The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1647: Site selection completed

Chapter 1647 Site Selection Completed

Meng Zhang stayed in the secret stronghold of Dengxianhui for more than half a year.

In addition to reading the classics that he can read within his authority, he is to get to know each other and communicate with the monks who come and go here.

Although the mother-in-law Qiansi left without staying for long, some people came and went in this secret stronghold from time to time.

Those who can enter and exit here are all members of the Dengxian Association.

Members of the Dengxian Association recruited from outside, like Meng Zhang, must at least have a Yang Shenqi cultivation base to be eligible to join.

Of course, the Dengxianhui itself also trained some monks.

The cultivation of these monks varies from good to bad, and among them there are many primordial true monarchs. However, they are loyal enough to the Dengxianhui, far more trusted by the Dengxianhui than members such as Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhangcai joined the Dengxian Association as a full member, and the Dengxian Association did not arrange tasks for him, but only asked him to be familiar with the internal situation of the group.

Meng Zhang didn't stay in this stronghold for much time, but he got acquainted with many members of the Immortal Association.

Among the monks, even those who are capable of returning to the void, facing the members of the same organization, basically have a decent attitude.

Although it is impossible to establish any friendship at the first meeting, it is not a problem to mix a familiar face and lay the foundation for further contacts in the future.

Occasionally I met some like-minded people. Meng Zhang talked with him for a long time, and the two sides became good friends.

After reading the available classics, Meng Zhang left here and returned to the residence of Taiyimen in Tiangong.

Meng Zhang is ready to visit his friends in Tiangong.

Meng Zhang originally wanted to stay in the Heavenly Palace for a while, but it didn't take long before he received a letter from Taiyimen.

After years of hard work, Li Boqian, the master of the door, finally found a suitable address on the Taiyimen site, which can be used to build a blessed land.

Wen Qiansuan, the master of the formation in the door, went to see it once and recognized Li Boqian's choice.

Even after hearing the news, the God of Thick Earth came to Yang Shi under Li Boqian's summons. After a closer inspection, God of Thick Earth would admire Li Boqian's vision.

Now that Fudi has completed the site selection, construction can begin.

Building a blessed land is a huge tool, not only requires a lot of manpower and material resources, but also consumes a long time.

For such a major event as the construction of a blessed land, naturally the head of Meng Zhang needs to be present to preside.

After receiving the news, Meng Zhang immediately returned to the Taiyimen Mountain Gate.

After returning to the mountain gate, Meng Zhang, accompanied by his disciple Niu Dawei, went to the chosen blessed place together.

As the most savvy geomaster in Taiyimen, Li Boqian had already advanced to Tier 4 geomaster.

After years of practice and research, he has become more and more accomplished in the geographer.

The address he chose is located at the junction of Yuantu Prairie and Jiuquxing Province.

On the surface, here is an endless plain, almost endless.

On this large plain, there are no steep slopes, and the terrain is extremely flat.

The spiritual energy on this large plain is not very strong, there are only a few first-order spiritual veins.

There are no valuable mineral deposits around.

The Taiyi Gate of this great plain was not entrusted, but as a direct territory.

On the Great Plains, many villages and towns were established for mortals to settle.

After Meng Zhang became the head of the Taiyi Sect, he attached great importance to the settlements of mortals on the territory.

In addition to regularly sending disciples to inspect mortal settlements, Taiyi Sect also stationed outer disciples for a long time in places with a large number of mortals to help mortals solve some practical problems.

Li Bo had been familiar with Fudi's construction classics a long time ago. In addition to choosing this address, he also had a simple construction plan.

After Meng Zhang and Niu Dawei came here, they met Li Boqian directly and listened to his detailed report.

This great plain seems to be thin, but the earth is strong. In the depths of the earth, there are two huge ground veins.

As long as the earth veins are drawn out and cultivated with secret methods, it is easy to form the third-order spiritual veins.

In addition, the strong earth gas is sufficient to support the existence of blessed land.

No doubt about employing people, but not for suspects. Meng Zhang himself is not good at the way of mastering the earth, so he naturally chooses to trust professionals like Li Boqian.

Meng Zhang quickly made a decision and began to build a blessed land here.

First of all, the simplest task is to move all the humans living in the surrounding villages and towns to completely empty this large plain.

Now that it was decided to start building the blessed land, the entire Taiyimen power was quickly mobilized.

Among the classics that Meng Zhang read in the secret stronghold of the Dengxianhui this time, there is an in-depth introduction to the blessed land.

When constructing the blessed land, it is necessary to mobilize the power of the space avenue to divide the space of the blessed land and make it an independent space.

If Blessed Land evolves for a long time and continuously invests various resources into it, it can grow into a small-thousand-world existence, independent of Junchen Realm to a certain extent.

If there is any calamity in the Junchen Realm, the cultivator will hide in the blessed land, stay behind closed doors, and have a strong resistance to calamity.

Ever since Meng Zhang knew that the Great Change of Junchen Realm was imminent the immortals were about to wake up and that Junchen Realm might be destroyed, he had been thinking about how to escape possible disasters.

He thought about building a void battleship, let Taiyimen disciples enter it, and temporarily hide in the void.

A real void battleship is like an independent small world, with the ability to be self-sufficient in the void, and can survive in the void for a long time.

Unfortunately, the sacred sects of the major sacred sites will not sell void battleships to the outside world, let alone teach the method of building void battleships.

Meng Zhang originally thought that the Dali Dynasty had made some achievements in this regard.

But through this time of contact with the Great Li Dynasty, there was also no gain.

I don't know if the Dali Dynasty really didn't have the ability to build a void battleship, or was unwilling to help Taiyimen.

Meng Zhang once thought that if the catastrophe occurred, the Taiyimen monks could hide in the small world of ghosts that had fallen into the underworld.

However, the small world of ghosts has been infiltrated and affected by the rules of the underworld, and it has become increasingly unsuitable for living people to survive.

Living people stay there for a short time, but if they live for a long time, they will inevitably be eroded by the Yin Qi and lose their lifespan.


When the catastrophe of Junchen Realm was approaching step by step, when Meng Zhang was helpless, he read these contents about the blessed land, which is equivalent to a new village in the dark.

As long as the construction of Fortune Land is successful, it can be managed well. When the catastrophe comes, it can become a refuge for Taiyimen.

Meng Zhang has paid more attention to the construction of the blessed land and is willing to invest more resources.

After Li Boqian chose the site, he mobilized the power of the entire Taiyimen and started a large-scale operation without any hesitation.

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