The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1600: Get out

After escaping for a long time in the space gap, Meng Zhang's figure reappeared in Yang Shi.

The place where he appeared this time was still on the surface of the West Sea, and it was a place that he had passed by not long ago.

This is a huge island, and it is a manufacturing base carefully constructed by the Sea Clan, dedicated to building various war tools.

There are various facilities transported from the human race, and there are many professional cultivators to give pointers. The efficiency of this base is very high, and many items have been created to equip the marine army.

Compared with the human cultivators, the sea clan army originally had an absolute advantage in numbers. Now that it has good equipment, its combat effectiveness will definitely be greatly improved.

Before Meng Zhang had important things to do, he was worried that he would have disturbed the powerful sea clan from all sides, so he let go of this place.

Now, he was being hunted down by the sea patrol king Ying Yuxing of the true dragon clan. He deliberately created chaos and chose this place as his target.

Meng Zhang didn't hide his figure this time, and appeared swaggeringly over the island. The marine guards below hadn't reacted yet, so he immediately began to take action.

A huge palm fell from the sky and slapped heavily on the island.

Although the Sea Clan has conducted strict defenses here, this is the depths of the West Sea, and Terran cultivators will hardly come to this place, and the defense strength is limited.

The defensive array on the island was automatically activated, and a light curtain suddenly appeared, covering the entire island.

The giant hand shot directly on the light curtain, the light curtain was shot torn apart, the giant hand only stopped for a while, and then continued to fall towards the island.

After a loud bang, many facilities on the island were smashed into pieces, and many sea people were directly turned into meatloaf.

Looking at the huge handprint in the middle of the island, Meng Zhang, who was still eager to make his move, was about to continue his action. Ying Yuxing, who had been chasing behind, appeared in front of him.

Meng Zhang didn't want to fight hard with him, and jumped directly into the gap of space.

Ying Yuxing, with a pale face, glanced at the bottom of the mess. Without a word of nonsense, he immediately followed Meng Zhang and jumped into the gap of space.

Whether it is the guardian of the island or the reinforcements who have received news from other places, they only look at each other.

Meng Zhang was like walking a dog, leading Ying Yuxing for a long time between the underworld and the Yang world, and then temporarily left him behind.

It was Meng Zhang who used this method to anger Ying Yuxing and make him lose his mind.

When Meng Zhang appeared again, he appeared over another manufacturing base of the Sea Clan.

Meng Zhang stretched out his hands, easily tore open the protective light curtain over the island, and then rushed in directly.

He slaughtered the islands and destroyed them everywhere, until Ying Yuxing chased him, and after a few tricks with Ying Yuxing, he began to escape again.

The aftermath of the battle between the two great Yang God level powerhouses directly caused huge damage to this island.

In this way, Meng Zhang kept running around among several manufacturing bases, repeatedly killing the carbine.

The guarding sea clan expert saw Meng Zhang escape, and he just breathed a sigh of relief. It didn't take long for Meng Zhang to reappear again.

Not to mention that the guarding Sea Clan powerhouse couldn't stop him, and the Dragon Clan powerhouse like Ying Yuxing couldn't catch up to him either.

Even if Ying Yuxing caught up with Meng Zhang, he couldn't entangle him, so he could only watch him continue to escape.

Ying Yuxing and Meng Zhang are strong at the same level. Even if the former is much stronger than the latter, there is no overwhelming advantage.

The slippery Meng Zhang comes and goes.

He was able to advance and retreat freely, not only caused huge losses to the Sea Clan, severely damaged several manufacturing bases, but also made Ying Yuxing mad.

More and more sea clan powerhouses were alarmed and joined the team chasing Meng Zhang.

Some sea clan powerhouses who thought they were good, followed Meng Zhang into the gap of space.

However, after turning for a long time, some of these pursuers were thrown away by Meng Zhang, and some encountered various dangers in the gap, making it difficult to get out.

Only Ying Yuxing, a strong dragon clan, followed Meng Zhang from beginning to end and has not been thrown away.

With the help of a sudden space storm, Meng Zhang got rid of a strong man of the Sea Clan Yangshen level who had been with him for a long time.

At present, it is only the strong men of the Yang God level in the Sea Clan who have come forward to chase. When the delay continues, I am afraid that the True Dragon Clan will send more true dragons of the Yang God level.

Ying Yuxing was repeatedly teased by Meng Zhang, and he was so angry that he almost completely lost his mind.

Meng Zhang felt that the heat was almost over, and he jumped into a space storm that he had long been optimistic about.

Ying Yuxing, who followed right behind, didn't hesitate at all, so he jumped in.

The angry Ying Yuxing was in distress several times in the space storm and almost encountered Meng Zhang's ambush.

Ying Yuxing got rid of all dangers and resolved Meng Zhang's various ambushes by virtue of his clever cultivation base and powerful body.

For this reason, he not only consumed a lot of power, but also unknowingly entered the depths of the space storm.

After the two sides entangled for a long time, Meng Zhang finally took advantage of the power of this space storm to get rid of Ying Yuxing who had been dazzled by anger.

If it weren't for what Meng Zhang had done before, which completely angered the opponent and made the opponent mess up, Meng Zhang would not be able to get rid of his opponent easily.

After completely getting rid of Ying Yuxing, Meng Zhang began to teleport directly back to the vicinity of the Xingluo Islands.

Meng Zhang didn't rush back to the Xingluo Islands, but first paid attention to his mustard space.

After that dragon vein was pulled into the mustard space, it had been struggling and almost rioted.

The entire space of mustard seeds was stunned and trembling endlessly.

Tai Miao led the two Yin-Yang Dao soldiers with the strength of the Yuanshen Stage, and has been working hard to suppress this dragon vein.

Although the true dragon that formed this dragon vein has fallen a long time ago, the grievances and strong unwillingness left behind before it died have been constantly haunting it.

Especially the remaining will of the real dragon locked in Meng Zhang's mustard space is not reconciled.

Tai Miao is the body of ghosts and gods, and I am used to seeing similar scenes in the underworld. There are some means to deal with this residual will that is unwilling to disappear.

Even though this true dragon had the strength of the Yang God Stage before his death, his strength would have disappeared long ago after his death.

Too wonderfully used the secret method of the ghost way, after a long time, finally consumed the remaining will of the true dragon.

All his grievances and unwillingness also disappeared.

This dragon vein finally stopped struggling and shaking, and quietly landed on the ground of the mustard space.

After Meng Zhang communicated with Tai Miao, Tai Miao returned to the underworld.

Although the dragon veins had calmed down and there was no change, Meng Zhang still kept the two Yin and Yang Taoist soldiers in the mustard space, monitoring the dragon veins at all times to prevent accidents.

After finishing all this, Meng Zhang secretly returned to the main island of the Xingluo Islands and came outside the Xingluo Palace.

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