The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1633: Exposed

Chapter 1633

It is precisely because the telepathy ability is suppressed that Zhenjun Yanyun has to be more careful.

He asked the true master of fireworks who went out from time to time, among the surrounding comprehension forces, whether there had been a true master of primordial spirit who was proficient in the avenue of soul recently.

Mr. Fireworks thought for a while before he started answering.

As far as he knows, there seems to be no such person among the surrounding cultivation forces.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for ordinary cultivating forces to hide the true master of the soul.

There is no need for the surrounding comprehension forces to conceal their own primordial spirit true monarch.

However, the true master of fireworks did not say anything to death.

On the one hand, it is impossible for him to know all the great avenues mastered by every primordial true monarch around him. It can only be judged by their daily performance and shot records.

If there is such a hidden character, it is not impossible.

On the other hand, True Monarch Fireworks has not left Yanyun Cave for more than 20 years.

All the information about the outside was obtained from the shop when the handymen went out to purchase.

At the level of these chores, it is difficult to understand the latest changes in the surrounding cultivation forces.

If within these twenty-odd years of time, a certain primordial primordial monarch around him had a breakthrough in his cultivation, or suddenly realized the spiritual avenue, it was also very possible.

True Monarch Yanyun's answer caused True Monarch Fireworks to fall into thinking.

If it is not a monk from the surrounding cultivation forces that probes the mind of the handyman, then the trouble will be big.

According to his temperament, out of precaution, even if the telepathy is not clear, they should immediately transfer and temporarily abandon this place.

However, Yanyun Zhenjun also has his own difficulties. Some things are not so easy to move.

After thinking about it for a while, the fluke psychology prevailed, and Zhenjun Yanyun decided to wait and see.

He asked the fireworks true monarch to take a trip personally along the route where the handymen went out, focusing on re-enacting all the experiences of the three handymen during the base-building period.

After the fireworks master took the order, he read all the memories of the outing handyman once again, and only after no new discovery, did he leave the Yanyun Cave.

Because of the delay for such a period of time, Meng Zhang just made the arrangements in time.

Wen Qiansuan and Jin Li Zhenjun quickly joined together and were ready to break the formation.

As long as Meng Zhang gives an order, they will start the action.

Meng Zhang asked Xu Mengying to join Wen Qiansuan and the others, while he came to the outside of the city alone, quietly looking at the direction of Yanyun Grotto.

The information deduced just now by using the Dayan Divine Calculations gave him more confidence and know how to act.

Yanyun Grotto is very close to Fang City. Even if it is slowly explored on the road, the real master of fireworks quickly came outside Fang City and just hit Meng Zhang who was waiting here.

As the only true primordial primordial prince to be displayed outside Yanyun Cave, True Monarch Fireworks, his appearance is no secret.

A long distance away, Meng Zhang discovered his arrival.

Without a word of nonsense, Meng Zhang shot directly.

The almost endless divine light of the sun and the moon descended from the sky, directly covering the body of True Monarch Fireworks.

The true master of fireworks flying at high speed in the air was suddenly attacked, and he responded in time.

Groups of smoke mixed with hot flames actively greeted the falling sun and moon divine light.

True Monarch Fireworks hides his cultivation base on weekdays, and the cultivation base shown to outsiders is only in the mid-primary stage.

Now a powerful enemy is attacking, and the contact brings him almost irresistible pressure. He doesn't care about hiding the cultivation base, and immediately bursts out with all his strength, bringing out the strongest strength.

A breath of power belonging to the great monk of the late primordial spirit suddenly rose from him and rushed straight into the sky.

In the square city not far away, all the cultivators felt this aura, and each one was unstable and staggered. Those who are a little weaker, squat directly on the ground.

The few Jindan real people in the presiding square city have some knowledge, knowing that this is the real master of the soul.

They shrank their heads one by one, praying secretly in their hearts that True Lord Yuanshen's power must not involve them, and must not spread to Fangshi.

This is a foreign land, not the territory of the Taiyi Sect. Even if the opponent deliberately sabotages, causing the so-called disaster of heaven, Meng Zhang will not care too much.

However, Meng Zhang is also a Taoist monk, a leader of the righteous path, and he still acts very decently on weekdays.

Meng Zhang gently shook his hand with one hand, and the power of the Space Avenue was activated, and the space around the Fireworks True Monarch was frozen.

In this way, the true master of fireworks can neither use the space to teleport away, and the power of the two sides' fighting is also imprisoned in this area, and will not affect the surroundings.

True Lord Fireworks has no mercy for human cultivators. He originally wanted to deliberately expand the scope of the battle, create chaos, cause disasters, and create opportunities for himself to get away.

It is a pity that he was stopped by Meng Zhang before he had time to act.

Confining the true monarch of fireworks to a small area, Meng Zhang unscrupulously showed the power of the Yangshen series.

Although True Monarch Fireworks has always hidden his strength, even if he shoots with all his strength, he is only at the level of an average major cultivator.

Meng Zhang had an absolute advantage against him, and he could easily exert the general effect of crushing.

True Lord Fireworks rushed from left to right, unable to break through the imprisonment of Meng The terrifying sun and moon light easily destroyed all the means of protection of Lord Fireworks, directly starting to hurt his body.

The true master of fireworks had to use the last resort.

His body suddenly exploded, and a humanoid figure took the opportunity to shoot out from the exploded body, trying to escape from here.

How could the well-prepared Meng Zhang let him succeed?

One of the biggest characteristics of the magical powers of the Sun Moon God Light is that it is very fast.

If there is no other ability, the flying escape technique of True Monarch Yuanshen is generally not as fast as Divine Light.

Even if the primordial spirit escapes from the body, it is difficult to escape the chase of the divine light.

The divine light of the sun, moon and moon just came out of the humanoid shadow, and directly enveloped it.

Under the shining light of the sun and the moon, the black shadow writhed and struggled desperately, making a harsh scream.

As Meng Zhang urged Zhen Yuan, the power of the sun and moon divine light continued to increase.

After a while, the humanoid shadow began to melt quickly.

However, after a while, the black shadow of the human figure melted like a candle, and a human face spider appeared on the spot.

This human-faced spider stared at Meng Zhang desperately with a grim look on his face.

Although Meng Zhang had been mentally prepared for a long time, he couldn't help but feel shocked when he saw the other person's true face in person.

If it is the kind of true primordial primordial gentleman who is less knowledgeable, it may really not be able to recognize the origin of the other party quickly.

Speaking of experience and knowledge alone, Meng Zhang is no longer inferior to those veteran Yang Shenqi monks, and he can see through the details of the other party at a glance.

This thing in front of him didn't come from Junchen Realm, but from the void outside the realm, it was the enemy of all living beings.

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