The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1620: Meet separately

The inheritance of Xuanxinzong is very clever, but there is no secret method passed down.

The most powerful cultivator of Xuanxin Sect was only in the late stage of the Yuanshen, and it was difficult for him to go further.

Among the many powers of cultivation in the Xingluo Islands, there is a sect that consists entirely of women and only recruits female disciples, named Guanghan Palace.

Speaking of the long history, Guang Han is still above Xingluo Palace.

Long before Xingluo Palace was founded, Guanghan Palace was the famous Yuanshen sect.

Guanghan Palace is one of the first human forces to open up overseas and establish sects overseas.

From this point alone, the sacred sect of Zhenhai Temple is probably the only one in the realm of comprehension.

It is a pity that Guanghan Palace later suffered a calamity and provoked a powerful enemy, and the True Dragon clan led a large-scale attack by the Sea Clan.

After the war, the sect of Guanghan Palace fell, the resident Lu Shen, and his disciples almost lost.

The few survivors who escaped the catastrophe came to the Xingluo Islands and rebuilt the sect here.

Because the elites of the sect were lost and a lot of inheritance was lost, the Guanghan Palace was very difficult and very rough at the beginning of the reconstruction.

After thousands of years of development and the unremitting efforts of the descendants of Guanghan Palace, today's Guanghan Palace has once again become a Yuanshen sect.

Although it can't be compared with the heyday, Guanghan Palace ranks among the best among the many powers of cultivation in the Xingluo Islands.

Fairy Guanghan, the contemporary head of the Guanghan Palace, is the youngest primordial monk in the Xingluo Archipelago. His combat power is even more extraordinary. He has had a brilliant record in many battles with the Sea Clan.

However, due to the incomplete inheritance, Fairy Guanghan could not inherit the sect's secret method of crossing the tribulation, and naturally could not survive the thunder tribulation and successfully advanced to the Yang Shen stage.

Hearing Qiu Gangfeng's introduction to Guanghan Palace, it was probably because Taiyimen had a similar experience. In Meng Zhang's heart, he felt a little cordial towards Guanghan Palace inexplicably.

True Lord Sanxiu Chilong is also a famous late-stage primordial monk in the Xingluo Islands.

It is said that he has violated the taboos of the sea clan and the true dragon clan by using the dragon as his name.

For so many years, not only did he not die under the target of the Sea Clan, on the contrary, he became stronger and stronger in the Vietnam War, and in turn killed a lot of Sea Clan powerhouses.

True Monarch Yiqi, True Monarch Xuanxin, Fairy Guanghan, and True Monarch Chilong are all targets Qiu Gangfeng is preparing to support.

In addition, there is another person who is an old acquaintance of Meng Zhang.

At that time, the Dali Dynasty invaded the Jiuqu League on a large scale, and the internal division of the Jiuqu League. One of the two giants, Yujianmen, led many sects to resist the Dali Dynasty.

After several fierce battles, heavy losses, and self-knowledge that they were lost, the Yujianmen Ju faction moved, and the whole family moved overseas and settled in the Xingluo Islands.

The Xingluo Islands are poor in resources and face the threat of the sea clan directly. It is not a good place to settle down.

However, Yujianmen high-level officials had already arranged a retreat overseas, and had made certain preparations in advance.

Jianxiu Zongmen often have strong fighting power, and Yujianmen Jianxiu bravely fights, which is exactly the strength that the Xingluo Islands need.

Xingluo Palace, which dominates the Xingluo Islands, vigorously supports sword repair sects such as Yujianmen, hoping that it will play an important role in the battle with the sea clan.

Many aids from the Ziyang Saint Sect were used on Yujianmen.

The Yujianmen monk, who was forced to leave his hometown, knew his shame and was brave. When fighting with the Hai Clan, he dared to fight and made great achievements.

After experiencing the setbacks in the Jiuqu League, Yujian Zhenjun, the head of the Yujian Sect, also made great progress in his cultivation.

Sword repair requires sufficient training to make rapid progress.

For a true sword repairer, a powerful enemy is just a whetstone for sharpening the sword.

The current True Monarch Jade Sword seems to be old, but he has a solid foundation, deep accumulation, and enough ambition to hit the Yang Shen stage.

Of course, at his age of more than two thousand years, there are not many opportunities left for him.

Meng Zhang didn't expect that in the Xingluo Islands alone, there would be a full five great monks with the potential to impact the Yang Shenqi.

If it weren't for the lack of the Tribulation Secret Technique, some of them might already have successfully advanced to the Yang Shen stage.

It seems that in the Junchen Realm dominated by the sects of the major sacred places, due to the joint suppression and restriction of the sects of the major sacred places, I don't know how many outstanding monks have been buried.

Of course, although Meng Zhang felt a little regretful in his heart, if he was in the position of the sects of the sacred land, he would probably make the same decision.

After the general introduction, Qiu Gangfeng led Meng Zhang to meet the five people separately. At the same time, by the way, this secret method of crossing the robbery was handed over to their hands.

The first person Qiu Gangfeng and Meng Zhang went to see was the one-hearted Taishang elder Yiqi Zhenjun.

The two parties met in secret without letting outsiders know.

During the past few years, Yiqitang has faced the pressure of floating clouds, and it has been very hard to go up and down.

Everyone in the door knows that to solve this problem completely, unless someone in the door can break through to the Yang Shen stage.

As the No. 1 expert in the door, Yiqi Zhenjun was placed high hopes by everyone.

But without the secret method of crossing the calamity, Yiqi Zhenjun would not have the courage to survive the thunder **** of the sun at all.

Qiu Gangfeng and Meng Zhang sent this secret method of crossing the robbery, it is simply sending charcoal in the snow.

The attitude of the true monarch of Yiqi is simply extremely humble, almost humbly.

He repeatedly expressed his gratitude to Qiu Gangfeng and Meng Zhang.

Qiu Gangfeng took Meng Zhang on this trip, first of all, to let Meng Zhang know that the secret method of crossing the catastrophe he sent was not wasted, and it was actually used.

Secondly, it is to make these monks who accept the secret method of transcending the calamity owe Meng Zhang a favor.

Meng Zhang's influence on Yiqi Zhenjun was not very good.

Even if the great monks in the late Yuanshen stage have accumulated enough and practiced the secret method of crossing the catastrophe, they may not be able to survive the thunder catastrophe and successfully advance to the Yang Shen stage.

Among them, it depends on all aspects of the monk himself, and even how lucky the monk is.

Next, Qiu Gangfeng and Meng Zhang went to see True Monarch Xuanxin from Xuanxin Sect.

True Monarch Xuanxin looks very good, looks like an immortal style and extraordinary bearing.

Facing the two Yangshen stage monks, this person was neither humble nor overbearing, and had a degree of advancement and retreat.

Of course, Qiu Gangfeng and Meng Zhang sent the Secret Method of Crossing He was very grateful.

He was able to hold back the excitement in his heart and continued to talk with the two seemingly indifferent.

Not to mention anything else, the prosperous appearance of True Monarch Xuanxin left a very good impression on Meng Zhang.

This person is a man of good sense, and the chances of successfully overcoming the thunder tribulation are very high. Meng Zhang thought to himself.

Then, Qiu Gangfeng and Meng Zhang went to see True Monarch Sanxiu Chilong.

This person seemed to be like the true monarch of Yiqi, a little bit humble, trying hard to please Meng Zhang and Qiu Gangfeng.

But Meng Zhang faintly felt that this person did not seem as simple as it seemed, making people unable to see through.

In him, there should be a big secret hidden.

After leaving the Secret Method of Crossing Tribulation, Qiu Gangfeng and Meng Zhang went to see Fairy Guanghan together.

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