The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1468: treatment

   Wanhe Mountain has many monks living out for various reasons.

   If it wasn't for the last juncture, Wanheshan would not give up these disciples.

   These disciples began to return to the mountain gate one after another.

   The mountain gate slowly contained these disciples while maintaining a high level of alert.

   Wanhe Mountain was one of the four great sects of Daheng Cultivation World, and at any rate it was considered an authentic sect.

   There are many monks in the Wanhe Mountain Gate, and not everyone is willing to accept the status quo.

   After Meng Zhang exposed the details of Wanhe Mountain, although Wanheshan's high-level officials denied it, they resolutely refused to admit his own activities with the Demon God.

   But the actions of the top management of Wanhe Mountain inevitably made many people suspect. Even the disciple in the door might have many ideas.

   The vast majority of cultivators are unwilling to leave good people alone and completely transform into monsters.

   Wanbo Mountain’s actions were actually colluding with monsters.

   To say that no one in the door feels wrong, that would be too underestimating the IQ of the cultivator.

   Meng Zhang observed for a while far away from the gate of Wanhe Mountain, and he came up with a new idea.

   He left here soon and wandered around the area around Wanhe Mountain.

   But after a few days, he met many monks who had returned to Wanhe Mountain.

   He didn't need any effort to easily take these monks down.

  Some monks disappeared from the world, and some monks left safely and returned to the gate of Wanhe Mountain.

   After completing the preliminary layout, Meng Zhang teleported back to the camp.

   Next, he handed some follow-up matters to the trusted monk in the dark hall, then left the camp and took Zhenjun Nanzhu to the heavenly palace.

  Meng Zhang first took Zhenjun Nanzhu to visit mother-in-law Qiansi.

   After seeing the mother-in-law Qiansi, Meng Zhang brazenly asked the mother-in-law Qiansi for help and help Zhenjun Nanzhu to heal his injuries.

  Meng Zhang and Granny Qiansi have known each other for so many years, and they know a little about her.

   Qiansi's mother-in-law is a rare wizard in the world of comprehension.

   In addition to her high level of cultivation, she also has excellent attainments in cultivation of all kinds of skills.

   Among them, she is particularly profound in medical skills, and she is quite famous in the power of returning to the void.

   As Meng Zhangxiu grows deeper and the Taiyimen power grows stronger, Qiansi's mother-in-law's attitude is getting better and better.

   Especially after she revealed to Meng Zhang the secret of the huge changes in Junchen Realm last time, the relationship between the two has become closer.

  Meng Zhang's request is just a matter of effort for the mother-in-law Qiansi.

   Without having to say anything by Meng Zhang, the mother-in-law Qiansi directly started to check the physical condition of Zhenjun Nanzhu.

   After careful inspection, even a medical expert like Granny Qiansi has a headache for Zhenjun Nanzhu.

   The medicine does not kill the disease, and the power of returning to deficiency is not a cure for all diseases.

   Qiansi's mother-in-law told Meng Zhang that it was basically impossible to completely heal Zhenjun Nanzhu.

   He was already severely wounded enough to shake the foundation, and later used secret techniques to suppress the injuries, forcibly stimulate the final potential, and go to the war.

   In the midst of the war, his old injuries were not healed, and new injuries were added, and his injuries became more serious.

   was injured twice, which has completely destroyed his foundation and greatly damaged his lifespan.

   He was in the camp before, and he was forcibly supported by the elixir provided by Taiyimen and his own cultivation.

   Qiansi's mother-in-law is willing to help, but also powerless.

  The only thing Granny Qiansi can do is to temporarily save the life of Zhenjun Nanzhu.

   As for his falling cultivation base, loss of longevity, etc., mother-in-law can do nothing about it.

   In any case, the mother-in-law Qiansi agreed to take the shot and was able to save the life of the true monarch Nanzhu. Meng Zhang barely achieved his goal.

   Of course, Meng Zhang once again owed the favor of her mother-in-law Qiansi.

  Meng Zhang left Zhenjun Nan Zhu with Granny Qiansi to receive treatment from Granny Qiansi, but he temporarily left to visit the elderly Yinhu.

  Meng Zhang met the old man Yinhu smoothly and reported to him the current situation of Daheng Cultivation World.

   For Meng Zhang's achievements, the silver pot old man is quite satisfied.

   He gave Meng Zhang a lot of support before, and provided help in all aspects, which greatly increased Taiyimen's strength.

   In addition to being optimistic about Meng Zhang and preparing to use Meng Zhang for his own use, he hopes that Meng Zhang can control the devastation of Daheng Cultivation Realm and prevent him from getting out of control.

   Now Meng Zhang has achieved a decisive victory and completely reversed the overall situation.

   Next, it is only a matter of time before the monsters are completely eliminated and the disaster is completely quelled.

   Although Meng Zhang didn't intend to ask for credit, he still faintly revealed in the words that he hoped that Elder Silver Kettle could provide more help so that he could completely quell the evil.

   The silver pot old man thought he had given Meng Zhang a lot of help, and he didn't take Meng Zhang's words.

   The disaster of Daheng Cultivation Realm had nothing to do with him, it was the trouble of the Ziyang Sect.

   He was only worried that the demonic disaster would continue to spread, and even a Tier 5 monster would appear, and he was so burdened that he supported Meng Zhang against the monster.

  Since the evil disaster has been controlled and will not continue to deteriorate, he will no longer care if it is completely resolved or not.

   Of course, Meng Zhang is so effective in doing things, and the old man at Silver Kettle still admires him very much.

   The two talked for a long The silver pot old man in a good mood, and casually gave a few words of Meng Zhang's practice.

   Although there is no specific practice method involved, it is just some big and changed content.

   But returning to the emptiness can stand higher and see farther, a few words of high-level construction have benefited Meng Zhang a lot.

   After leaving the old man Yinhu, Meng Zhang returned to the residence of Granny Qiansi.

   During this period of time, Mother-in-law Qiansi has completed the treatment of Zhenjun Nanzhu.

   The effect of the treatment is much better than what I expected before.

   Zhenjun Nanzhu's injury has basically recovered, but his strength has plummeted, and he barely maintains the bottom line of the cultivator in the late stage of the soul.

   From then on, he was the bottom of the big monks.

   The life of the true monarch of Yuanshen is generally between 1,800 and 2,800, and the limit will not exceed 3,000.

   Zhenjun Nanzhu is less than two thousand years old. As a great monk, he originally had at least eight or nine hundred years of life.

   But now, his remaining lifespan is less than four hundred years old.

   Of course, if there are some elixir or magical things that extend lifespan, it will be more or less effective after taking it.

   It's a pity, this kind of elixir or spiritual thing that prolongs lifespan is something you can never find. Once it appears, it will attract competition from countless strong people.

  Some particularly effective spirits are even coveted by the power of returning to the void.

   The current channel of the ether gate is very difficult to get such kind of magical things.

   Nanzhu Zhenjun was very satisfied with the results after the treatment.

   This is much better than he originally expected.

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