The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1672: Magic trace

Tai Miao's foundation in the underworld can be said to be one of the important foundations of the Taiyi Sect. It is very important to the entire sect and must not be lost.

Troubles that cannot be solved by ethereal strength are definitely not a trivial matter.

After Meng Zhang received the news, he immediately interrupted the retreat and started communicating directly with Tai Miao.

Although Meng Zhang is separated from Tai Miao Yin and Yang, it is due to the special connection between the deity and the external incarnation, which makes their communication smooth as always.

Tai Miao told Meng Zhang that he had discovered a lot of ghosts and ghosts in the recent period, all secretly spying near the Frost Mountain.

Tai Miao had established a foundation in the underworld and took control of the party, and she had long developed that kind of domineering character.

When Meng Zhang was in the Yang world, he had to face the powerful sacred sect, and during the growth process, he had to carefully survive in the cracks.

Over the years, Meng Zhang has become cautious and very low-key.

Tai Miao and Meng Zhang have completely different personalities. In addition to experiencing different influences, it is estimated that they have also been affected by the natural ghosts and gods after absorbing the crystallization of natural ghosts and gods.

In a word, although the external incarnation of Tai Miao is a ghost, but the character is more violent and tough.

If there are outsiders who dared to look at Hanshuang Mountain, it is naturally unruly.

Too Miao couldn't bear it, so he shot it straight away.

The secret spies were forced out by too much, and there were acquaintances among them.

Many years ago, Meng Zhang needed to collect some exotic flowers and fruits in the underworld in exchange for the secret method of crossing the robbery.

During this process, Tai Miao summoned him to the underworld and eliminated a powerful ghost called Deadwood together.

Dead Wood has two subordinates, and the three yin birds are ghosts native to the underworld, so needless to say.

The other subordinate was a ghost called True Monarch Cold Stone.

True Monarch Cold Stone was a member of the Heavenly Stone Society of the Junchen Realm Yuanshen Grand Sect before his death. After his death, it seemed that he still kept in touch with Tianshihui.

In the original battle, the dead wood was killed on the spot, and Zhenjun Hanshi and the three Yinbirds escaped in time.

Having not seen them for many years, True Monarch Cold Stone and the Three Yin Birds have come back, unexpectedly daring to spy on Hanshuang Mountain in secret.

It's so wise to take it for granted that these two guys are here to avenge themselves.

Tai Miao did not hesitate to take them down.

The strengths of True Monarch Cold Stone and the Three Yin Birds were actually much better than they were in the past.

You must know that the strength of ghosts and ghosts has always been difficult to increase, and it has been common for hundreds of years to stay still.

Unless it is a great opportunity, such as having a clever heritage, and having the help of an expert, etc.

True Monarch Cold Stone and the Three Yin Birds both have a fighting power equivalent to that of the late Primordial Spirit.

Together, they still couldn't resist too wonderful.

Seeing that Tai Miao was about to take them down, a bunch of ghosts suddenly rushed out to help them resist Tai Miao, covering each other and retreating.

Tai Miao pursued all the way, but finally let the enemy escape.

After this, there was more than one powerful ghost of the later stage of the Yuanshen who repeatedly spied on the Frost Mountain in secret.

Every time Tai Miao made a shot, he couldn't keep his opponent.

As time goes by, too good to find, the situation is getting worse and worse.

Around the Frost Mountain, a large number of powerful ghosts actually gathered.

Among this group of ghosts, there is a terrifying ghost beast, even too wonderful to find it a bit tricky.

The strength of Tai Miao's ghost army is not weak, but it is still an old problem. Because Tai Miao's rise time is too short, the accumulation is insufficient, and the top combat power is lacking.

In the army of ghosts in Taimiao, there are countless strong men at the primordial spirit level. There is only one powerhouse at that level in the late Yuanshen.

It is too wonderful and sometimes it may be a little arrogant and defiant.

But he is not a fool, let alone the kind of guy who refuses to accept reality.

The enemy has an absolute advantage in top combat power. Once a war starts, it is easy to suppress your own army of ghosts.

If you are entangled, then the army of ghosts will not have much resistance.

He couldn't even think that True Monarch Cold Stone and the two avengers could find so many powerful helpers.

He began to feel that something was wrong.

If the enemy's strength is strong and there are many top powerhouses, it just surprises Tai Miao.

The next discovery made him feel a little flustered.

After discovering that there was a strong enemy peeping in the dark, Tai Miao summoned all the men outside and shrank the entire army of ghosts into the Frost Mountain.

Except for sending a team composed of spirits and ghosts of the soul level to patrol the periphery of the army and stay vigilant, all members of the army are not allowed to go out.

It's too wonderful to know that shrinking together like this, for a long time, it is very morale hurt.

As a result, Tai Miao would take the initiative to attack from time to time, relying on his own tyrannical cultivation base to forcibly attack the enemy's team.

If it is alone, no ghost can stop it.

Only by concentrating the power of multiple ghosts can we repel the wonderful assault.

Too Miao knows that the enemy is powerful, and of course he won't fight hard with them, let alone fight to death.

Tai Miao often flees after a blow.

There are many enemies, and the strong are like clouds, but if you want to keep the too wonderful, it is still difficult to do.

And I don’t know why, the enemy clearly already possesses such a strong strength, and still has not launched an attack on Frost Except for peeping at the periphery of Frost Mountain, it is to sneak into and spy from time to time.

The top combat power in Frost Mountain is too small, and apart from being too wonderful, it is difficult for other members to resist the enemy team.

Too Miao is not only strong, but also comes and goes like wind.

In many cases, he suddenly launched an impact on the enemy, and then quickly retreated.

In this assault battle, Tai Miao has achieved some results.

Not to mention anything else, once he grasped the enemy's flaws, and took advantage of the enemy's reinforcements to be unable to rescue him, and killed a powerful ghost with mid-primary power on the spot.

When the ghost of the ghost collapsed, a ray of devil gas appeared at its core.

Tai Miao couldn't react in time for a while, and unexpectedly let that ray of devilish escape in time.

The devil qi is hidden inside the ghost's body, or the ghost has cultivated the magic way and is contaminated with the devil qi. Either it was this ghost who had been used by a strong demon way to secretly make hands and feet in its body.

Regardless of the reason, it is sufficient to show that there is a strong magician, who has begun to pay attention and intervene in the fight in the underworld.

Due to the influence of the deity of Meng Zhang, Tai Miao knew how terrible the magic way was, and had always maintained a high degree of vigilance against the magic way.

If the monk of the Demon Dao was a mouse crossing the street in the Yang world, he would not be able to see it, and only occasionally appeared.

In the underworld, it is even harder to find the traces of the demon monks.

Over the years, some evil disasters erupted from time to time in Yangjian, and monsters raged.

In the underworld, there was basically no such situation.

Thanks to book friend Lin Shen Jian Lu Hailan for his appreciation and support.

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