The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1635: Break through

Chapter 1635

Under the attack of the golden light, the human face spider quickly dissipated and melted, and it seemed that there was almost no resistance.

Meng Zhang frowned involuntarily.

After falling into the hands of Meng Zhang, the treasure of the magical descending mirror was meticulously sacrificed by Meng Zhang. It was the greatest weapon for dealing with monsters.

The Magic Descending Mirror specializes in restraining monsters, and many monsters have little resistance when facing the Magic Descending Mirror.

In previous battles with monsters, the magic mirror has made many contributions.

But the demon, this extraterritorial celestial demon, is different from ordinary monsters. Facing the attack of the magic mirror, it shows a strong resistance.

If Meng Zhang hadn't had an overwhelming advantage in cultivation, it would really not be so easy to destroy him.

At the same time that Meng Zhang attacked the Human Face Spider, Wen Qiansuan who received the order also broke the formation almost immediately.

Under Wen Qiansuan's arrangement, Wen Qiansuan, Jin Li Zhenjun, Wei Wuxian, and An Xiaoran each held a fourth-order array breaking talisman, and stood at the weak points of the four formations.

As Wen Qiansuan issued the order, they shot almost at the same time.

Four Tier 4 Breaking Talisman were released, turned into four streamers, and fired directly at the weakest link of the Great Mountain Protection Array.

This mountain protection formation had not been fully opened, but only a small part of it.

Moreover, the monks with the strength of the primordial spirit in the Yanyun Cave are guarded inside the Yanyun Cave, and they do not directly maintain the magic circle.

And those handymen do not have the trust of Yanyun Cave, let alone the ability to maintain this large formation.

On weekdays, the Great Array operates completely spontaneously.

Both the defense force and the reaction speed of the big formation are far from insufficient.

Four fourth-order array breaking talisman shot into the big array, four loud noises sounded one after another.

The big formation not only stopped running, but was also exposed to several big gaps.

Wen Qiansuan and they took action one after another, continuing to widen the gap.

When Meng Zhang was completely extinguishing the human-faced spider in front of him, although he had already confined the space and blocked the transmission of information, the special induction from the demon clan made the true monarch of Yanyun in the Yanyun Cave know the genus almost immediately. News of the next death.

Yunyun Zhenjun, who was a little uneasy because of his feelings a long time ago, his face changed drastically, and his eyes shot out a terrifying red light.

The true prince of fireworks who went outside to investigate suddenly fell. It seems that the worst result has really happened. Most of their ethnic group has been exposed.

True Monarch Yanyun had regrets in his heart, and he shouldn't have a fluke in his heart.

If you start arranging a retreat when your heart feels, the situation will not be so passive.

He was thinking about countermeasures, and there was a loud noise outside, and the fourth-order mountain guard formation was broken.

Meng Zhang had secretly visited outside the gate of Yanyun Grotto once before.

After extinguishing the human-faced spider, he immediately used space teleportation and teleported outside the mountain gate of Yanyun Grotto.

As soon as Meng Zhang waved his hand, there was a big gap immediately above the dilapidated Tier 4 mountain guard formation.

At this time, Xu Mengying also hurried over.

Meng Zhang released his spiritual thoughts, passed over all of Wen Qiansuan, and conveyed all the latest news he had mastered to them.

I heard that the enemy you are about to face is not a cultivator, but a family of demons possessing a cultivator. Everyone looks different, but no one shows fear.

A relatively young monk like An Xiaoran has an expression full of eagerness.

Meng Zhang didn't rush in, but began to summon his external avatar too wonderful.

Once Tai Miao, who had communicated well for a long time, was summoned, he immediately descended into the Yang world.

Too wonderful to use magical powers, opened the door to the underworld.

The gang of ghosts and ghosts with the strength of the Primordial Spirit Stage under him, with a team of capable ghosts, rushed out of the portal and came to the world of Yang.

Seeing that this side was ready, Meng Zhang took the lead and rushed into the mountain protection formation.

After a few steps, Meng Zhang came to the core of Yanyun Cave.

Here is the belly of a big mountain. In the belly of the mountain, there are not only various important buildings, but also direct access to underground caves.

A huge fist condensed and formed in the air, and slammed heavily on the mountain.

The protective prohibition on the mountain was spontaneously activated, emitting bursts of light.

The huge fist drove forward bravely, easily smashed all the defenses, and directly smashed the mountain itself.

For the Yangshen stage powerhouse, moving mountains and seas and lifting mountains is just a matter of waiting.

Meng Zhang prepared a blow and directly smashed the mountain.

The mountain collapsed and turned into countless flying rubble.

Surrounded by countless dust and rubble, Zhenjun Yanyun took a group of disciples into the sky.

After realizing that the situation was not right, Zhenjun Yanyun was ready to carry things with his men and prepare to evacuate here.

But the enemy came too fast, and before they had time to move, the enemy had already killed in front of them.

As if an inverted galaxy appeared in the sky, the endless divine light of the sun and the moon descended from the sky and directly fell on all the enemies present.

As soon as Meng Zhang made a move, he unleashed a big move and directly displayed his group attack skills.

In addition to True Monarch Yanyun, there are seven other demons present.

They have long been possessed by human monks, and they have all been promoted to become true masters of the soul. UU reading

Even if they encountered Meng Zhang's sudden attack, none of them revealed their identity, but just like ordinary human primordial true monarchs, they used their own means to confront the enemy.

True Monarch Yanyun was the strongest among the demons present, and his possessed object had long since been promoted to become the strongest of the Yangshen Stage.

Although Meng Zhang came suddenly and the offensive was swift and violent, he was still able to deal with it calmly, with an unhurried appearance.

Layers of red glow rose from Zhenjun Yanyun, blocking the divine light of the sun and the moon falling into the field.

The true primordial primordial princes of the other Yanyun Caves, even if they know that they are invincible, still show their magical powers.

A series of powerful Taoist magical powers hit Meng Zhang from all directions.

There were also two fourth-order flying swords and a fourth-order magic weapon like a short knife in the middle.

After possessing these demons, they can quickly spur the growth of the possessed objects, allowing them to continuously achieve breakthroughs in their cultivation.

But they couldn't conjure enough fourth-order magic weapons out of thin air.

Yanyun Cave is just an ordinary Yuanshen sect, and there are only two or three fourth-order artifacts in the door.

This group of demons didn't dare to go out to trade and buy Tier 4 magical weapons.

Although the location of Yanyun Cave is a little remote, it is the Middle-earth Continent of Junchen Realm after all.

If a flaw is revealed and the origin is seen through, these demons will not be able to continue to gain a foothold here.

The real fireworks who go out from time to time will be very careful and try to avoid those well-known powerful monks.

Almost all the primordial cultivators in Yanyun Cave lacked fourth-order magical weapons.

Without a fourth-order magic weapon in hand, the battle power of the primordial spirit cultivator will be greatly reduced.

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