The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1665: truce

The sea snake exploded with great power. Not only did it explode itself to no bones and flesh and blood, Zhenjun Haiyang and Meng Zhang, who had not completely avoided the explosion range, were slightly injured.

The self-detonation of the Yangshen level sea clan is not so easy to bear.

Meng Zhang took a heavy sip, and even called unlucky.

The sea snake exploded, and everything disappeared in the explosion.

Not only have they been affected by the explosion, they have not yet received any spoils.

True Monarch Haiyang was far more disappointed than Meng Zhang, and his expression was full of undisguised regrets.

But he changed his mind to think that Zhenhai Temple could easily dispatch two sea clan at the Yang God level, indicating that there were a lot of sea clan under him, and there were many strong men.

The Hailing faction is countering the attack of Zhenhai Temple.

In various battles, most of them will encounter the Sea Clan sent by Zhenhai Temple.

With the experience and lessons learned this time, the goal is set in advance. If the next opportunity comes, the Hailing faction still has the hope of achieving the goal as long as it is prepared in advance.

Zhenjun Haiyang and Meng Zhang searched around and waited for another day, but nothing was gained.

The Hailing faction has already begun to counterattack Zhenhai Temple, and the head of True Monarch Haiyang should not stay outside for too long.

Maybe in the next moment, there will be big things in the door that need him to call the shots.

True Monarch Haiyang greeted Meng Zhang and returned to the Hailing School gate together.

This time, they didn't hurry slowly, but directly used the technique of spatial teleportation and teleported back to the mountain gate of the Sea Spirit School.

Needless to say, True Monarch Haiyang, who has lived in the Hailing School for most of his life, is very familiar with this place.

When Meng Zhang was a guest at the Hailing Sect Mountain Gate, he also left a space beacon by the way.

The two teleported back smoothly without any accidents.

Soon after returning to the mountain gate, Zhenjun Haiyang, the head of the Hailing School, began to get busy.

Since most of his identity has been exposed in the eyes of Zhenhai Temple, Meng Zhang has no scruples, and has helped the Hailing faction in battle with an honest and open mind.

The Hailing faction, which lacks high-end combat power, really has no reason to reject the powerful ally of Meng Zhang.

The Hailing cultivators attacked everywhere and launched a counterattack against Zhenhai Temple on almost every front.

Although the Hailing School has unified the South China Sea, it has become the ruler of the South China Sea in name.

However, the Sect of the Holy Land has ruled the Junchen Realm for a long time, and its reputation has spread far beyond the Sea Spirit Sect.

In the vast South China Sea, there are still many cultivators who want to Zhenhai Temple.

In the organization of the South China Sea League established by the Hailing Sect, there are some comprehension forces secretly hooking up with Zhenhai Temple.

Although they dare not blatantly oppose the Hailing faction, they will secretly send messages to Zhenhai Temple and provide the other party with all kinds of convenience.

If the Hailing faction encounters a major setback, these guys might jump out and attack the Hailing faction.

In the past, for the sake of the overall situation, the Hailing faction opened one eye and closed one eye, and tolerated the existence of these behaviors.

Now that the Hailing faction wants to counterattack Zhenhai Temple, these guys have become the primary targets.

The Hailing faction wants to take this opportunity to completely clean up the interior and consolidate the established ruling order.

In addition, some peripheral forces in Zhenhai Temple. Including anecdotes like Zhongshan faction, after being exposed, they also drew key blows from the Hailing faction.

Meng Zhang actively participated in the battle, beheading some opponents in the battle.

At the Zhenhai Temple, there was no expectation that the Hailing faction, who had always tolerated retreat, would suddenly attack this time, launching such a swift attack.

As a result, Zhenhai Temple failed to respond in time.

Secondly, the supporters behind the Hailing faction, including the sacred sect that did not deal with the Zhenhai Temple, are constraining the power of the Zhenhai Temple overtly or secretly, and provide support for the Hailing faction's counterattack.

The Hailing faction's first plan was implemented very smoothly, successfully eradicating the enemies within the South China Sea League, and greatly deterring all the cultivation forces in the South China Sea.

Some peripheral forces in Zhenhai Temple also perished under the attack of Hailing faction.

After Zhenhaidian reacted, it also sent many monks to launch attacks on Hailing faction in all aspects.

The high-ranking monks of the Hailing School and the Zhenhai Temple, there will be a battle from time to time.

Zhenhai Temple did not continue to send a large number of sea clan powerhouses to participate in the battle, Haiyang Zhenjun's original plan was completely defeated.

As the Tiangong watched very closely, neither of the two sides sent out to join the battle.

The fighting level is mainly limited to the monks of the Yangshen period and the Yuanshen late period.

There was a big gap between the strength of Hailing School and Zhenhai Temple.

However, the Hailing faction received a lot of help from outside, and Zhenhai Temple didn't know what was wrong, and couldn't go all out.

The high-ranking cultivators of the two sides fought for many days, although the Hailing faction was at a disadvantage, it could still support it without showing signs of defeat.

Seeing that the two sides began to mobilize the army of cultivators, and the scale of the battle was expanding, the Tiangong finally couldn't pass it.

Tiangong sent envoys to prevent the expansion of the war.

The Void Returning Power from Tiangong publicly rebuked the Hailing faction and Zhenhaidian for not considering the overall situation and only knowing about internal fighting.

Now the invaders from outside the territory are looking at Junchen Realm, and the pressure on the line of defense outside Junchen Realm is increasing.

Hailing faction and Zhenhai Temple really have that ability, why not use them to deal with foreign enemies and defend Junchen Realm.

In fact, Hailing School and Zhenhai Temple had no intention of launching a full-scale battle at this time.

They mobilized the army of cultivators and made the gesture of starting a big battle, just to increase the pressure on the other side and show their determination.

The two sides who had originally thought of riding a tiger hard to get off, now Tiangong came forward and simply borrowed the donkey from the slope, and slowly began a truce.

Of course, frontal battles are beginning to decrease, but all kinds of open and secret battles will not stop.

As long as there is a chance, both sides will continue to hit each other in the future.

After this battle, both sides will reflect, sum up the lessons, and prepare for the next war.

The high-levels of both sides have a hunch that the next battle will start, maybe it will be a full-scale battle with an army of cultivators.

At this truce, the high-level Hailing faction breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the Hailing faction seniors had predicted in advance, they did not expect that the war would escalate step by step, almost starting a full-scale war between the two sides.

The true strength of Hailing faction is far inferior to Zhenhai Temple.

If there is a full-scale war, the Hailing faction will almost certainly be defeated.

Many people do not care about the failure of the Hailing faction to support the Hailing faction behind the scenes and drag Zhenhaidian.

Their main purpose is to hit Zhenhai Temple and weaken Zhenhai Temple.

During this process, if the Hailing faction were to die, they would not care at all.

The high-level Hailing faction also saw through the minds of these guys, and understood the strength of the two sides, and was unwilling to be used, and was unwilling to start a full-scale battle with Zhenhai Temple.

If it were not for the conflict between Zhenhaidian and Hailing faction that couldn't be reconciled, Zhenhaidian had been clinging to Hailing faction, and Hailing faction was more willing to make peace with Zhenhaidian, and the two sides would restore peace.

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