The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1478: Ghost

   Xiao Bosheng whispered in his heart that Wanhe Mountain was useless, and was breached by Meng Zhang so quickly. While observing carefully, see if there is any opportunity to take advantage of it, so that I can pick up some bargains.

   In the high air ahead, Meng Zhang and Zhenjun Shanzhong fought fiercely.

   Although Xiao Bosheng and Xiao Qiao are a little arrogant, they still have at least self-knowledge.

   No matter how bold they were, they didn't dare to rashly intervene in the battle of the great monks in the late stage of the soul.

   Not to mention participating in it, even if they are too close, the aftermath of the battle will be enough for them to drink a pot.

Among the gates of Wanhe Mountain below   , as the Yuanshen Zhenjun in the gate took the lead to escape, the rest of the monks also followed suit.

   Except for a few places where there are occasionally one or two dead brains that are still resisting, the fighting in most places has subsided.

  Most of the monks brought by Meng Zhang went to chase down the maimed enemy, cut the grass and wiped out the roots, and only a few ransacked around the gate of Wanhe Mountain, trying to collect all kinds of spoils.

  If you don't make any more moves, the good things will be snatched away by the monks on Meng Zhang's side, but you won't have your own share.

   Xiao Bosheng hesitated, talked to Xiao Qiao, and flew to Wanhe Mountain with his hands and joined the search.

   There are not many people in this small team. Apart from Xiao Bosheng and Xiao Qiao, there is only one true primordial soul and more than a dozen Jindan true men.

   Xiao Bosheng was originally responsible for watching Xiao Qiao to prevent him from causing any trouble.

   But depending on the current situation in the field, the Wanhe Mountain side has completely collapsed, and there is no need for them to make a move.

   Even if Xiao Qiao wanted to take revenge on the cultivator Wanheshan, he couldn't find his target.

   Just put a big piece of fat in front of him, watching him helplessly, Xiao Bosheng was not so stupid.

   Xiao Qiao is also a true master of the soul, even if he stays here, he should not be in danger.

   So, in addition to leaving a few Jindan real people for Xiao Qiao's drive, Xiao Bosheng led others to pounce on Wanhe Mountain, preparing to looting.

  The wealth of a giant sect can't all be cheapened by Taiyimen.

   As the saying goes, people who see him have a share, Xiao Bosheng relied on the identity of the Ziyang Saint Sect, even if he took food from Meng Zhang, Meng Zhang did not dare to turn his face.

   Besides, Xiao Bosheng has never had the idea of ​​eating alone. He just wants to make a fair and reasonable distribution.

   Presumably, Meng Zhang had no opinion on the friendship with the Xiao family.

   This is the general mentality of the monks of the Xiao family, and they have never regarded monks like Meng Zhang on an equal footing.

   Looking at Xiao Bosheng's back, Xiao Qiao's face was full of disdain.

   He has no good feelings about this collateral person who is responsible for looking after his own family.

   At any rate, he is also a monk of the dignified Ziyang Saint Sect, and even a member of the Xiao family, but now he looks like a wicked dog rushing for food. What's the decent?

   The arrogant Xiao Qiao disdain to participate in the robbing himself.

   In fact, in the life of Xiao Bosheng, the spoils they grabbed will eventually be given to him.

   There is no place to take action, and he disdains to participate in the snatch, Xiao Qiao has nothing to do for a while.

   He looked at the battlefield of Meng Zhang and Zhenjun Shanzhong in the distance.

   The Meng Zhang he hates has grown to where he is today. When can he get revenge?

   At this moment, a figure sneaked into the flying boat silently.

   Before he attacked Wanhe Mountain, Meng Zhang secretly summoned his external avatar to Yangjian.

  Meng Zhang had known Xiao Bosheng and his gang for a long time, and he would definitely not miss the excitement of Wanhe Mountain.

   Tai Miao has been secretly wandering around, waiting for the arrival of the target.

   After refining the divine power crystallization of natural ghosts and gods in Too Miao, after having the strength of the late Yuanshen. Meng Zhang began to vigorously promote the ghost vows under Taiyimen's control.

   Meng Zhang has known from various sources that this approach can enhance the influence of ghosts and gods on Yang Shi.

   This has many benefits for ghosts and gods.

The most direct benefit of    is that it can increase the stay time of ghosts and gods in the Yang world.

   In the past, in the Taiyimen realm, similar ghost oaths were pledged in the name of the predecessor of the Taiyimen Shouzheng.

   Now, for the sake of being too wonderful for his own external incarnation, Meng Zhang replaced most of the guarantors of these ghost oaths with too wonderful.

   If Shouzheng discovered this, he would definitely be dissatisfied.

   Meng Zhang is more willing to cultivate his own external avatar than Shouzheng.

   With Tai Miao's activities in the underworld, Meng Zhang can slowly lay out in the underworld.

   The need for integrity is not so urgent anymore.

   The current Taiyi Sect, even if it loses the help of keeping upright, it will not affect the overall situation of the Zong Sect.

   When Taimiao establishes a powerful enough power in the underworld in the future, the Taiyimen monks can also get help from the underworld.

   Of course, if it were not a last resort, Meng Zhang would not turn his face with Shouzheng.

   No matter what, the other party is also a senior in the family, and has helped him and the sect a lot.

   When Meng Zhang is ready to have time, he will have a good talk with Shouzheng.

   Tai Miao, as the external incarnation of Meng Zhang, stayed in the Yang world for a long time.

   After Meng Zhang's operations, especially when he didn't make a full shot, he could stay in Yangshi for a long time.

   Of course, the rules of the world in the Yang world still suppress him which makes it difficult for him to give full play to it.

   However, dealing with a mere Xiaoqiao, it is too wonderful to spend too much effort.

   Although in order to punish Xiao Qiao, Meng Zhang was already mentally prepared to engage in evil with the Xiao family.

   But he still strives to be clean, and he must not leave any traces.

   The best practice is to give Xiao Qiao's death a clear direction, and it has nothing to do with Meng Zhang.

   Too wonderful came to the side of the flying boat without knowing it, looking at the monks standing on the deck of the flying boat.

   He didn't directly attack Xiao Qiao. The opponent was also a cultivator of the Primordial Spirit Stage at any rate, and at least he was vigilant and defensive.

   He took a humble golden core monk next to Xiaoqiao as his target.

  Many ghosts have the ability to confuse people.

   The so-called ghost obsessed mind, nothing more than that.

   Those ghosts and even ghosts who specialize in this way are particularly powerful in this area.

   Tai Miao, in essence, is very close to a natural ghost.

   Among his talents, there is the ability to deceive people's hearts, and it far exceeds ordinary ghosts and gods.

  Compared with the true monarchs who specialize in the soul avenue, and the demon cultivators of the heart demon line, he will hardly fall into the trap.

   Tai Miao gently displayed his talent and ability, and began to secretly influence the golden core monk.

   He does not seek complete control of the target, but only exerts a certain influence on the target, allowing the target to speak some specific words.

   The golden core monk was in a trance, and he involuntarily mentioned something.

   That is the so-called sacred stone of Wanhe Mountain.

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