The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1547: Weapon of war

The aquarium army led by Yuboli concentrated most of the power she could mobilize.

In the army, there are more than ten strong men at the primordial spirit level.

Numerous fighters from all major groups of the Shui tribe form this army of more than 100,000.

When this army came to the outside of Tonghai Fortress in mighty force, its momentum was very shocking.

Relying on some lake islands and reefs in the Jiuqu River, the Tonghai Fortress built numerous defense facilities.

The entire fortress is densely covered with various restrictions, and it is backed by a Tier 4 protective array.

When the murlocs broke through this fortress, they largely relied on the power of internal traitors, and the inside should be combined with the outside.

Now that Yuboli had no internal response, it would be extremely difficult to forcibly break through this fortress.

Those aquatic groups who oppose the mermaid tribe are not necessarily weaker than Yuboli together.

With the help of the strong murloc tribe, they are basically invincible.

The head of the murloc tribe is probably very confident in his side.

In the face of the large army led by Yuboli, they did not rely on the Tonghai Fortress to hold on, but took the initiative to lead the army to fight.

Relying on the Tonghai Fortress, under the tall walls of the fortress, a large-scale aquatic army began to form a mess.

It was not the strong murloc who commanded this army, but the Golden Hook King who had betrayed the mermaid.

King Golden Hook's personal combat power is not below Yuboli, whether it is the ability of marching or the battles he has experienced, it is far above Yuboli.

In the face of an unshakable enemy, Yu Boli did not speak any nonsense, and directly led the army to kill.

The two aquatic armies fought fiercely under the Tonghai Fortress because of their different loyalties.

Under the guidance of their respective flags, different ethnic groups such as shrimp soldiers and crabs, water snakes and turtles, and mermaid and merman fought fierce battles with their opponents.

Not long after the battle began, it entered a white-hot stage.

Countless Jiuqu River aquariums died in the battle, blood of various colors filled the surrounding river, and all kinds of stumps and broken arms were thrown away everywhere...

Meng Zhang didn't rush to help the battle, but waited and watched in silence.

Although Yu Boli had long surrendered to Meng Zhang, she was willing to let the Jiuquhe Aquarium become a vassal of Taiyimen.

But in Meng Zhang's heart, he didn't trust Yu Boli or the Jiuqu River Aquarium under her leadership.

In the eyes of Meng Zhang, the strength of the Jiuquhe Aquarium is still slightly stronger.

It is not a good thing that Taiyimen suddenly added such a powerful subordinate.

If you don't handle this kind of big tail situation, it might cause endless disasters.

Therefore, it is best for the Jiuquhe Aquarium to be weakened.

The army led by Yuboli and the enemies she faced, no matter where there were huge casualties, Meng Zhang was willing to see.

The Jiuquhe Shui Clan had better suffer heavy casualties and lost strength during this civil war, so Taiyimen could safely use it for its own use.

Looking at the battlefield with corpses in front of him and blood flowing in a river, Meng Zhang waited silently, waiting for the consumption of both sides to be almost exhausted, it was when he shot.

A large part of Yuboli's aquarium army was forcibly conscripted.

Including those powerhouses at the primordial spirit level, she had to obey her because of the ban.

Whether it is morale or obedience, Yuboli's aquatic army has many shortcomings.

Although her opponent's aquatic army is also a patchwork, composed of different aquatic groups, but the King of Golden Hook is worthy of a veteran on the battlefield. He actually trained this army in a good manner and its combat power is not weak.

The two sides fought for a long time, each with casualties, the fight was inextricably difficult, and it was difficult to tell the victory or defeat for a while.

At this time, Yuboli began to show her own trump cards.

The mermaid tribe has ruled Jiuqu River for so many years, and it still has a lot of background.

A black banner rose behind Yuboli, accompanied by the sound of gongs and drums that shook the sky, waves of water rose into the sky, rushing to the opposite side frantically.

This is a large-scale war weapon created by the mermaid tribe with secret methods.

This kind of magic weapon of war is composed of many magic weapon parts, the more parts, the greater the power.

The merman tribe has spent countless efforts and resources over thousands of years to create numerous assembly parts.

Such large-scale weapons of war are often used in large-scale battlefields.

The last time the mermaid tribe was betrayed by traitors, the ancestral land was attacked, and it was too late to take out such war weapons from the large library and distribute them to the army.

Before this war, Yuboli made full preparations, used all the power that could be used, and would never be stingy with the magical tools that should be used.

With the use of the two weapons of war, the Great Banner of the Drum Wave and the Wind Gongs and Drums, one wave after another rushed towards the enemy's army.

The waves of water turned into monsters of all kinds, rushing from the front to the King of Golden Hook.

King Golden Hook and his guards stood on the surface of the water, splitting the water waves with their hands.

However, among this aquatic army, there are very few people with the cultivation base of King Golden Hook.

Those aquatic warriors with insufficient cultivation level, in front of the fierce water waves, just resisted for a moment, and then they couldn't support them.

Soon, the aquatic army led by King Golden Hook began to waver, the army formation collapsed and the formation was disrupted.

Yuboli's battlefield experience is not as good as Golden Hook King, but the battlefield sense of smell is equally sharp.

She seized the opportunity and led her aquatic army to rush forward frantically.

Under her strict orders, the strong men of the various major groups of the aquarium who were planted and banned by her also had to lead their men desperately.

After a fierce charge, the aquatic army led by King Golden Hook couldn't resist it and had to start to retreat.

Whether it is the Golden Hook who is the opponent of Yuboli or Meng Zhang, who is watching the battle, they never thought that Yuboli was so good that he would have the upper hand in such a short period of time and defeat the enemy. NS.

Although the failure was obvious, the King of Golden Hook was not so flustered.

The more at this time, the more able to show the King of Golden Hook's ability.

He tried to stabilize his position and avoid the collapse of the entire army.

From time to time, he led the guards to launch counterattacks, trying to block Yuboli and blocking the enemy's impact.

On the Murloc side, probably did not expect King Golden Hook to lose so fast.

In order to turn the tide of the battle, the strong murlocs had to come up with some hole cards in advance.

On the side of the battlefield where the two aquatic armies were fighting fiercely, waves of water suddenly rolled up, and a huge mysterious tortoise stepped on the waves and directly launched an attack on the Yuboli army.

Although there was a certain amount of psychological preparation for a long time, but the Xuangui clan really stood on the opposite side, standing with the murloc clan, it still shocked Yuboli very much.

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