time, True Monarch Mo Qing sensed that the injuries caused by the golden light on his body were revealing his whereabouts.

While using the magic way to cover up, he fled to the Xiangjia territory, trying to get Meng Zhang and the others into conflict with the monsters here, and buy time for his family.

For Meng Zhang, chasing Zhenjun Mo Qing is a big deal, even if he fled to the end of the world, he would not give up easily.

Below Meng Zhang and King Grey Peng, a vast plain appeared.

In the Daheng Comprehension Realm where mountains are the main terrain, this kind of large plain terrain is really very rare, and it can be said to be the only one.

In the central part of this great plain is the ancestral land of the Xiang family.

Originally, the Xiang family established many manors, spiritual fields, and spiritual medicine gardens there.

On the plain surrounding Xiangjiazudi, there are many large and small towns, villages, etc., where millions of mortals thrive and thrive.

In the mountains surrounding this great plain, there are many vassal families and sects of the Xiang family, which serve as a barrier to protect the Xiang family.

An area that was originally prosperous, but because of the demonization of the family members, it has become a **** on earth.

Except for a very small number of people who escaped by chance, the creatures in the entire area were either demonized, turned into monsters, or became food for monsters, and were swallowed alive.

Meng Zhang and King Huipeng looked down from a high altitude, and the plain below was covered with layers of gray-black fog, which was a very strong devilish energy.

Not only can it cover the five senses of the monk, it can also block the detection of divine consciousness.

Ordinary cultivators entering this place must spend a lot of effort to isolate the devil qi to prevent being contaminated by the devil qi.

But if a monster or a magic repair enters this place, it must be like a fish in the water.

True Monarch Mo Qing fled into this place, but out of thin air a lot of cover.

It is not so easy to find him.

During this period of Meng Zhang, most of his thoughts were put on how to fight against the army of monsters.

For most areas of Daheng Comprehension Realm, there was no careful inspection.

The current situation in Xiangjia Territory is already very serious, and the distance has been transformed into a real Demon Realm, almost only one step away.

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I don't know if this happens in other areas.

Meng Zhang had long been in his heart, and regarded Daheng Cultivation World as his own trophy.

He would never watch this situation intensify.

Now that the army of monsters has been defeated, the next main task is to take advantage of the victory to pursue and gradually eliminate the monsters entrenched in various places.

In this process, purify each area to completely eliminate the influence of devil energy, and you must not relax.

Meng Zhang was thinking about things in his heart, but his hand movements were not slow.

He continued to urge the magic mirror, carefully sensing the position of True Monarch Mo Qing.

Firstly, it is estimated that True Monarch Mo Qing himself is also casting a spell to cover it, and secondly, it is also the interference of the strong demon energy here. Meng Zhang's response is hazy and not very clear.

After a long time, Meng Zhang hesitated and pointed to the front, and flew over with King Grey Peng.

The direction they flew to was exactly the core area of ​​Xiangjia's family back then.

Even after experiencing such a big setback, Xiang Jia still did not relax his guard on this area.

Neither Meng Zhang nor King Gray Peng had concealed their deeds. Not long after they flew past, they were discovered by a large group of flying monsters guarding the air.

While these flying monsters warned loudly, they furiously rushed towards Meng Zhang and the others.

With a wave of Meng Zhang's hand, a large piece of flying monster was shattered and fell from the air.

However, many monsters in the rear were not scared, but rushed towards them even more crazily.

Meng Zhang's face became cold, and sooner or later this place must be thoroughly cleaned up. If he hadn't been busy chasing True Monarch Mo Qing, he would have been unable to bear what he saw before him.

Since this group of monsters did not live or die, then Meng Zhang took advantage of the trend to kill, saving a bit of effort for the later cleaners.

Although King Gray Peng was on the same level as Meng, after seeing Meng Zhang’s use of the magic mirror, causing huge damage to the Black Gold Demon King and True Monarch Mo Qing, the King Gray Peng was fully capable of hunting down monsters. Respect Meng Zhang's opinions and generally would not oppose his decision.

The sun and moon orbs above Meng Zhang's head rose, and almost endless divine light of the sun and moon descended from the sky.

Where the sun and moon divine light passed, not only the thick demon energy immediately disappeared, but the bodies of many monsters directly began to melt.

Meng Zhang and King Gray Peng swaggered towards the target like this, and the resistance in front seemed to disappear all of a sudden.

When Xiang Huanan was still there, Xiang Jia was of course demon-powered, even the great monks in the late Yuanshen didn't dare to be careless.

After the last battle with Meng Zhang, the Xiang family still had many monsters, but there were not many high-level monsters left.

There are no high-level monsters to control, and low-level monsters alone are a cannon fodder for death, no matter how many they come.

What's more, the monsters on Xiangjia's realm are far less advanced than the army of monsters that the Black Gold Demon once commanded.

Good and bad monsters have a quantitative advantage, but they can't exert much strength at all.

With their overwhelming strength, Meng Zhang and King Gray Peng could easily crush the monsters they saw along the way.

Soon, they came to Xiangjiazu's place.

There are many monsters entrenched in the manor and spiritual field below.

These monsters saw Meng Zhang and King Grey Peng in the air, and before they had time to react, they were wiped out by the sun and moon divine light in time.

Meng Zhang frowned. He knew the entanglement between True Monarch Mo Qing and Xiang Jia.

True Monarch Mo Qing is so bold, he dared to break into Xiangjia's ancestral land after suffering a serious injury and leaving only the devil soul.

Could it be that he regarded all the remaining monsters in the Xiang family as dead.

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