The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1533: Take refuge

Although they haven't seen each other for many years, Meng Zhang and Luo Ye Zhenjun, their masters and apprentices, don't feel strange. Still the same as before, I feel that the other party is very kind.

They talked enthusiastically for a long time and talked about many other experiences.

After the two masters and apprentices returned to the headquarters of the dark alliance, the two masters and disciples still paid attention to the situation of Meng Zhang and Taiyimen through various channels from time to time.

Especially after Jueying entered the Primordial Spirit Stage, if it hadn't really had time to do it, he would have wanted to come back to see Meng Zhang a long time ago.

For Taiyi Sect, Jueying has a different kind of concern.

She carefully pointed out An Moran, the third disciple of Meng Zhang, and helped him establish the Taiyi Sect's secret hall, so that Taiyi Sect had a basic intelligence system.

Although there has been no time to come back, the dark alliance itself is a well-informed force.

It can even be said that the dark alliance that sells all kinds of intelligence as a selling point is one of the most well-informed forces in the Junchen Realm.

Regarding everything that happened at Taiyimen, Zhenjun Luoye, master and disciple, had always understood.

As old friends, they were even more amazed at the achievements Meng Zhang achieved and the accomplishments he made in leading the Taiyimen.

Especially Meng Zhang was able to break the unspoken rules of the northern part of Jun Chen Realm and advance to the Yang Shen stage, which is even more incredible.

Meng Zhang talked with Zhenjun Luo Ye and his apprentices for a long time, and finally got into the topic and asked them what they were coming from.

At this time, they still had their stomachs full of words and couldn't finish talking. They seemed very embarrassed and a little hesitated.

They were very embarrassed to tell Meng Zhang that they had left the Dark League headquarters and came to the desolate north of Junchen Realm, but they had actually taken refuge.

It turned out that the two masters and apprentices of Zhenjun Luoye advanced to the Yuanshen stage one after another. Later, after having the cultivation base of the middle stage of the Yuanshen, they were barely number one in the dark alliance.

Among their factions, they are even more optimistic and have received key training.

In recent years, the dark alliance has not been peaceful, and among the high-levels, there have been constant struggles.

During a recent internal struggle, the faction of Master Luo Ye, their masters and apprentices, suffered a serious setback.

The two masters and apprentices, Master Luo Ye, were very unfortunately involved.

If factional struggles fail, there is a natural price to pay.

In the realm of cultivation, even among the so-called orthodox sects, the losers of internal struggles will suffer the corresponding consequences.

In the slightest, all power is lost, and they are assigned to poor rural areas.

The dark alliance is secretive, and many styles are closer to those demon sects.

In Junchen Realm, the dark alliance is often regarded as a side-by-side approach, completely different from the decent sect.

The struggle within the dark alliance is fierce, and casualties are also indispensable.

As the loser, Master Luo Ye, the master and apprentice, if one is not good, it is really possible to worry about his life.

The two masters and apprentices are also true masters of Yuanshen at any rate. It is when the future is promising, how could they be willing to die inexplicably.

With the help of their elders, the two of them, the master and the apprentice, secretly escaped from the headquarters of the dark alliance and came to the outside world.

The intelligence system of the dark alliance is huge. If their political opponents are not willing to give up and use the power of the dark alliance to hunt them down, they are really hard to escape.

In the end, they went all the way north and fled to the territory of Taiyimen.

Although Zhenjun Luo Ye and Jue Ying had not discussed with Meng Zhang in advance, they believed in Meng Zhang's character and friendship.

They flee to this point, Meng Zhang will certainly not leave them alone. Even if it offends the dark alliance, Meng Zhang will most likely accept them.

When talking about this, Luoye Zhenjun felt a bit ashamed, and he almost couldn't lift his head.

Meng Zhang didn't care about it.

As Zhenjun Luo Ye and Jue Ying thought, sheltering two old friends who had fled, Meng Zhang would not hesitate at all.

Even if they offend their enemies for this, and become enemies of the dark alliance, Meng Zhangdu is not afraid.

In the Junchen Realm, according to the widely circulated statement among practitioners, the Dark Alliance is a huge organization with unfathomable strength.

The strength it possesses can even compete with the Sect of the Holy Land.

After all, the dark alliance has survived in Junchen Realm for so many years, and many times it has been active under the eyelids of those holy land sects, which shows that the holy land sect has a great tolerance for the dark alliance.

The black market of the dark alliance's peripheral institutions that Meng Zhang had contacted before, as well as some branches of the dark alliance, did have very powerful forces, let alone the headquarters of the dark alliance.

But what about it, no matter how strong the dark alliance is, how can it be the Taiyi Sect?

There is a dark word in the name of the dark alliance, which represents the style of the dark alliance.

Dark alliances generally operate in the dark and rarely participate in disputes in the realm of cultivation.

Among other things, the dark alliance's peripheral organization black market fully respects the overlord of each region and will not easily become an enemy.

As the overlord of the endless sand sea, Feihongzong was just a mere Jindanzong.

Not to mention the dark alliance, there are quite a few primordial primordial monarchs in the black market.

However, from the beginning to the end, the black market has been under the Feihongzong and has never confronted it head-on.

The current Taiyi Sect, as the dominating Yuanshen Sect, is not so easy to shake.

Especially the head of Meng Zhang, not only the true monarch of Yangshen, but also the law enforcement messenger of Tiangong.

Even if the dark alliance wants to be disadvantageous to Meng Zhang, what kind of lineup must it send to be sure of winning?

If the dark alliance really goes against its usual style, aggressively attacking Taiyimen, let alone the heavenly palace, even those holy land sects will not tolerate it.

Meng Zhang has been in the palace for so many years and has mastered many secrets in the realm of cultivation.

The dark alliance that looked mysterious in the past has also been slowly unveiled.

Many holy land sects tolerate the existence of the dark alliance for a reason.

One of the most important points is that the dark alliance has promised many years ago that it will never actively affect the original structure of the cultivation world, will not seek to establish hegemony in various regions, and will not forcibly invade the territories of the major cultivation sects of the Junchen world. ...

Meng Zhang agreed to accept and shelter the master and apprentice of Lord Luo without any prior consideration.

After thinking about it, he had nothing to worry about.

Even if it offends the dark alliance high-level, it is not a big deal.

The dark alliance cannot clearly attack the Taiyimen, at most it will cut off contact with the Taiyimen.

The current strength and channels of the ether gate, and the dark alliance, are a bit inconvenient at best, and there will be no major problems.

Meng Zhang's attitude moved Zhenjun Luo Ye and Master Jue Shadow very much.

In order to make Meng Zhang feel at ease, they also told Meng Zhang.

Although their enemies are highly powerful within the dark alliance, they can't cover the sky with one hand, let alone completely control the dark alliance's major policies.

At most, their enemies would send people to hunt them down, but they couldn't do anything to Taiyimen and Meng Zhang.

Of course, if news of Meng Zhang's sheltering them spreads, it will be inevitable for these enemies to make some small actions in secret.

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