The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1527: Interview

Under the command of Dan Shanke, Meng Zhang began to rescue the wounded and clean up the battlefield.

He had been busy for three or five days before he was slightly free.

After this period of contact with Dan Shanke, the two also became familiar.

Meng Zhang was originally brought to this battlefield by the silver pot old man.

The original intention of the silver pot old man was to introduce Meng Zhang to the Supreme Thunder, hoping that he would be valued by the Supreme Thunder and become his subordinate.

Dan Shanke is a man who understands things. He didn't anger Meng Zhang because of the Luo family brothers' death. What should he do?

Meng Zhang is half of his own, and he has made great contributions.

Therefore, Dan Shanke has a good attitude towards him.

Meng Zhang took advantage of the opportunity to contact Dan Shanke and asked a lot of things.

Anyway, the war was over, and there was no need to keep many things secret, so Dan Shanke didn't have much to hide.

Many years ago, that group of Buddhist monks from far away deliberately made friends with the senior level of Junchen Realm.

Although I don't know the intentions of these Buddhist monks, but the senior level of Jun Chen Realm is full of instinctive guard against them.

However, facing the Junchen Realm that was besieged by several big worlds, it was impossible to push the Buddhist monks to the enemy's side, but to maintain certain contacts with them.

Among them, a few people such as Tianlei Supreme have the most contacts with Buddhist monks, and their relationship is particularly close.

This time, the Heavenly Thunder Supreme Master single-handedly led the battle. In addition to fighting for resources, he mainly hoped that Jun Chen's interface would not keep retreating when the enemy was a foreign enemy, and could give the enemy sufficient deterrence.

Meng Zhang had personally experienced the development after this war, and it was quite clear.

As for the discord between the Supreme Thunder and the other high-level members of Junchen Realm, and the promotion of this battle alone, it was all news deliberately released by the Supreme Thunder.

Tianlei Shangzun pretended to be a posture, and even the Luo family brothers, who could be regarded as confidants, were concealed by him, and he didn't know the actual situation.

Of course, Dan Shanke still has reservations about Meng Zhang.

He just briefly talked about his own calculation of Buddhist monks. He did not elaborate on many of the details and internal information.

For Meng Zhang, these details didn't help much except to satisfy his curiosity.

Anyway, he only needs to know that Heavenly Thunder Supreme has not betrayed Jun Chen Realm, let alone colluded with Buddhism monks in private, that's it.

In this battle, the side of Jun Chen Realm suffered heavy casualties, but the results of the battle were even more brilliant.

The pagoda of Buddhism, probably the void battleship of Buddhism, was sunk by the Junchen Realm side.

You know, the difficulty of building a void warship is not necessarily much worse than cultivating a Void Returning Great.

The various precious materials consumed are uncountable.

Many Buddhas on the pagoda of Buddhism basically died there, including a rebirth power.

After the pagoda was destroyed, only a few golden Buddhas could escape.

In addition, Venerable Fangyuan and Venerable Fangzheng, these two famous rebirth powers, although they barely escaped, they were seriously injured and could not be recovered in a short time.

Yuan Guang and Luo family brothers were caught in the aftermath of the battle when they were fighting with the two Buddhist monks, and they were killed. It was a trivial matter.

On the frontal battlefield, a demon master and a barbarian master each died in battle. There were more than one hundred demon kings and barbaric kings who had fallen.

The monks of Junchen Realm lost many true primordial spirits, but fortunately, the power of returning to the void was not compromised.

At most, like Dan Shanke, he was seriously injured.

The Danshanke's world and law were damaged, and his body was not lightly injured, but it did not hurt the root.

He only needs to recuperate for a period of time before he can fully recover.

From the aspect of battle loss ratio, Jun Chen Realm's side can basically be said to be a complete victory.

After this battle, the monster and barbarian teams evacuated far from the battlefield, and gave this resource-rich meteorite to Junchen Realm.

This is a huge gain for Jun Chen Realm.

You know, Jun Chen's interface has been in a passive defense state for the siege of several big worlds.

In recent years, it has only been able to hold tightly to the area around Junchen Realm, and it has become increasingly difficult to obtain various resources from the void.

The start of this meteorite belt is not just a harvest of resources. It also shows that facing the siege of several big worlds, the side of Jun Chen Realm still has the power to fight back and can still deal a great blow to the enemy.

After this battle, Heavenly Thunder Supreme became even more prestigious.

The Ten Thousand Demon Realm and other big worlds were shocked, I am afraid that within a short period of time, it would be difficult to press on Jun Chen Realm step by step.

For a long period of time from now on, Jun Chen Realm cultivators have a larger living space in the void, and they can move a little bit more in the surrounding void.

Taking advantage of the chance that the Dan Shanke was in a good mood, Meng Zhang gave him his jade pendant.

The above recorded the scene of Meng Zhang's great power, defeating Yuanjue, and killing the Great Demon King and several Demon King Barbarian Kings.

Of course, the news on Jade Pei is not all the original information, Meng Zhang has undergone some processing.

He not only deliberately blocked some key information, but also concealed some information about his own Taoism.

If other monks cut the information on the jade pendant so arbitrarily, they would definitely be scolded.

I dare not say that there are too many punishments. At least, Dan Shanke can completely question the authenticity of his battle results.

After getting acquainted for this period of time, Dan Shanke had a good impression of Meng Zhang, and he also deliberately added new blood to Heavenly Thunder Supreme.

Therefore, he will not care too much about some insignificant things, but will try his best to help confuse the past.

After the end of the war, the work of cleaning up the battlefield and rescuing the wounded and the dying has come to an end, so it is time to judge merits and rewards.

Meng Zhang's participation in this battle didn't last long. Prior to that, his main energy had been on collecting various resources, and the few demon kings and barbarous kings that had been beheaded were smoothly handled.

But this time, he was willing to take risks and act as a bait to lure the Buddhist monks to the bait really contributed a lot.

There were two main reasons why Danshanke sent Meng Zhang at the beginning.

One is to value Meng Zhang's cultivation base and expect him to **** the Luo family brothers and Shinwu to successfully meet the Buddhist monks.

Secondly, using a Yangshen monk as the bait, plus the descendants of Danshanke's cronies, the bait is enough.

Dan Shanke was mentally prepared that neither Meng Zhang nor Luo family brothers would return.

But since Meng Zhang came back safely, of course it was a rewarding reward.

Moreover, Meng Zhang's deeds must be publicized to inspire others.

Although Jun Chenjie won this battle, he also lost a lot of True Monarch Yuanshen and even True Monarch Yangshen, and indeed he needed to boost his morale through various means.

As for the results Meng Zhang achieved, the point of slaying the goal became the icing on the cake.

After Dan Shanke reported Meng Zhang's situation, Heavenly Thunder Supreme was busy, and took time to meet with Meng Zhang.

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