The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1522: Heavenly Thunder Supreme

Seeing this old man, the Luo family brothers hurriedly saluted respectfully.

"Meet the Lord of Thunder."

This was the first time Meng Zhang saw the Supreme Thunder of Heaven. He didn't care much, and hurriedly followed the Luo brothers to salute and greet him.

"Well, on the battlefield, where is there so much red tape."

Lord Tianlei waved his hand a little impatiently.

Venerable Fangyuan and Venerable Fangzheng also hurriedly met with Venerable Tianlei and greeted each other.

For the two monks of the same rank, and the other party came from afar to help, the attitude of the Supreme Thunder was obviously much more polite.

The Heaven and Earth Faxiang of the Heavenly Thunder Supreme is still fighting a powerful enemy in the distance, but the physical body can appear here, which makes Meng Zhang greatly admired.

In the inheritance book left by the ancestors of the Taiyi Sect, the contents related to the practice are recorded until the rebirth period.

Meng Zhang didn't know much about the practice above the Void Return Period.

In the heavenly palace, he came into contact with some rebirth powers, and among them was the predecessor who was willing to take care of him like Granny Qiansi.

He also heard a little about some of the magical powers of the rebirth period.

Not all the powers of returning to the void can condense the world and the law.

Only those who are outstanding and have great magical powers can condense the phenomena of heaven and earth.

Heaven and earth is the most powerful means of confronting the enemy, far better than all kinds of magic weapons and the like.

It is said that the power of returning to the virtual world is condensed with the sun **** as its core.

For a monk at the Yang Shen stage like Meng Zhang, if the Yang Shen comes out of his body, his body will only have some instinctive reactions, and he won't have much magical powers.

But the Heavenly Thunder Supreme in front of him, his physical body could fly by himself and talk with everyone.

Moreover, Meng Zhang faintly felt that the flesh in front of him contained terrifying power.

If you are confronted with this physical body, I am afraid that you will only have to be crushed obediently.

While Meng Zhang was sighing the power of the Supreme Being of Heavenly Thunder, both Venerable Fangyuan and Venerable Fangzheng talked about business with the Supreme Being of Heavenly Thunder.

The battle in front of us is not over yet, it is not the time to slowly relive the past.

Venerable Tianlei was not a hypocritical person, and directly approached Venerable Fangyuan and the others for help.

On the floating continent, including Heavenly Thunder Supreme, there are a total of four Void Returning Powers.

They are all entangled by the attacking demon master and barbarian master now, except for the body of Heavenly Thunder Supreme, everyone else is temporarily unable to get out.

According to the superficial plan of the Heavenly Thunder Supreme, his Heaven and Earth Dharma and the Dan Shanke together attracted the attention of the enemy frontally. Venerable Fangyuan and Venerable Fangzheng led the Buddhism monks in a sneak attack behind them, striving to defeat the allied forces of the monsters and the barbarians in one fell swoop.

Fighting at this level, no magic tricks, or war strategies have much effect. The main thing depends on the real strength comparison between the two sides.

Although Jun Chen Realm cultivator was temporarily at a disadvantage because of his strength inferior to the opponent, after receiving the support of Buddhism cultivator, he could smooth out the strength gap and try to turn the tide of the battle.

Venerable Fangyuan and Venerable Fangzheng kept nodding their heads and saying yes to the arrangement of the heavenly thunder.

Although the main combat power of Heavenly Thunder Supreme was on that one Heaven and Earth Dharma. But the flesh body in front of him can also defeat ordinary demon masters or barbarians.

Venerable Tianlei turned around and was about to lead Venerable Fangyuan and them into action.

Just as the Heavenly Thunder Lord turned around, a sharp look flashed in the eyes of the originally kindly smiling Lord Fang Yuan, and he suddenly made a move.

The thick string of Buddhist beads that originally hung on his chest flew out like lightning, and all of a sudden, it was caught on the head of the heavenly thunder who was caught off guard.

After the buddha beads caught the target, it immediately tightened, firmly entangled the head of the heavenly thunder.

Originally not smirking, the taciturn Venerable Fangzheng flew silently behind Tianlei Shangzun, and slapped him on the back with a light palm.

The two parties who were still talking about it just now suddenly became enemies.

As the reinforcements, Venerable Fang Yuan and Venerable Fang Zheng attacked Heavenly Thunder Supreme, which was beyond Meng Zhang's expectations.

Although the physical body of Tianlei Lord is not weak, it is difficult to stop the sneak attack by two Buddhist monks regardless of their status.

Once this physical body is damaged, even the heaven and earth phenomena with the Heavenly Thunder Supreme will be greatly affected.

The incident happened suddenly, except for Venerable Fang Yuan and Venerable Fang Zheng who attacked in the first place, everyone else probably hadn't figured out what was going on.

Heavenly Thunder Supreme is, anyway, a great ability to return to the void, even if he is suddenly attacked, he still struggles and resists instinctively.

Venerable Fangyuan and Venerable Fangzheng were worried that their subordinates might reveal flaws, and they did not give any instructions to Yuanjue and Yuanguang before they attacked.

Yuanjue, as a junior who is highly regarded by the predecessors of the door, is the leader of the Yuanzi generation no matter what.

Although he didn't know in advance that the two elders would attack and rescue the target, he never regarded the cultivator of Junchen Realm as a friend, but as an enemy.

He reacted in time and responded correctly.

He knew that with his own cultivation base, he was not qualified to participate in the battle of returning to the virtual level.

He targeted Meng Zhang, who had a cultivation level similar to his own.

Yuanjue's big sleeve flicked, and a short vajra flew out of the big sleeve silently and quickly flew towards Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang, who seemed to be still in a daze, avoided the vajra issued by Yuanjue with ease.

Taiyi's lightsaber descended from the sky and slashed towards the vajra that was pursuing Meng Zhang, and fought fiercely with it.

Meng Zhang also didn't expect that everyone was discussing how to deal with the enemy's plan. Venerable Fang Yuan and Venerable Fang Zheng turned their faces and refused to recognize them, and suddenly attacked Heavenly Thunder Supreme.

Because of the memory of his previous life, Meng Zhang's impression of Buddhism has not been very good.

Although these Buddhist monks did not reveal any flaws before they started, Meng Zhang still kept a minimum of guard.

After Venerable Fangyuan and Venerable Fangzheng attacked Heavenly Thunder Supreme, he immediately reacted and responded instinctively.

Yuan Guang has a late cultivation base of the Golden Body Realm The cultivation base is much worse than Meng Zhang and Yuan Jue.

He only reacted after Meng Zhang and Yuan Jue started fighting.

He didn't waste time either, and shot directly at the Luo family brothers.

The Luo brothers reacted the slowest.

Seeing that the Heavenly Thunder Supreme was attacked, they still had a feeling of disbelief, wondering if there was a mistake there.

Although they blocked Yuanguang's sneak attack out of instinct, they quickly fell into a disadvantage, and Yuanguang completely controlled the rhythm of the battle.

Although Meng Zhang blocked Yuan Jue's sneak attack, he didn't mean to entangle him at all.

Even the Supreme Thunder was attacked by the enemy, what is the effect of his staying behind?

If the body of the Heavenly Thunder Supreme dies, a monk of the Yang God stage in his area will not only be unable to turn the tide of the battle at all, but will become the enemy's new trophy.

Meng Zhang tried to kill Yuanjue, who was regressing and pressing, and found a chance to get out.

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