The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1501: bona fide

The strongest Angry Flood King and the Water Spirit King among this group of extraterritorial invaders have been taken down by Meng Zhang.

The remaining Demon King and Spirit King were farther apart in strength, and in front of Meng Zhang, there was almost no power to fight back.

If they were true monarchs from the same sect, and if they worked together to lay down a magic circle, they might be able to resist one or two.

If there are really ten or twenty true primordial primordial primordial monarchs deploying the circle, teaming up against the enemy, and giving full play to their numerical advantages, it will indeed cause Meng Zhang to be very troubled.

It's just a pity that at the critical moment, these extraterritorial invaders are not united inside, and they don't have the various methods of human cultivators.

They are now in chaos inside, with different ideas. After desperately breaking the maze of space under the Void, some want to escape, some want to fight Meng Zhang...

The guy who stayed desperately didn't make a calm response at all because of his courage.

After Meng Zhang took the shot, he didn't spend much effort, and he either captured or killed a bunch of unconscious guys on the spot.

After a while, Xu Kongzi also slowed down, regaining his ability to shoot.

He easily crossed the space, chasing up those escaping guys one by one, and smashed each one.

In this way, the high-level combat power among the extraterritorial invaders was almost completely wiped out, and none of them slipped through the net.

In this process, those low-level monsters and spirit races are also paying attention to the battle here.

Many demon generals and spirit generals with only Tier 3 strength are trying to take part in this battle without self-reliance.

Needless to say, in this level of battle, their cannon fodder didn't play much role at all, and they died one after another.

They didn't even play a role in the production, but it made Meng Zhang take a little more effort.

When the high-level of the extraterritorial invaders were wiped out by a single net, plus the demon generals and spirits would suffer heavy losses, the remaining extraterritorial invaders would no longer dare to come and die.

Meng Zhang and Xu Kongzi unscrupulously released the aura of the strong, and the countless extraterritorial invaders that had been shocked fell to the ground, almost afraid to move.

Dealing with extraterritorial invaders is a race dispute. There is no such thing as a big bully. Even if Meng Zhang took the initiative to commit a massacre in the clouds and mist, others would not criticize anything, but would just call it good. .

However, firstly, Meng Zhang was unwilling to kill too much, and secondly, these extraterritorial invaders had other functions.

Therefore, he did not entangle with these low-level extraterritorial invaders.

Those demon kings and spirit kings captured by Meng Zhang were all imprisoned by him, and suppressed in his own mustard space.

He didn't waste even a large pile of corpses on the ground, all of them were collected in the mustard space.

Then Meng Zhang and Xu Kongzi came to the core of the cross-border teleportation formation that was being built.

Meng Zhang easily wiped out the extraterritorial invaders guarding here and carefully observed the surroundings.

Since many years ago, the extraterritorial invaders in the cloud and mist gave up everything outside, took the initiative to shrink their strength, and devoted themselves to the construction of this large formation.

After so many years, their effectiveness has not been great, and this large formation is still far from completion.

Meng Zhang didn't rush to destroy this big formation, but kept it.

The formation masters in the gate can use it as a reference to see if they can improve their formation level.

With a stroke of his hand, Meng Zhang placed a simple prohibition to protect this place.

After doing all this, Meng Zhang and Xu Kongzi returned directly to the mountain gate.

Both the captives and the corpses were placed in the gate by Meng Zhang for the middle and high level of the gate to deal with them slowly.

He ordered a batch of True Monarchs from the door to clean up Yunwu Daze again.

The mission of this batch of primordial primordial monarchs is to search the inventory of invaders outside the territory and seize useful materials.

At the same time, kill the restless guys among the extraterritorial invaders one by one.

From then on, among the clouds and mists, there will be low-level monster races and low-level spirit races.

Taiyimen will use certain means to block the Yunwu Daze and turn it into its own hunting ground.

The disciples selected in the gate can enter the hunting ground to hunt and gather.

They can not only increase actual combat experience, exercise their various abilities, but also have certain gains, which can be regarded as a kind of martial arts welfare.

Meng Zhang didn't ask about the specific details, but just stated his own ideas, and the middle and high levels of the door would naturally implement them one by one.

After Meng Zhang confessed, he left the mountain gate again and teleported to the headquarters of the Datong Commercial League in Jiuqu Province.

Meng Zhang didn't alarm the others, so he appeared silently in the quiet room where Shang Han Zhenjun was.

When Shang Han Zhenjun saw Meng Zhang, the horror on his face couldn't hide.

The true monarch of Shangxin with the strength of the mid-primary spirit has good eyesight, and he has met Emperor Ba Wu and the national teacher Chunyu Zhongda.

In Meng Zhang's body, he sensed that very similar aura.

Although he didn't want to believe it, he had to accept that Meng Zhang had already broken through to the Yang Shen stage.

If it is said that True Lord Shang Han can still compete with the previous Meng Zhang with the strength in his hand, facing the current Meng Zhang, he has no power to fight back at all.

At this time, if Meng Zhang was willing, he could easily uproot the power of big merchants such as the Datong Business League in Jiuqu Province and make them all extinct.

However, Meng Zhang did not do this His appearance in front of the Shangyu Zhenjun is not only a demonstration, but also for communication.

The object of his communication is not the true emperor of Shang Han, but the overlord emperor of the Great Li Dynasty.

In the past, Taiyimen betrayed the Dali Dynasty, which caused the Dali Dynasty to lose the Jiuqu province and casualties a large number of monks.

Originally, it was not the Taiyi Sect of the Dali Dynasty, but because of the betrayal, it became the object of the Dali Dynasty's hatred.

At this moment and then, Meng Zhang became the **** of Yang, and he was qualified to have an equal dialogue with Emperor Bawu.

On the bright side of the Dali Dynasty, there are only two true kings of Yangshen, Emperor Bawu and Guoshi Chunyu Zhongda.

If you don't want to have one more enemy of the same rank, then Emperor Wudi can't entangle past grievances.

Meng Zhang did not expect to be able to turn the enemy into a friend with the Great Li Dynasty, but hoped that the two sides could have a certain tacit understanding and try to avoid fierce frontal battles in the future.

Of course, Meng Zhang will not betray the Ziyang Saint Zong now and rejoin the Dali Dynasty.

Meng Zhang just showed an attitude, expressing that he had no intention of being an enemy of Dali Dynasty.

In fact, the Taiyi Sect at this time was completely equal to the qualifications and the Great Li Dynasty, and had the same status.

Meng Zhang had already shown goodwill, and it was his problem whether Emperor Ba Wu accepted it or not.

The two sides are now in opposing camps. From the interests of everyone, it is best to have a certain tacit understanding.

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In any case, even if Meng Zhang enters the Yang Shen stage, Taiyi Sect still has to stay low in front of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

If the Ziyang Saint Sect mobilized Taiyimen's power to attack the Dali Dynasty, Taiyimen could not refuse either.

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