The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1564: Yun Conglong

The so-called wind from the tiger, the cloud from the dragon. Wherever a real dragon passes, there must be changes.

But for a while, the sky above Meng Zhang and the others was already covered with dark clouds and thick clouds...

An old man wearing a crown and a gun suit, a dragon-shaped phantom appeared from time to time behind his back, just appeared in the sky, looking at Meng Zhang and the others below.

Meng Zhang winked at Xu Kongzi, and with a light step, he appeared not far from the old man.

"Meng Zhang, the head of Taiyi Sect." Meng Zhang reported his name in a deep voice.

The powerhouses of the Yang God level are well-known in the entire Junchen Realm, and they are basically the big figures of the Megatron side.

When encountering each other, we still have to pay attention to a little bit of style.

The old man pondered for a moment before he said: "You human monk still has some strength, and you are qualified to know the name of this king. This king is the chief of the dragon clan patrolling sea, and the king of the sea should be Yuntian."

After their respective names, both Dinghaiwang and Meng Zhang fell into silence.

Although the two did not speak in their mouths, their hands were not idle.

A layer of cloud and fog appeared on the bottom of Dinghai King Ying Yuntian's feet, and a large area of ​​nearby water was filled with water vapor.

Moving clouds and raining clouds and riding clouds and driving fog are the natural dragon's supernatural powers.

As long as a true dragon is of pure blood, it is natural to perform these two supernatural powers.

But if the same magical powers are displayed in the hands of different true dragons, there is simply a world of difference.

The two supernatural powers displayed in the hands of King Ying Yuntian of Dinghai easily mobilized the power of the Great Dao.

Almost endless rain fell from the dark clouds, turning the surrounding into a rainy world.

Here is originally above the sea, not only is there ample water vapor, but there is almost inexhaustible seawater below.

For the true dragon clan, various waters, especially the vast sea, are their home courts and are most suitable for them to play.

Coupled with the influence of the supernatural powers of moving clouds and rain, Dinghai King Ying Yuntian has built a wide legal domain around him and Meng Zhangdu in silence.

In the legal domain, the enemy will be greatly suppressed, and all aspects of one's own abilities can be greatly blessed.

Once the law domain took shape, Ying Yuntian, the old dragon, was almost invincible.

Meng Zhang didn't expect that the real dragon in front of him would be so old, and the combat experience would be so rich.

Of course, he cannot allow his opponents to do whatever they want, he must break the opponent's rhythm and find ways to take the initiative.

Amidst the same color of the sea and sky, the light suddenly shined, and the almost endless divine light of the sun and the moon burst out suddenly, as if it were going to shine in every corner of this place.

As the sun, moon and divine light passed, all the power of the legal domain disappeared and was easily eliminated.

This was not done yet, the Sun Moon Divine Light continued to fire, and directly swept towards Dinghai King Ying Yuntian.

I don't know when, Dinghai King Ying Yuntian had a huge Fangtian painted halberd in his hand.

He waved Fang Tian's painted halberd, and endless sea water poured up from the sea below, wrapped in huge waves one after another.

The waves rushed in the high altitude, rushing towards the location where Meng Zhang was.

Dinghai King Ying Yuntian stepped on the waves and waved Fang Tian's painted halberd to actively kill Meng Zhang.

Every time he waved the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand, it seemed that there was infinite power blessing it, and the surrounding space seemed to be shaking gently.

With a move of Meng Zhang's heart, Taiyi's lightsaber turned into a sky full of sword light and slew towards the aggressive opponent.

The two qi of yin and yang turned into a training, sweeping towards the enemy.

In this way, Meng Zhang and Dinghai King Ying Yuntian fought fiercely in the sky.

Ying Yuntian was probably worried that the aftermath of the battle between the two would affect the marine army below, so he deliberately led Meng Zhang away from here and fought in the high altitude in the distance.

Meng Zhang felt Ying Yuntian's undisguised killing intent, but he flew over without hesitation and continued to fight him fiercely.

After Meng Zhang and Ying Yuntian flew to the distance to fight, Xu Kongzi had not had time to make more moves, and a Yangshen-level powerhouse flew out of the sea clan army.

This is an old man of the short stature and shameless appearance of the sea-patrolling Yasha tribe.

Where this veteran of the sea-patrolling Yasha tribe went, the surrounding sea tribe army immediately issued bursts of thunderous applause and cheers.

The old man of the sea-patrolling Yaksha tribe didn't greet him, holding a trident, and rushed towards the empty void standing still on the surface of the river.

Finding that he had become the target of the strong sea clan, Xu Kongzi groaned, as if dissatisfied with being underestimated by the enemy.

Xunhai Yasha is one of the largest ethnic groups among the Sea Clan, and there are many branches.

This veteran of the sea-patrolling Yasha clan is named Hai Gangjian, and he is one of the strongest among the ancestors of the Xunhai Yasha clan.

There are many people in the Hai clan, and they basically respect the orders of the true dragon clan.

Since the human cultivators entered the Junchen realm, the true dragons took the initiative to retreat to the depths of the ocean with the sea clan.

The true dragons basically live in seclusion in their own habitats, and on the surface they no longer directly control the marine clan.

However, the major ethnic groups of the Sea Clan not only did not have the slightest self-reliance, but doubled their worship to the true dragon family.

For so many years, it's not that the human cultivators have never had an idea in the depths of the ocean.

Many human cultivation forces began to develop above the ocean, occupying many islands, and using these islands as their foundation, they slowly penetrated into the deep ocean.

One of the sects of Junchen Realm's holy land, Zhenhai Hall, which dominates the East China Sea, controlled almost the entire East China Sea and almost drove away the original sea clan of the East China Sea.

The human race is powerful, and the true dragon family also try to avoid battles with the human cultivators.

For those human cultivation forces that expand their forces on the ocean, the true dragon clan rarely come forward directly, and they all urge the sea clan to deal with it.

Over the years, most of the many ethnic groups of Xunhai Yasha have experienced **** battles with human cultivators.

Hai Gangjian has been fighting with human cultivators all the year, he grew up in the flames of war.

This sea tribe army was mainly organized by Hai Gangjian.

Invite Dinghai King Ying Yuntian of the True Dragon clan to participate, bring the sea clan army to the offshore, secretly contact the murloc clan, and support it to launch a rebellion in Jiuqu River...

All these things were driven vigorously by Hai Gangjian.

Hai Gangjian has always been hostile to the human race, and has obtained many benefits in the battle with the human cultivators.

In his heart, he is very eager for a battle between the Sea Clan and Human Clan cultivators, so that his family can make contributions in the war, get the rewards of the true dragon clan, and get further opportunities.

As one of the oldest races in Junchen Realm, the True Dragons have many means and are well informed.

Of course, the news of the imminent great changes in Junchen Realm could not be concealed from the eyes and ears of the true dragon clan.

For the sake of their own big plans, the true dragon clan also needs to slowly test the details of Jun Chen world cultivators to obtain more information.

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