The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1491: Leave sadly

The ghost and **** with the name of the head is the external incarnation of Meng Zhang, too wonderful.

The ghost team led by him was formed in the underworld.

In this team, in addition to the newly released Cong Shenji Sword General, there are also two ghosts with the strength of the Yuanshen Stage.

The remaining thirty-odd ghosts, each of them can at least compete with the real Jindan.

Among Tai Miao's ability to obtain natural ghosts and gods, there is an ability that allows him to release a special field.

Within his domain, he can strengthen his own strength and weaken the enemy's strength...

At certain moments, your own people in the field can even share the damage.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for these ghosts to come to the Yang world.

Too wonderfully used his own domain to bring these ghosts together through the yin and yang gap, bringing them to the Yang world.

Due to the protection of the wonderful realm, which offset the suppression of many rules of heaven and earth, this ghost team was able to retain most of its strength and had more time to stay in the Yang world.

Now, under the leadership of Miao Miao, they are rampant in the surrounding camps, killing them.

Originally, Meng Zhang was not prepared to do it so quickly.

However, Xiao Liang's persecution was too urgent, making him vigilant, worried that there would be many nights and dreams, and something unexpected would happen again.

Before starting, Meng Zhang adjusted his plan temporarily in order to ensure that it was secure enough to solve the problem at one time.

Shiriya, who was originally a key attack target, was removed from the target list by him.

As the former giant sect, Bairigu has a long history and profound background. No one knows how many hidden hole cards there are.

Even if there is no major monk in the door now, maybe there is something that can temporarily resist the major monk's hole cards.

Meng Zhang wanted a quick battle, but was unwilling to get into a long-term fight with Bai Rigu.

Therefore, he let go of Bairigu this time.

The main target of Tai Miao's attack was other cultivation forces besides Bairigu.

Especially those guys who danced the most during this period of time are the targets of his focus.

Meng Zhang himself did not appear directly, but put pressure on Bai Rigu, trying to deter them, so that they would not act rashly.

Without a last resort, Meng Zhang would not participate in the war himself.

If he has to participate in the war, he must ensure that he completely wipes out the enemy and does not leave any survival.

As long as there is no clear evidence, it would be difficult for Xiao Liang to use this to stare him to death.

Fortunately, the gang of primordial cultivators in Bai Rigu were still acquainted.

After feeling the power deliberately released by Meng Zhang, after the reminder of the true monarch of Japan, the true monarch of the soul of Bairigu stayed in place and did not dare to act rashly.

Without the intervention of Brother Bai Rigu, even if the surrounding comprehension forces added up, they would be vulnerable to the ghost team led by Tai Miao.

What's more, when they encountered a surprise attack in a hurry, these comprehension forces quickly fell into chaos.

If they don't trust each other enough, they can't cooperate sincerely and work together against the enemy.

As Tai Miao led the ghost team rampant around, the surrounding situation became more and more chaotic.

One camp was broken, and more and more practitioners were killed.

Some desperate guys, seeing that the camp in Bairi Valley was not under attack, actually ran to this side of their own accord, trying to seek shelter.

The monks in the White Sun Valley Camp were already alarmed by the surrounding movement, and they prepared for battle one after another.

It's just that they don't dare to act rashly for the time being without the order of the middle and high level of the door.

The primordial gods of Bairigu were all stared at by Meng Zhang.

Whether they prefer it or not, they are now unable to intervene in the fighting around them.

Although they didn't formally fight with Meng Zhang, they were terrified when they saw Meng Zhang's powerful strength indirectly.

They even had a kind of gratitude, fortunate that Meng Zhang did not directly act on them.

The Japanese true monarch originally disagreed that the monks in the gate were used by Xiao Liang and went against the Taiyi gate.

After this experience, he made up his mind to do his best to let Bai Rigu leave this whirlpool far away.

Regardless of other people, the Japanese true monarch directly ordered the monk in the door. Ask them to guard the door tightly and not to interfere with outside affairs.

No matter who asks for help outside, he must ignore it as if he has not heard.

Although he was puzzled, the following disciples did not dare to disobey the order of the Japanese true monarch.

Soon, the Brother Bairigu began to strengthen the defense of the camp, as if they were a thousand miles away, regardless of what happened outside.

Those monks who tried to run to the Bairi Valley camp to seek refuge, had no way to enter, and had to run around the camp to call for help.

They didn't call for too long before being chased by the sword **** and killed them all.

Tai Miao led the ghost team to rush, and the time passed most of the night.

Before dawn, he led the ghost team back to the underworld.

The surrounding camps were in a mess, and the ground was full of corpses of cultivators.

In less than a night, with the exception of Bairigu, most of the camps of the cultivation forces were breached.

Not only the ordinary monks were killed and wounded countless, but even the True Monarch Yuanshen had a full three people who died here.

I don't know when, Meng Zhang also left silently. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Feeling that the huge pressure disappeared, the few true primordial sages in Bairigu dared to leave the camp to check the surroundings.

Based on the experience of these true primordial spirits, the surrounding scenes of corpses running across the wild and blood flowing in rivers, they have long been used to seeing them.

But they couldn't help feeling a chill in their hearts when they thought of the fact that it happened just a few minutes away.

Meng Zhang didn't directly deal with Bai Rigu, not because he was incapable, but because he wanted to save a little effort as much as possible.

If Brother Bairigu is really ignorant, then when Meng Zhang comes next time, he won't be merciful.

Hearing is fictitious, seeing is believing, no matter how loud Meng Zhang's reputation used to be, they may not be afraid.

But after personally witnessing the powerful power Meng Zhang possessed, they finally became guilty.

When Meng Zhang shot, Xiao Liang didn't support them in time.

The Ziyang Saint Sect is aloof, and may not care about the life and death of these little people.

Under the strong persuasion of the true monarch of Japan, the other true primordial spirits were finally persuaded by him.

The benefits of being a gun for Xiao Liang have yet to be seen, but the catastrophe is already imminent.

This time, they didn't save the others, and let the ghosts run rampant. It was not easy to confess to Xiao Liang's side.

The primordial primordial monarchs of Bairigu finally reached an agreement and decided to leave the Daheng cultivation world completely and go overseas for development.

Bairigu moved quickly, and the monks in the camp quickly evacuated here and embarked on a new journey.

Before leaving, the Japanese true monarch wrote to Xiao Liang, saying that Bairigu and other comprehension forces were attacked by a mysterious army of ghosts, causing heavy casualties and almost annihilated the entire army.

In order to avoid ghosts, the remaining monks in Bairi Valley had to flee overseas.

It's really a pity that I can't continue to serve Ziyang Saint Sect.

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