The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1463: Forbidden place

The monsters entrenched in Xiangjia's ancestral land were either beheaded or fleeing in all directions. The place finally barely recovered its tranquility.

It's a pity that a good treasure of the realm of cultivation has been ruined by monsters for so long, and it will never be able to go back to the past.

The monsters transformed by human cultivators generally have higher intelligence.

After transforming into a family member into a monster, apart from the unavoidable instinct to vent, they retain a lot of memories and will not deliberately destroy their ancestral land.

But so many monsters have entrenched here for many years, and they have caused a lot of irreversible damage.

The underground spiritual veins have long been thoroughly polluted by demonic energy. Whether it can be purified, even Meng Zhang dare not pack a ticket.

As for the large tracts of spiritual fields on the ground, the spiritual medicine gardens have been completely ruined a long time ago.

There is a thick devilish energy around here, and a little contact with a cultivator who is not enough to cultivate is a demonized end.

Not to mention the complete restoration of this place, just purifying the devilish energy here is a huge project.

This is also one of the reasons why magic repairs and monsters are hated by people.

They will not only demonize creatures, but also severely damage the environment, turning the environment that was originally suitable for mortals and cultivators into a misty and devilish atmosphere.

Fortunately, Xiangjia monsters have limited abilities, and they haven't completely transformed this place into a demon domain.

In the Demon Realm, monsters will be spontaneously produced, and new blood will be continuously provided for the monsters.

Monsters in the Demon Realm are simply like a fish in the water, and their strength has greatly increased. With the help of the Demon Realm, the monster can build an indestructible fortress and block all foreign enemies firmly.

Neither Meng Zhang nor King Grey Peng had enough time to purify this place now, they could only save it later.

The so-called thief does not go empty, since it took the effort to kill Xiang Family's monsters, Meng Zhang was unwilling to go for nothing. After a little delay, he conducted a search in Xiang Family Ancestor Land.

King Huipeng was arrogant, and he was born in the Ziyang Saint Sect, and he rarely worried about cultivation resources.

The cultivation resources generally used by human cultivators do not have much effect on him.

He took advantage of Meng Zhang's search everywhere, flew high in the sky, and began to cast spells to disperse the surrounding demonic energy.

Affected by his background, he was very displeased with such a scene of devilish energy.

Although it is impossible to completely dispel the devil qi in a short period of time, you can do as much as you can.

Meng Zhang ignored him, and started searching around for himself.

The Xiang family members have been demonized for so many years, and the various cultivation resources collected in the Xiang family's large treasury have long been ruined.

The remaining cultivation resources are basically contaminated by demonic energy, and they cannot be used at all.

Meng Zhang searched the multiple treasure houses of the Xiang family, but basically nothing was gained.

When he came to Xiangjia's Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, it was not ruined before.

The demonized Xiang family members will not continue to practice the cultivation techniques of the cultivator, so naturally they will not enter here easily.

Many of the classics in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion are roughly intact, but they are contaminated by the surrounding devilish energy, which is contaminated with a lot of devilish energy.

Although Xiang Jia had become a **** of Palace Master Magic Plow early because of his bloodline. But after all, it is the Yuanshen family that has been passed down for many years, and its collection of various classics still has considerable points.

Meng Zhang urged the magic mirror, released the exorcism clear light, expelled all the strong demon energy in the Tibetan scripture pavilion, purified these classics one by one, and then put them away.

Meng Zhang has a keen mind in spirit and possesses the supernatural powers of breaking false eyes, so he can easily see through the treasure vaults hidden by Xiangjia.

After a lot of searching, in addition to scouring the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, there were also some gains in some small hidden treasure houses.

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Since King Grey Peng didn't like these gains, Meng Zhang didn't care about him, and all the purified items were collected in the Void Cauldron.

After returning to Taiyimen, Meng Zhang will slowly count with the elders in the door.

Although there was a lot of time delay in Xiangjiazudi, after Meng Zhang and King Grey Peng left here, he still sensed the traces of the Black Gold Demon who was injured by the golden light of the Falling Demon Mirror with the power of the Demon Falling Mirror.

The Black Gold Demon also cast a spell to cover his body with the damage left by the golden light, and interfered with Meng Zhang's induction with all his strength.

As a result, Meng Zhang's induction became not very clear, and he could only sense the general direction.

He and King Grey Peng directly teleported along the general direction.

When their figures appeared in the sky, Meng Zhang and King Gray Peng were a little dazed.

This is clearly the Black Jade Forest. And it was not the outer part of the Black Jade Forest, but it was already very deep inside.

Meng Zhang sensed it carefully, and pointed to one of the directions below and said to King Gray Peng: "The fellow of the Black Gold Demon is near that location."

"Well, he didn't stay where he was, he was still moving forward, and he was moving very fast."

After listening to Meng Zhang's words, looking along the direction indicated by Meng Zhang, King Gray Peng's face changed drastically.

He was dumbfounded for a while, as if thinking of something, the expression on his face was distorted.

After organizing the language, he said to Meng Zhang: "Head of Meng, the place in front is the forbidden area of ​​the Black Jade This forbidden area is extremely mysterious. The monster beasts, including the demon kings, cannot easily set foot there."

Meng Zhang was slightly taken aback by the words of King Grey Peng.

He had never heard of any forbidden areas in the Black Jade Forest before. But on this issue, King Grey Peng had no reason to deceive him.

"Head Meng, this forbidden area is not only the ultimate secret of the Black Jade Forest, it is also important. I hope you don't disclose information about this place at will."

King Grey Peng carefully exhorted.

This is the first time Meng Zhang has heard of this so-called forbidden area.

"Head Meng, even I can't enter this forbidden area easily. Outsiders like you can't even get close."

"Once outsiders get close to the forbidden area, it is easy to cause murder."

King Huipeng's face was serious, and he was very solemnly reminded of the matter.

Regarding the solemn reminder of King Grey Peng, Meng Zhang certainly would not ignore it.

But, could it be that he just watched the Black Gold Demon escape into this place and ignored it?

Moreover, as a monster, how did the Black Gold Demon know this place?

Taiyimen has been rooted in the great cultivating world for many years, and has reached a temporary agreement with the monsters of the Black Jade Forest. Meng Zhang has even learned more about the information of the Black Jade Forest. But even he didn't know anything about this so-called forbidden area, but the Black Gold Demon went to this place.

To say that the Black Gold Demon was panicked and broke into this place unintentionally, it would be too coincidental, and it was so coincidental that people could not believe it.

What secret is hidden in the middle, Meng Zhang has no idea about it for the time being.

But he was unwilling to let him let go of the great scourge of the Black Gold Demon in this way.

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