The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1637: Punish

As time went by, a primordial true monarch named Yanyun Cave was punishable on the spot one after another.

After their flesh bodies and primordial spirits were annihilated separately, the body of the demon finally couldn't hide.

These monsters have different forms, human-faced spiders, human-faced moths, human-faced weird insects...

The fighting power of these demon bodies is not weak, but once they are completely exposed, they will be suppressed by the rules of the Junchen Realm.

The monks on the side of Taiyimen not only have vast magical powers, but also have basically experienced the great battle that pacified the devastation of the Daheng cultivation world.

During the war, they accumulated a wealth of experience in fighting against monsters, and they also mastered many special methods of restraining monsters.

The demon clan is essentially different from those monsters.

As a member of the extraterritorial demon, even the lower races, the demon clan has a strong resistance to many demon reduction methods.

Many methods that are effective against ordinary monsters are almost useless when used on them.

The primordial primordial princes of the Taiyimen side patiently displayed their magical powers, slowly killing the demons.

All kinds of magical powers such as real fire, sky thunder, divine light, etc., were displayed one by one, and in the end all these demons were wiped out one by one.

After Yanyun Zhenjun was blocked by Meng Zhang, seeing that he was temporarily unable to get out, he had to bite the bullet and fight Meng Zhang.

The fighting between the two great Yang God stage powerhouses turned upside down, the mountains broke and the land sank, almost ruining the entire gate of Yanyun Grotto.

Meng Zhang quickly gained the upper hand and firmly suppressed the enemy.

The demon in True Monarch Yanyun was not an ordinary demon, but an veteran demon who had descended on many worlds and destroyed countless powers of cultivation.

More than five hundred years ago, this demon went through many twists and turns, and successfully descended to Junchen Realm.

He was seriously injured and his strength dropped sharply, but he still succeeded in possessing a cultivator according to the familiar routine, and quickly sent his cultivation base to the late stage of the soul.

In this process, in order to improve his strength as soon as possible, he secretly used some magic methods.

Probably it was a newcomer relationship, he didn't have a deep understanding of Jun Chen Realm, especially he hadn't personally experienced the terrifying power of the Sect of Holy Land.

He accidentally revealed some traces of using magic methods in the area near the Guantian Pavilion.

Guantian Pavilion is the most pretentious of the sacred sects in Junchen Realm.

The way of viewing the sky and the journey of holding the sky are the purpose of the sect of the Guantian Pavilion.

The Guantian Pavilion, which claims to be on behalf of the sky, will tolerate demonic cultivators in the vicinity of the sect domain.

Soon, the slayer cultivator sent by Guantian Pavilion began to hunt down this demon-possessed cultivator.

The cultivator possessed by the devil had little resistance in front of the monk Guantian Pavilion.

He ran away all the way, and finally fled to the vicinity of Yanyun Cave.

The monk sent by Guantian Pavilion did not see through the true face of the demon, thinking that he was chasing and killing an ordinary demon cultivator.

This demon was also an extremely cunning existence, setting off a **** storm in the area where the Yanyun Cave was located, almost destroying the door of the Yanyun Cave.

Then, he deliberately let the Guantian Pavilion disciple kill the possessed cultivator, and the demon escaped secretly.

The cultivator Guantian Pavilion had completed the task, and was too lazy to care about the mess left, and returned directly to the sect.

This demon possessed himself on the Yanyun Cave monk who had been captured by him before.

He took advantage of the opportunity of Yanyun Grotto's catastrophe and almost destroyed the door, and soon completely mastered the entire Yanyun Grotto.

Yanyun Cave closed the mountain and he became Yanyun Zhenjun, the head of Yanyun Cave.

Yanyun Cave is just an ordinary Yuanshen sect, and most of the inheritance techniques in the door are cultivated to the middle stage of the Yuanshen.

In its heyday, this demon possessed a cultivation base equivalent to the perfection level of the Yangshen Period.

He has been hiding in Yanyun Grotto for more than five hundred years, and not only has he restored most of his cultivation base, he has also recruited a group of men from the void outside the domain.

With his help, this group of people found the possessed objects one after another, and quickly urged the cultivation base.

In order to better conceal its true origins, he made a great transformation to the sect of Yanyun Grottoes.

Yanyun Grottoes was a desolate Yuanshen sect to the outside, and was forced to close the mountain. But secretly, it became a gathering place for demons.

If there are no outsiders to stop them and let them develop, more and more demons will gather here, and their strength will become stronger and stronger.

When they have enough strength, maybe these demons can really cause a catastrophe in Jun Chen Realm.

True Monarch Yanyun has already had a sound plan for future development.

It's a pity that a powerful enemy like Meng Zhang suddenly came to the door, exposing the true face of the demon clan, and killing them all.

Until now, Zhenjun Yanyun didn't know the origins of Meng Zhang and the others.

Meng Zhang and the others were originally from the remote north of Junchen Realm. Except for a few caring people on the Middle-earth Continent, not many people would pay attention to it.

The Yanyun Grottoes have been closed for a long time, and the channels for obtaining outside information are limited. It is even more impossible to know Meng Zhang and the others.

Although Zhenjun Yanyun could not recognize the origin of his opponent, he was not too surprised.

He has come to many worlds, and has been chased and killed by cultivators many times.

Of course, there are also not a few practitioners who have been harmed by him.

After fighting for a long time, not only was he unable to fight the enemy in front of him, but the gang of his men were also killed one after another and completely perished. True Monarch Yanyun also seemed to be anxious.

His whole body suddenly collapsed and turned into a fiery cloud of smoke, rushing from left to right, still unable to break through Meng Zhang's interception.

True Monarch Yanyun was chased and killed all the way by the cultivator of Guantian Pavilion, and the layout time was a little hasty.

Although it is possible to choose promising cultivators to possess, but this body has limited potential, forcibly urging it to the Yang Shen stage, and the realm of entering the Yang Shen stage, has reached its limit.

If he has a more potential physical body, he can even urge his cultivation to the point where the Yangshen Stage reaches Consummation.

It's a pity, even in the Middle-earth Continent where the cultivation civilization is very developed and there are countless cultivators, there are very few cultivators with greater potential, and they are extremely rare.

The most powerful method of the demon clan is to be good at performing various spiritual mysteries.

Even Xu Mengying, who is proficient in the soul avenue, sighs at this.

Meng Zhang, who has a firm heart, has gone through countless trials, no way can be shaken by the mere secrets of the soul.

True Monarch Yanyun cultivated the Yanyun Cave technique when he lay the foundation of his body.

Even if he succeeded in possessing him later, he could only make repairs and make some adjustments on it, and it would be difficult to completely change its foundation.

Even if the cultivation base is urged all the way to the Yang Shen stage, it still has to be affected by the foundation. Most of the various magical secret arts mastered are also difficult to get out of this way.

After the fight, the yin and yang two qi had completely enveloped the fiery cloud of smoke that True Monarch had transformed.

The yin and yang two qi circulates quickly, and they begin to wipe out this cloud of smoke and consume its essence.

In the end, the cloud of smoke transformed by True Monarch Yanyun was completely wiped out by the two qi of Yin and Yang, and he could not escape the fate of being killed on the spot.

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