The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1572: Alliance

Of course, Lu Tianshu is still not so direct, but when expressing his kindness, he vaguely revealed his intentions in this regard.

For Taiyi Sect, allies are also needed, especially those who are extremely powerful like the Hailing Sect and can compete with the Holy Land Sect.

However, the strength of the previous Hailing faction was far stronger than that of the Taiyimen. Even if the relationship between the two parties is good, when the interests of the martial art are involved, some accounts must be calculated clearly.

If an alliance was formed at that time, the status of the two parties would inevitably not be equal.

If Taiyi Sect formed an alliance with Hailing Sect, it would definitely become the enemy of Zhenhai Temple.

But Hailing faction would not go all out to help Taiyi Sect against Ziyang Saint Sect.

The current Taiyi Sect's strength is still not as good as the Hailing faction, but because of Meng Zhang's relationship, the Hailing faction has to treat it seriously.

Meng Zhang's recent record has given Lu Tianshu a completely new plan.

Lu Tianshu told Meng Zhang that although the Hailing faction had been at a disadvantage in front of Zhenhai Temple, it was not without resistance.

Although he did not explicitly say, but faintly said that the Hailing faction has the support of more than one rebirth power.

In this regard, Meng Zhang is not very surprised.

Without returning to the virtual power to support, which sect dared to confront the Holy Land sect head-on?

The Ziyang Saint Sect is full of malice towards the Taiyi Sect, but Taiyi Sect still pretends to be grandson, isn't it because it lacks the power of returning to the Void?

If the Taiyi Sect and the Hailing Sect form an alliance now, it is considered a high level of the Taiyi Sect.

Both Meng Zhang and Lu Tianshu intend to form an alliance, and the high-level officials of the two sects also support it.

As for the specific terms of the alliance, the two sides need to negotiate slowly next.

At the very least, the Taiyi Sect is to get help from the Hailing Sect, not to become the cannon fodder for the Hailing Sect to fight against Zhenhai Temple.

Similarly, the Hailing School needs the Taiyimen as a helper, not for the Taiyimen to become a vampire who draws benefits from themselves.

Although Lu Tianshu was only a monk in the late Yuanshen, he was highly regarded in the door and had a high status.

He led the crowd to reinforce the Taiyi Gate this time, and he also received strong support from the gate.

His contacts and conversations with Meng Zhang were fully authorized by the high-level sect.

After Meng Zhang and Lu Tianshu reached a general agreement, they began to retreat and heal their injuries.

On behalf of the Hailing School, Lu Tianshu and Niu Dawei, who represented Taiyimen, began an arduous and long negotiation for alliance.

After the war, Niu Dawei, who was already busy with business, had to spare time to participate in negotiations, which was really a bit difficult for him.

Even if he selected several assistants from the top of Taiyimen to participate in the negotiation, he was still very busy.

After several months of negotiations, Niu Dawei and Lu Tianshu respectively reached a preliminary agreement on behalf of their respective sects.

Taiyimen and Hailing faction formally form an alliance and become allies.

The two sides will not disclose the alliance relationship to the outside world, only tell the relevant people about it.

The two sides will cooperate in all aspects.

The monks regularly exchange visits and exchange materials to ensure the smooth flow of trade routes on each other's turf. When necessary, they can join hands to oppose the enemy and form a coalition...

The Taiyimen kept this covenant secret because they were worried that it would be directly targeted and suppressed by Zhenhai Temple.

Originally, a Ziyang Saint Sect had suppressed Taiyimen almost out of breath, and coupled with a Zhenhai Temple, Taiyimen might be even more difficult to fight against.

Although Meng Zhang was appreciated by Heavenly Thunder Supreme, he was regarded as a peripheral member of his staff.

However, as a superior person, the Heavenly Thunder Supreme will not uncontrollably shelter Meng Zhang.

It is a joke that the strong are involved and involved by the weak, but are involved in endless battles.

Although the Taiyi Sect could not stand on the side of the Hailing Sect in an upright manner, it would provide all kinds of help to the Hailing Sect in the dark.

If conditions permit, Taiyimen can also secretly engage in some small actions behind the Zhenhai Temple to create some trouble and add to the block.

The Hailing faction kept this covenant secret, also out of fear of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

Although the Hailing School is far in the South China Sea, it is far from the northern continent of Junchen Realm. However, the methods of the Purple Sun Saint Sect can still cause enough trouble for the Sea Spirit Sect when needed.

The Hailing faction will not directly help Taiyimen against the Ziyang Saint Sect, at most it will provide some help in secret.

In this covenant, the rights, responsibilities and obligations of both parties are roughly equal, and the status is also equal.

Although the Hailing faction is stronger, the two sides will be led by the Hailing faction after the alliance, but it is also difficult for the Hailing faction to impose orders on the Taiyi Sect.

The two sides negotiated for so long, constant disputes, constant compromises and concessions, and they have this covenant.

Generally speaking, no one suffers much. This covenant is necessary for everyone.

After the negotiation, Lu Tianshu needs to bring back the agreement reached to the middle and high level of the door for review before the alliance can be formally formed.

Niu Dawei also gave this covenant to Meng Zhang who was in retreat for review.

Both sides have the sincerity of forming an alliance, so there is no need to care about some minor issues.

Meng Zhang, who was in retreat, took the time to look at the covenant, and had no other opinions.

When Lu Tianshu returned from the Hailing faction a few months later, he once again came to Niu Dawei. This covenant was recognized by the high-levels of both parties, and the Taiyimen and the Hailing faction officially became secret allies.

After the two sides have formed an alliance, there are still many things to be done.

The Taiyimen will organize the Yuanshen monks to transfer through the Tiangong to the Hailing School in the South China Sea.

Taiyimen will establish a station on the Hailing School and begin communication in all aspects.

The Hailing faction will do the same thing here.

For Taiyimen, there is no need to fight alone.

With such a powerful ally of the Hailing faction, it can barely be regarded as foreign aid.

When facing the powerful sacred land sect, they need to hold a group for warmth and be united.

The Hailing School is a powerful sect with a long history and almost dominating the South China Sea.

The Taiyi Sect is not a single sect, but a powerful sect that commands many cultivation forces in the name of the Hanhai Dao League.

In the current Hanhai Dao League, its members range from Jiuqu Xing Province to Daheng Cultivation World.

In addition to many Human Cultivation sects and families, there are also other races such as the Jiuquhe Shui Clan and the Outer Domain Barbarian.

Defeating the large-scale invasion of the sea clan army, Taiyimen fully demonstrated its powerful strength.

The Jiuquhe Shui Clan is convinced of Taiyimen, and they dare not have two hearts at all.

After defeating the marine army last time, the Taiyimen monks' army and the Jiuquhe aquatic army chased them to the West Sea together, almost chasing them out of the offshore area.

Except for a few members who managed to escape, most of the entire marine army were either killed in battle or captured.

The Taiyimen monks tried to tame these captured sea races and turn them into their own slaves or subordinates.

Yuboli of the Mermaid tribe has done the same thing, wanting to add some sea tribes among the Jiuqu River aquatic tribe.

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