The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1481: Ask for help

   Xiao Bosheng, as a collateral child of the Xiao family, was able to become the soul, and climbed all the way to the position it is today. He is definitely not the kind of guy who doesn't know how to work.

   Seeing that the sacred stone was too weird, of course he refused to risk his life to enter the stone room.

   He didn't do anything, he just watched Xiao Qiao and the others die.

   In order to shirk responsibility, he decided to pull the Taiyi Gate into the water without any psychological burden.

   After making up his mind, Xiao Bosheng returned to the ground with the remaining men.

   At this time, the battle in the gate of Wanhe Mountain was basically over.

   The monks of Taiyimen and Songfeng faction are cleaning the battlefield there, clearing the spoils.

   In the high altitude, Meng Zhang and Zhenjun Shan Zhong are still fighting fiercely.

   Zhenjun Yamashige has completely mastered this brand new body, and his strength has even surpassed the heyday.

   Meng Zhang has long since made up for the hidden dangers in cultivation, and after refining to Yang Guo and Cathodic Herb, his cultivation has made great progress.

   This battle between the two people, without others intervening, was in good condition, and it was a fair duel.

   It has not been long since the start of the war, and Meng Zhang has suppressed Zhenjun Shan Zhong and gained the upper hand.

   In the past, Meng Zhang had to take advantage of Zhenjun Shanzhong's serious injury to defeat him.

   Now, Meng Zhang is in a fair fight, relying solely on his own strength, to suppress True Monarch Shan Zhong.

  Meng Zhang was a little surprised at his progress.

  Meng Zhang is already a rare master among the cultivators of the late Yuanshen.

  The higher the cultivation base, the more he can display his magical powers.

   Zhenjun Shan Shige is not a monster, nor is he a monk, but a Taoist cultivator.

  During the battle, Meng Zhang did not sacrifice the Magic Mirror for take-off and landing, but used other magical weapons against the enemy.

   Under the persecution of Meng Zhang, Zhenjun Shanzhong became more and more difficult to fight back.

   He knew that he could no longer beat Meng Zhang by relying on his own cultivation.

   He started to stimulate the newly acquired body with all his strength, hoping to stimulate its greater potential.

  Meng Zhang slowly began to discover that the body of Zhenjun Shanzhong was very strange. Reminiscent that he tried to calculate himself back then, let himself be swallowed by the **** stone, and then let the **** stone reshape his body.

   Needless to say, the body of Zhenjun Shanzhong was shaped for him by the sacred stone. And True Monarch Bai Ri, who was captured by True Monarch Mo Qing, should have become a victim.

  The sacred stone comes from the evil stone demon god, and the body shaped by the sacred stone should be inseparable from the magic way.

  Originally, although Meng Zhang had already gained the upper hand, it would take a lot of effort to completely defeat True Monarch Shan Zhong and even kill him.

  The great monks of the late Yuanshen, even if they are defeated, have many means of escape.

   One is not good, and it is not impossible to get a chance to escape by Madam Shanshige.

   Now that the enemy's weakness has been discovered, it must be used.

   This is definitely not a victory without martial arts, let alone a lack of martial ethics.

   Fighting on the battlefield, of course, each must make a unique plan and go all out.

   To deal with the magic way, it is necessary to use all means.

   Meng Zhang secretly took out the magic mirror, looking for a good opportunity to shoot.

   After Xiao Bosheng came to the ground, he saw Meng Zhang in the sky, and he was about to ask Meng Zhang for help regardless. An Xiaoran appeared in front of him and stopped him.

  Most of the primordial cultivators brought by Meng Zhang have gone to chase down the deadly enemies, An Xiaoran stayed here to supervise the disciples' search of Wanhe Mountain.

   At the same time, she also wanted to prevent others from interfering with Meng Zhang's battle.

   If it was normal, Xiao Bosheng would probably not put An Xiaoran in his eyes.

   But now he is asking for help. He can only be patient, tell the story roughly, and then very sincerely ask Taiyimen for help and rescue Xiao Qiao.

   Regardless of whether Xiao Qiao is rescued or not, he must at least put on a posture of asking for help with all his strength.

   Meng Zhang was going to calculate Xiao Qiao's affairs, but he didn't tell anyone else.

   But the grievances between Meng Zhang and Xiao Qiao are almost universally known.

   I heard that Xiao Qiao was unlucky, and An Xiaoran was too late to gloat, where would he be rescued?

  Moreover, Meng Zhang had told all the information about the gods and stones he knew to the high level of Taiyimen.

   An Xiaoran knows that the **** stone has the ability to restrain the great monks of the late soul stage, and how can he and his colleagues go to risk.

   An Xiaoran bluntly refused Xiao Bosheng's request for help.

   She and Brother Taiyimen have limited abilities, unable to help each other.

   The head Meng Zhang is in a fierce battle with Zhenjun Shanzhong and cannot be disturbed.

   An Xiaoran's attitude not only didn't make Xiao Bosheng angry, but it made him happy.

   Xiao Qiao was in a dangerous situation, and Taiyimen couldn't save him when he saw his death. In the future, he was able to explain his accountability to the top of the family.

   Of course, on the surface, he still pretended to be extremely anxious, ignoring An Xiaoran's stop, shouting loudly, and passing the request for help to Meng Zhang's ears.

  Meng Zhang is now busy dealing with Zhenjun Shanzhong, deaf to Xiao Bosheng's words.

   As the murderer behind Xiao Qiao, how could Meng Zhang rescue him? I hope he will die early.

   Xiao Bosheng saw that Meng Zhang ignored his request for help and was very excited. On impulse, he flew over and talked with Meng Zhang.

   Where An Xiaoran would let him interfere with Meng Zhang's battle, he had to stop him.

   Under the dispute between the two, they each had a trick.

   Xiao Bosheng is the cultivation base of the middle stage of the soul, and he is also born in the Ziyang Saint Sect. He originally thought that he could easily force An Xiaoran away.

   But An Xiaoran, who had only the initial cultivation base of the, did not show any weakness, and did not fall into the trap at all when making the move.

   Xiao Bosheng couldn't help but glanced at the other person in his heart, and he had a new evaluation of the Taiyimen monk.

   He was about to continue his shot, Wen Qiansuan flew over from a distance.

   Wen Qiansuan didn't say a word, so he flew in the air, as if he was looking at the surrounding terrain.

   Xiao Bosheng had to stop and step aside.

   Wen Qiansuan was also a monk in the middle stage of the Yuanshen, and with An Xiaoran, Xiao Bosheng was not more confident than them.

   And Xiao Bosheng's main purpose is acting, not really wanting to fight against monks of the same rank.

   Xiao Bosheng stopped, but did not shut up, and continued to shout to the sky, asking Meng Zhang for help.

   Anyway, he has tried his best, he can't control Meng Zhang.

  Mr. Shanshige also heard Xiao Bosheng's call.

   He knew that the sacred stone seemed to be a dead thing, but in fact it had so many magical powers that even the great monks in the late Yuanshen could not do anything about it.

  Of course, the sacred stone also has huge flaws.

   Once the defects of the **** stone are discovered by the enemy, they can take targeted responses.

  The God Stone was given by the Evil Stone Demon God, not only the foundation of Wanhe Mountain, but also an important channel to contact the Evil Stone Demon God.

   Don't look at Wanhe Mountain today, the gate was broken, and the gates were scattered. As long as this sacred stone is still there, True Monarch Shanzhong is sure to rebuild Wanhe Mountain.

  Shenshi is a matter of great importance, and one must not lose sight of it.

   Once there is a problem with the God Stone, not to mention other losses, the blame of the Evil Stone Demon God alone will be overwhelmed by True Monarch Shan Shige.

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