The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1610: progress

It's too wonderful now, and Taiyimen is already a very close ally.

Not to mention that he is the incarnation of Meng Zhang, it is already difficult for him and Taiyimen to leave each other because of the entanglement of interests.

After the end of this round of expansion, with a larger territory and more subordinates, Tai Miao was originally planning to expand the scale of collecting resources.

Now Meng Zhang contacted him and put forward specific requirements, asking him to prioritize the collection of the three required resources. That is too good to make some adjustments to the original plan.

Not long ago, Tai Miao discovered several mineral veins near Hanshuang Mountain, including minerals such as gloomy iron and Yinming copper.

He is going to organize an army of ghosts to mine these veins and obtain various minerals.

After these minerals are sent to the Taiyimen, Taiyimen's artifact hall and Shengongtang will be mobilized to build armor and war tools to equip the army of ghosts.

Now Meng Zhang needs three kinds of exotic flowers and fruits, it is too wonderful to change the original plan, send out an army of ghosts, spread out on the vast territory, let them search for these exotic flowers and fruits with all their strength.

In order to collect the exotic flowers and fruits needed by Meng Zhang as soon as possible, Tai Miao even acted personally and joined the search team.

After Meng Zhang had completed the communication with Tai Miao, he went to the Little World of Ghosts.

After so many years of development, this small world has become rough and has a prosperous atmosphere.

With the deepening of the degree of integration into the underworld, the rules of heaven and earth in the small world of ghosts are getting closer and closer to the underworld.

The environment here is almost similar to the underworld, and the attributes are almost the same as the underworld.

The spiritual medicine gardens and spiritual fields that were originally opened up have also been adjusted for planting spiritual things, mainly planting spiritual things with the yin attribute.

In fact, the various Yin attribute resources that Taiyimen sent to Yangshi to sell were not entirely from the underworld, and many came from the small world of ghosts.

It is difficult to supply all kinds of resources stably through collection alone.

The quality of the resources of the underworld produced by the Little World of Ghosts is slightly inferior, but the better is the stable production.

Both Taiyimen Qitang and Shengongtang have established strongholds in the small world of ghosts, dedicated to smelting various minerals, and building weapons and armors.

The rules of heaven and earth in the small world of ghosts have a certain degree of suppression on the cultivators from the Yang world.

Living people staying in this place for a long time will not only find the yin qi to corrode, but they may also lose their lifespan.

Therefore, the Taiyi Sect disciples stationed here are stationed in turn, changing regularly.

In fact, because of the changes in the rules of the world of the ghost door, the long-distance teleportation array originally built here began to become unusable.

Wen Qiansuan led the formation of monks here many times, and made timely adjustments to the long-distance teleportation formation according to the changes in the rules of heaven and earth.

Finally, in addition to ensuring the teleportation ability of the long-distance teleportation array, Wen Qiansuan's formation cultivation base has also made great progress.

Meng Zhang simply strolled around and was very satisfied with the situation here.

As a transit point connecting the underworld and the Yang world, the Little World of Ghosts is of great significance to both Taiyimen and Taimiao.

This small world has become an extremely important logistics base, which has played a big role in Tai Miao's foreign expeditions.

Regarding Tai Miao's expansion in the underworld, Meng Zhang is fully supportive.

The conditions of the small world of ghosts are limited, and it is difficult to improve the manufacturing capacity.

Meng Zhang hopes that the next step is to transfer the minerals from the underworld through the small world of the ghost gate, and send a batch of Taiyimen gates to the Yangshi to be smelted and built there.

Only a small part of Tai Miao's ghost army is equipped with various armors.

Expanding the scale of equipment as much as possible is a shortcut to quickly increase the combat effectiveness of the ghost army.

This time, Meng Zhang realized the importance of the foundation of the underworld.

Even if there is a drastic change in the Yang world, the Taiyimen monks can no longer survive, and can temporarily escape to the underworld and seek shelter here for a short time.

It would be great if Tai Miao could establish a foundation in the underworld similar to the Yindu City of Dali Dynasty.

Meng Zhang and Tai Miao maintained regular communication and told each other his vision of the underworld.

After Meng Zhang returned to Taiyimen Mountain Gate, while waiting for Taimiao to collect resources, he also began to practice.

Meng Zhang knew that if he could break through to the Void Return Period sooner, then Taiyi Sect would have more room for maneuver.

Of course, the Ziyang Saint Sect would not let him break through so easily.

The Ziyang Saint Sect did not know the progress of Meng Zhang's specific cultivation base, but only judged based on his cultivation time and demonstrated strength.

It takes an average of two thousand years for a monk in the Yang Shen stage to break through to the Void Rebirth stage.

According to the well-documented in the cultivation world, it took more than eight hundred years for the most amazingly talented genius to break through from the Yang Shen stage to the Void Return stage.

That person is a direct descendant of the sect of the Holy Land, and has been fully trained by the sect since he was a child.

Meng Zhang is able to go to this day, and he can be regarded as a genius.

But there is absolutely no one who thinks that he is qualified to be on the same level as the top genius of the Holy Land Zongmen.

Meng Zhang has only been a monk of Yangshen stage for one or two hundred years.

In everyone's eyes, it would take at least a thousand years for him to break through to the rebirth period.

This is still the most optimistic estimate.

Therefore, on the side of the Ziyang Saint Sect, no further action has been taken against him for the time being, just daily suppression.

Meng Zhang himself knows that he has a long way to go before he breaks through to the Void Rebirth period by cultivating step by step according to the sect inheritance classics.

With the lessons of the Qiu family brothers, Meng Zhang knew that he had to do everything possible to shorten the time to break through to the rebirth period in order to unexpectedly break the suppression of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

According to conventional practice methods, it is almost impossible for Meng Zhang to do this. Only by taking a different approach and adopting special methods can there be a ray of hope for success.

As for how to do it, Meng Zhang only had a rough idea in his mind.

Now he seizes the time to practice, and strives to lay a solid foundation and prepare for the future.

Too Miao did not disappoint Meng Zhang. When he devoted himself wholeheartedly to the work, he quickly achieved great results.

The army of ghosts searched all over the mountains, even deep into various cliffs and other Jedi.

The collection of Yin Sha Guo went smoothly, and a lot of them were collected very quickly. It's just that the quantity required is too much, and it is the most labor intensive.

Grimace flowers generally grow in some dangerous places in the underworld.

Too Miao did not hesitate to lose the army of ghosts, and did not regard the lives of ordinary ghosts under him as a thing.

He forcibly drove a large number of ghosts into these dangerous places, and after paying huge casualties, he slowly began to gain.

Only thick yin wood is too rare, and encountered a lot of difficulties when collecting it.

Tai Miao had to pull her face down, communicate with other ghosts, and offered a high reward for the purchase, hoping to be able to trade from other ghosts.

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