The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1591: Door-to-door

Qiu Gangfeng seemed frank, but in fact he still had reservations, and did not reveal all the secrets and details.

In this regard, Meng Zhang also has some understanding.

He had doubts about Qiu Gangfeng, and Qiu Gangfeng could not completely trust him.

It was just the first time the two met, and they had not had any contact before. For the other party's understanding, all comes from various intelligence.

Again, interest is the best link in this world.

Facing the tremendous pressure from the Ziyang Saint Sect, the two have a basis for cooperation.

The common enemy makes them natural allies.

As the time of acquaintance gets longer, the two will naturally cultivate enough trust in the future cooperation.

The first contact between Meng Zhang and Qiu Gangfeng was only a preliminary understanding and understanding and reached some tacit understanding.

When the two were talking, Qiu Blade suddenly rushed over.

Qiu Ren told Qiu Gangfeng that Zhenjun Xiang Bai, the principal of the resident Ziyang Shengzong in the Xingluo Islands, came to Xingluo Palace and asked to see Qiu Gangfeng.

On weekdays, the daily affairs of Xingluo Palace are presided over by the Presbyterian Church in the palace.

Among this group of elders, many people prefer Ziyang Shengzong, and some are simply the dark sons of Ziyang Shengzong.

Even those elders who were loyal to the Qiu family brothers would not directly reject Xiang Bai Zhenjun's request.

So, the Presbyterian sent someone to Qiu Gangfeng's retreat and reported the incident to Qiu Gangfeng.

Only after leaving Fuyunzi and taking in Bai Zhilei, Qiu Gangfeng was still mentally prepared for the people of the Ziyang Saint Sect to come home.

As a great monk in the late Yuanshen, Lord Xiang Bai controls all the power of the Ziyang Saint Sect in the Xingluo Islands, and has a great influence on the Xingluo Islands.

He came to the door in such a hurry, it seemed that because of Bai Zhilei's affairs, he was really anxious.

Qiu Gangfeng's face was very ugly.

First, Xingluo Palace is the lord of the Xingluo Islands, and he is the lord of Xingluo Palace. Zhenjun Xiang Bai came to the door so directly, it made his face a little bit uncontrollable.

Secondly, the elders of Xingluo Palace were too incompetent, and there was almost no resistance in front of Zhenjun Xiang Bai.

They couldn't even delay a little bit, and directly brought the trouble to themselves.

Especially in front of an outsider like Meng Zhang, these problems were exposed, which made Qiu Gangfeng very upset.

However, Zhenjun Xiang Bai has a special status, and he has already come to the door. In any case, Qiu Gangfeng will come forward to deal with it.

In fact, in Xingluo Palace, except for the two Yang Shenqi palace masters, in Xingluo Palace's behavior, no one could stop him.

Qiu Gangfeng complained to Meng Zhang and left with Qiu Yan to deal with this matter first.

Meng Zhang thought about it for a moment. When he carried Qiu Blade and Bai Zhilei for space teleportation, he did not fight Fuyunzi head-on. It should be difficult for him to detect his own existence.

Later, Qiu Gangfeng appeared in time to start Fuyunzi away.

Meng Zhang waited less than half an hour before Qiu Gangfeng returned here again.

Qiu Gangfeng's face was full of anger that couldn't be concealed, and he didn't adjust until he was in front of Meng Zhang.

Facing Meng Zhang's questioning gaze, Qiu Gangfeng explained a few words.

When Xiang Bai Zhenjun came to the door this time, he naturally asked for the traitor Bai Zhilei of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

Without being caught on the spot by Saint Zong Ziyang, Zhenjun Qiu and Bai Zhilei did not meet Fuyunzi. Of course, Qiu Gangfeng refused to admit it.

What the traitor of the Ziyang Saint Sect, what Bai Zhilei, anyway, Qiu Gangfeng has never heard of it, let alone seen it.

Saint Zong Ziyang wants to catch the traitor and go elsewhere, don't come and disturb him to practice in retreat.

Because the Heavenly Secret Master sent by the gate suddenly died suddenly, the monks of the Ziyang Saint Sect, including Xiang Bai Zhenjun, did not know the whereabouts of Bai Zhilei.

The spies he buried in the dark guard of Xingluo Palace suddenly sent information, saying that Qiu Yan had taken people to one of the darkest secret strongholds of the dark guard, as if he was about to activate the teleportation formation that could not be used easily, and directly transmit it. To the depths of Xingluo Palace.

Time is running out, Zhenjun Xiang, who has received the news, has no time to dispatch the powerhouse of the Ziyang Saint Sect, and his strength is also difficult to interrupt this spatial transmission.

He was also a determined generation, and immediately asked Fuyunzi, who was a guest at the resident of the Ziyang Saint Sect, to take action.

Fuyunzi's ability to become a **** of Yang is inseparable from the vigorous support of the Ziyang Sacred Sect.

Floating Cloud View is no different from the vassal of Ziyang Saint Sect.

After receiving Zhenjun Xiang Bai's request, he did not hesitate, and immediately relied on the powerful strength of Yangshen Stage to forcefully break into the space mezzanine, preventing the operation of the space tunnel.

If it weren't for Meng Zhang's move, Qiu Blade would really have difficulty getting rid of Fuyunzi's pursuit.

Of course, when Qiu Gangfeng showed up, Fu Yunzi turned and left without hesitation.

The Qiu brothers have ruled the Xingluo Islands for many years and are well-known.

When these two Yangshen stage powerhouses fought against the Sea Clan, Fuyunzi was still a little monk who was not worth mentioning.

Fu Yunzi, who had not been long enough to break through the Yang Shen stage, did not have the guts to fight with Qiu Gangfeng.

Moreover, Fu Yunzi worked for the Ziyang Saint Sect to gain benefits, and was unwilling to fight against a powerful enemy like Qiu Gangfeng.

After Fu Yunzi returned, he only said that Qiu Gangfeng shot directly, and he had to retreat temporarily.

Although Zhenjun Xiang Bai was very dissatisfied, he couldn't say much.

The method of Ziyang Shengzong's control of the Xingluo Islands was to fight one group by one group. When attacking the Qiu family brothers, they had to win over Fuyunzi.

Moreover, Fuyunzi was also a Yang Shenqi monk with a cultivation base far above him, so he couldn't directly reprimand him.

Zhenjun Xiang Bai thought for a while, and felt that even if the brothers of the Qiu family had different intentions, they shouldn't dare to tear their face with Ziyang Shengzong and have a head-on conflict.

Therefore, Zhenjun Xiang Bai came to the door directly and asked Qiu Gangfeng to surrender Bai Zhilei.

Baishuang, the master of Bai Zhilei, was a hidden son buried by the Qiu family many years ago in the Ziyang Saint Sect.

For so many years, the Qiu family brothers have never used this dark child, and the plot is extremely far-reaching.

The real person Baishuang did not hesitate to expose his identity this time, so he would escape from the Ziyang Sacred even if he died in battle, he would have to cover his apprentice to escape.

The secrets of Bai Zhilei are deeply involved, and are of great significance to the Qiu family brothers.

Even Zhenjun Xiang Bai himself didn't know the secret of Bai Zhilei.

He just received a strict order from the sect to catch the traitor Bai Zhilei at all costs.

Zhenjun Xiang Bai has probably been aloof for a long time, and he has developed the habit of self-righteousness. Actually thought Qiu Gangfeng could surrender Bai Zhilei by just a few empty words and threats.

Qiu Gang, a strong man in the Yangshen Stage, simply played a rogue. He refused to recognize everything and even pretended to be confused.

Anyway, he has been retreating in Xingluo Palace, and he doesn't know what happened outside.

Zhenjun Xiang Bai is inferior to human cultivation, so it is naturally impossible to take the initiative.

Seeing threats and temptations are useless, he can only leave in anguish.

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