The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1663: Suspect

True Monarch Zhongshan took the initiative to seek refuge in Zhenhai Temple in order to obtain the secret method of crossing the catastrophe, making the entire Zhongshan School a chess piece in Zhenhai Temple.

After cultivating the most low-level secret method of crossing the calamity, he was lucky enough to survive the thunder tribulation, but he did not gain much benefit from the thunder tribulation, and he lost the opportunity for further progress.

True Monarch Zhong Shan is among the Yang Shen stage cultivators, who has a relatively weak cultivation base.

As the head of the Hailing School, True Monarch Haiyang has a superior heritage and has a solid foundation. He has cultivated step by step to this day.

He had the upper hand in a short while against True Monarch Zhongshan.

True Monarch Zhong Shan, who was originally unscrupulous, began to become a little flustered.

On the other side, Meng Zhang first sacrificed Taiyi's lightsaber and Diaohai to fight with a sword.

Diao Hai Yijian is a sword repairer of the Yang Shenqi period, and his sword training is very good. When he swipes it, there are thousands of sword energy and countless sword lights flying.

The quality of his natal flying sword is better than that of Taiyi's light sword.

Two flying swords shuttled back and forth in the air, colliding and fighting.

After fighting for a while, the quite spiritual Taiyi Lightsaber uttered a series of low calls.

The Taiyi Light Sword is a superior flying sword uploaded by the Taiyi Clan ancestor. Its quality and power are among the few in the Taiyi Clan.

But now, Taiyi's lightsaber had met his opponent, and he had obviously begun to feel invincible.

Meng Zhang's flying sword is inferior to human beings, and swordsmanship is not even an opponent.

Fortunately, Meng Zhang is not a pure sword repair, kendo is just one of his many skills.

He is not a pedantic person, and he has to choose the strong and the short.

He was just seeing Hunter's joy and satisfying his own interest.

Seeing that swordsmanship couldn't beat his opponent, he immediately used other skills.

The dazzling divine light of the sun and moon descended on the battlefield, and the endless brilliance immediately enveloped the body of the sword of the sea.

The sword light and sword energy released by the sword of the sea quickly disappeared under the shining of the divine light of the sun and the moon.

The yin and yang two qi flew out of the yin and yang spirit gourd behind Meng Zhang, and swept past like a waterfall.

With full firepower, Meng Zhang quickly reversed the situation and slowly gained the upper hand.

Dou Hai Yijian looked nonchalant on the surface, but in fact he was very irritable.

As a chess piece buried deep in the Zhenhai Temple, he has been hiding his true identity for many years and secretly serving for the Zhenhai Temple.

After the Hailing faction ruled the South China Sea, he knew he was invincible and took the initiative to seek refuge, just to break into the interior of the Hailing faction.

Generally speaking, strong people like him in the Yang Shen stage are very popular among the major powers of cultivation.

He originally thought that the Hailing faction would treat him politely and accept him as the elder Keqing in the door.

However, he never expected that the high-level Hailing faction had a bad impression of him, and instead of directly recruiting him to get started, he hired him to hunt down the sea tribe on the edge of the South China Sea.

Diao Hai a sword tolerated, silently waiting for the opportunity to find a way to gain the trust of the Hailing faction high-level.

This time, Zhenhai Temple received a letter from Da Neng Haikong during the rebirth period before receiving the tiger clam's request for help.

Haikong will stay in the palace for a while, unable to participate in the next move of Zhenhai Temple.

Because the tiger clam was rescued by the sea and air, the Zhenhaidian senior officials did not worry that the tiger clam would be pursued further.

Whether it’s the Hailing School or other cats or dogs, dare you not take Hai Kong’s rebirth period power seriously?

The Zhenhai Temple took it for granted that the tiger clam, who was greedy for life and fear of death, was **** and slipping again.

Therefore, Zhenhaidian informed Zhuo Haiyijian and Zhenjun Zhongshan to join the tiger clam and urge this cunning fellow to act together.

The Zhenhaidian high-level officials never expected that the Hailing faction, who had been tolerant for a long time before, would launch a large-scale counterattack at this time.

Zhenjun Haiyang and Meng Zhang not only caught up with the tiger clam and killed him, but also ran into Zhenjun Zhongshan and Dahai by chance.

In this way, the Zhenhai Temple not only lost a tiger clam in the Yang Shen stage, but also exposed two very valuable hidden children.

Meng Zhang and True Monarch Haiyang quickly gained the upper hand in the battle and completely suppressed the enemy.

Especially on the side of True Monarch Haiyang, he showed great power and left a lot of wounds on True Monarch Zhongshan.

True Monarch Zhong Shan, whose injuries are getting worse, has already begun to feel unable to support him.

He tried to escape many times, but was stopped by True Monarch Haiyang in time, but returned without success.

Meng Zhang, who was fighting fiercely with Xiaohai, suddenly shouted, and with a wave of his right hand, he tore a long crack in the space around his body like a rag.

With a thought on his mind, the dazzling sun and moon divine light immediately radiated into the crack in this space.

Along with a miserable grunt, a black shadow appeared under the shining light of the sun and the moon.

It was a sea snake standing upright, with a slender body, a head taller than Meng Zhang when it stood up.

After the sea snake appeared, not only did it not panic at all, but it was ferocious, holding a pair of short daggers and killing Meng Zhang fiercely.

Meng Zhang pointed with one hand, and the Liangyi Tongtian Sword was launched, and the sharp sword aura shot out, as if to pierce the opponent's body.

True Monarch Haiyang, who completely suppressed True Monarch Zhongshan, still had time to pay attention to the situation on Meng Zhang's side.

The sea snake sneaked in and approached, making Meng Zhang the target of a sneak attack.

When Meng Zhang discovered his traces, True Monarch Haiyang was also aware of it.

He hadn't had time to remind Meng Zhang, Meng Zhang had already shot the opponent out directly.

True Monarch Haiyang had the same doubts as Meng Zhang.

How does Zhenhai Temple have so many such powerful Sea Clan as subordinates?

Let alone the tiger clam that has been entangled with the Hailing faction for many years, this sea snake that has just appeared is also at the level of the sun god, and its combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of the tiger clam.

Yangshen level powerhouses are not Chinese cabbage in the ground, they can be seen everywhere.

Even the sacred land sect like Zhenhai Temple can use Yangshen level powerhouses.

Of course, in the realm of comprehension, there are practitioners who take the initiative to seek refuge in the sect of the Holy Land.

It is understandable that Zhenhai Temple fostered some useful monks as peripheral members.

Not to mention Zhenhai Temple, any sect with a little strength in the cultivation world will do this.

But it is one thing to support human monks, and it is another thing to vigorously support the sea people.

The Sea Clan is the public enemy of mankind, especially with sea sects such as the Sea Spirit School and Zhenhai Temple.

Now it is only known that there are already two sea clan powerhouses at the Yang God level under Zhenhai Palace. Whether there are more, True Monarch Haiyang doesn't know yet.

True Monarch Haiyang even began to suspect that Zhenhai Palace was not only supporting some sea tribes as vassals, but also colluding with the various sea tribes in the deep sea to a certain extent.

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