The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1678: Devilish annihilation

Although Tai Miao is arrogant, even a bit arrogant.

   But he is definitely not the kind of person who can't distinguish priorities. When needed, he will give up the stubbornness and pride in his heart and choose to focus on the overall situation.

   Set up an ambush here to wipe out all the enemies who come to investigate, that is the overall situation.

   Seeing that the two ghosts are too strong, too wonderful to be completely sure that they can leave their opponents, that natural summoning the deity Meng Zhang descends.

   During this period of time, Meng Zhang, who was in Yang Shi, put aside other things and kept paying attention to all the wonderful actions.

   After receiving the wonderful summoning request, Meng Zhang immediately descended to the underworld.

   As soon as he entered the underworld, Meng Zhang immediately felt the familiar feeling of suppression.

   In the underworld, the suppression of outsiders by the rules of heaven and earth is almost everywhere, and it seems that they are expelling outsiders all the time.

  Meng Zhang, who has had many experiences with this, quickly became familiar with this feeling and got used to fighting in this environment.

   Even if the strength fell sharply, and even the Yang Shenqi cultivation base could not be maintained, Meng Zhang was still as calm as ever.

   With no expression on his face, he looked down at two ghosts who were about to teleport away from the space, and waved his hand casually like a high **** looking down on an ant.

   The originally split space suddenly began to vibrate violently, and the chaotic spatial fluctuations prevented the two ghosts from teleporting away.

   The two ghosts raised their heads in unison, looking at Meng Zhang above.

   In their feelings, Meng Zhang is so powerful and so frightening.

   Although they don't know Meng Zhang, from the perspective of Meng Zhang's actions, they are enemies and not friends.

   When will the sky stone actually provoke such a powerful enemy?

   While the two ghosts were confused in their hearts, they shot together.

   They weren't terrific opponents, but now that the opponents come with reinforcements, they can't resist them even more.

   But these two guys have rich experience in fighting, knowing that the more disadvantaged they are, the less they can rush to escape. That would only give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it, which is tantamount to suicide.

   They tried to block their opponents first, and then retreated, resisted steadily, and then slowly withdrew from the battlefield.

   A fierce wind roared past, covering the two ghosts and slowly retreating.

   While retreating, the giant-like ghost condensed hills with massive amounts of Yin Qi, and slammed it at Meng Zhanghe Taimiao fiercely.

   Meng Zhang and Tai Miao approached their opponents from two different directions, using their own means.

   The originally dim sky suddenly lit up with a dazzling light.

   The endless divine light of the sun and the moon fell from the sky, like a viscous liquid, trying to stick the two ghosts together.

   showed the body of ghosts and gods so wonderful that he didn't even bother to cast spells, so he rushed over, in a rampage posture.

   Although the Meng Zhang Xiu base was suppressed to the Yang Shen stage, both the combat consciousness and the understanding of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth were still at the Yang Shen stage.

   The combat power he showed was definitely not comparable to that of a bunch of guys with strength in the late stage of the soul.

   Against the two ghosts, Meng Zhang has an overwhelming advantage. Even without great help, it is only a matter of time before he wins his opponent.

   The two sides chased and fled like this, quickly left here, and all the way to the distance.

   Fortunately, Meng Zhang and Tai Miao were strong enough to not let the other side withdraw too far, let alone leave them a chance to escape.

   The giant ghost was first given the lead, and the huge ghost body was directly refined by the sun and the moon, and there was no chance of self-destruction.

   When the ghost body was entangled by the divine light of the sun and the moon and was rapidly refining, a jet of black gas flew out of the ghost body, fleeing to the distance like lightning.

   Tai Miao killed a powerful ghost last time. After destroying its ghost body, a pure demonic energy flew out of the ghost body.

   Too Miao couldn't react well at the time and let this demonic energy escape.

  Meng Zhang had a wonderful lesson, and of course he would not watch this demonic energy escape.

   He pointed to the front with one hand, and the space where the devilish energy was located seemed to freeze all at once, no matter how hard the devilish energy struggled, he couldn't move.

   The dwarf-like ghost screamed desperately when he saw it.

   It didn't wait for Meng Zhanghe Tai Miao to do it, and it was ready to blew up.

   Tai Miao, who had been prepared for a long time, rushed over with a punch and punched it, interrupting its self-destruction.

   Seeing that the self-detonation was prevented, the dwarf-like ghost had to desperately block the wonderful attack.

   After a fierce battle, the dwarf-like ghost's thin body was torn apart and torn apart by Tai Miao.

  While the ghost body was shattered, a pure black devil gas flew out from the ghost body, trying to escape from here.

   Meng Zhang gently waved with one hand, and he firmly grasped the pure black magic energy.

   Looking at this struggling demon energy, Meng Zhang actually felt a chill in his heart.

   This magical energy seems to be a normal life, full of vitality and fast twisting.

   The quality and level of these two magic qi is extremely high, which Meng Zhang has never seen before.

   More importantly, these two demon qis are crudely looked down upon, but after careful sensing, they actually contain a kind of terrifying coercion.

   Ordinary cultivators in the late stage of the soul, when faced with such pressure, will inevitably lose their minds, thus creating opportunities for the devil energy to escape.

  Meng Zhang can finally confirm that these two demon qis are from the Yangshen level powerhouse.

   The strong man injected magic energy into these ghost objects. In addition to strengthening the control over these ghost objects, it can also greatly enhance their combat effectiveness.

   On weekdays, these devilish airs take root and sprout inside these ghost objects like grows swiftly.

   When the owner needs it, these magic qi will take away everything from the host, and then give it to the owner of the house.

   Now the parasitic host ghost body is shattered, and the spirit full of spirit will naturally escape in time.

   If Meng Zhang is willing, he can let go of these two demon energies, and if he follows behind him, he should be able to find the owner behind him.

   But when he thought that he might face the powerful demon road of the Yang Shen stage, and his own strength fell sharply, Meng Zhang began to hesitate.

   Probably sensing the power of Meng Zhang, knowing that there is no way to escape, the two demon qis spontaneously disappeared and disappeared automatically.

   The two demon qi movements were too fast, and even Meng Zhang did not react.

   It's all right now, and the devilish energy is completely wiped out. Even if Meng Zhang has any ideas, there is nothing to do at this time.

   Looking at the extinguished devilish energy, Meng Zhang's face was solemn.

  A powerful man with a Yang God level was involved in this matter, and it would be difficult to handle it next.

   Although the demon cultivator is a crossroad mouse in the realm of comprehension, everyone shouts and beats, but the demon cultivator has never been cut off in the Junchen world.

   This is inseparable from the collusion with many comprehension forces and even the shelter of the demon cultivator, in addition to the demon cultivator who is good at hiding and tenacious vitality.

   Like the Great Li Dynasty, it has been secretly raising the monks of the magic way.

   But even if it is the Great Li Dynasty, it will not tolerate the cultivation of the monks of the Demon Dao to grow bigger.

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