The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1680: Vice-Hallmaster

The Temple of Conquering Demon is located in a remote corner of the Heavenly Palace, and few people come to this place on weekdays.

   From the outside, there is not much difference between the Hall of Demon Falling and other halls, but it is a bit simple and shabby.

   The silver pot old man and Meng Zhang both have positions in the Tiangong, and they can easily enter and leave most parts of the Tiangong.

   It's just that Meng Zhang's identity is not enough, and he is not allowed to enter or leave certain confidential places.

   The silver pot old man, as an old fried dough stick who has served in Tiangong for many years, is not a high-ranking person, but he is well-known and familiar with various internal situations.

   The monks from all walks of life in Tiangong, most of them know that he has a close relationship with the Heavenly Thunder Supreme, and they will buy him a lot of face.

   If there is no silver pot old man to carry, and replaced by Meng Zhang alone, I am afraid I will have to report the situation step by step according to the normal way, and report it level by level.

   The silver pot old man led Meng Zhang over, and directly saw Qin Fangtian, the deputy head of the Temple of Demon, who was in charge of daily affairs.

   Qin Fangtian seems to be not well-known among the top ranks of Tiangong, but in fact he is extremely powerful, especially proficient in various methods of reducing demons.

  The Lord of the Hall of Demon Falling into the Demon Hall had been closed all year round, and rarely involved in the affairs of the hall.

   In the past few years, all the lords in the heavenly palace have rarely appeared once.

   The silver pot old man and Qin Fangtian have known each other for many years, and they can barely speak of friendship.

   He is also full of respect for this person who is far above him, both in cultivation and status.

   Qin Fangtian is a very ferocious old man with white hair, long white beard and sturdy back.

   He sat in the hall of the Conquering Demon Hall, not moving at all, but he gave people a feeling of irritability and prestige.

   Qin Fangtian is serious and unsmiling, and he is a difficult person to get along with in daily life.

   Even in front of the old acquaintance of the old man Yinhu, he still puts on the air and looks aloof.

  Perhaps in his opinion, being able to let the silver pot old man worship him so easily is already giving him enough face.

   The old man from Silver Kettle knew his temperament, and first took Meng Zhang with him and paid respects to him.

   Qin Fangtian received their grand salute and asked them slowly.

   With a very respectful attitude, the old man of Silver Kettle told Qin Fangtian what Meng Zhang had told him.

   The silver pot old man hadn't finished speaking, Qin Fangtian couldn't hold the original frame, and almost stood up directly.

   But his concentration is good, and he quickly reacted, patiently listening to the report of the elderly silver pot.

   After finishing the report, the old man at Silver Kettle didn't forget to take the opportunity to show Meng Zhang's merits, saying that all this was the information that Meng Zhang had spent so much to obtain.

   Qin Fangtian didn't even appreciate the rebirth period power of the silver pot old man, let alone Meng Zhang, a young monk of Yang Shen period.

   After listening to the report of the old man Yinhu, with a face, he began to inquire about the client Meng Zhang.

   What Meng Zhang said is no different from what the Elder Silver Kettle reported.

   is just a few things, speaking as a witness to him, seems more believable.

   Qin Fangtian did not question the meaning of the silver pot old man.

   He forgave the silver pot old man also had no guts, and dared to deceive himself in this kind of thing.

   If it weren't for the face of Heavenly Thunder, he wouldn't be so polite to the silver pot old man.

  Yang **** level magic repair appears in the underworld, colluding with the sky stone will have a plot, it is definitely not a trivial matter.

  As Qin Fangtian's identity and status, he knows many secrets about the underworld. Yang Shenqi Moxiu's behavior in the underworld stirred his mind and made him feel a little flustered.

   Of course, in front of the silver pot old man and Meng Zhang, he still maintained the appearance of Zhizhu holding it.

   Yin and Yang are separated. Due to the suppression of outsiders by the rules of the underworld, even if Qin Fangtian is anxious, he cannot immediately descend to the underworld to investigate the whole matter.

   Fortunately, this matter has something to do with the Tianshihui.

   Tianshihui is the practice sect on the Middle-earth Continent. In theory, it happens to be under the jurisdiction of Tiangong.

   Qin Fangtian casually recruited a subordinate and asked him to go to the Tianshi Club and take a trip to the Tiangong resident.

   Let the monks stationed in the Heavenly Stone Society inform the gate of the mountain, and let the True Lord Heavenly Stone, the head of the Heavenly Stone Society, and the two Supreme Elders in the gate, take a trip to the Temple of Demon Falling in the Heavenly Stone Society.

   After the subordinate took the order and left, Qin Fangtian did not forget to explain to the old man in silver pot.

   The sect of Tianshihui is different from other sects. It is composed of several sects and families. It has gathered a group of casual cultivators and formed a cultivation force many years ago.

   The sources of monks in the Tianshihui are complicated, and the strong are like clouds.

   In addition to several Yang Shen stage powerhouses, there are also two Void Returning Powers as Supreme Elders.

   You must know that in Junchen Realm, in addition to the great sacred sects, other cultivation forces with the power of returning to the void can be said to be rare.

   Even in the Middle-earth Continent, where the cultivation civilization is highly developed and there are so many cultivators, it is extremely difficult to give birth to a rebirth power that does not belong to the sects of the major sacred lands.

   Tianshihui can have its own power of returning to the void, in addition to its extraordinary luck, it also lies in its high-level talents who are good at finding the source of both sides, buying it from various sacred sects, and obtaining the default of these sacred sects.

   The monk who was sent out by Qin Fangtian to pass orders, soon returned here to resume his life.

   Qin Fangtian’s order has already been conveyed to the Tianshihui Mountain Gate through the Tianshihui’s station in Tiangong.

   Qin Fangtian did not continue to give other instructions and waited in the hall.

  While waiting, he occasionally talked to the old man in silver pot.

   The silver pot old man and Meng Zhang are not outsiders, they are both members of the heavenly palace. Qin Fangtian didn't avoid them when he spoke, and inadvertently revealed a lot of secrets.

  Especially this time the Yangshen Stage Demon Cultivator and Tianshi will collude to engage in wind and rain in the underworld, and he can't help complaining.

   Actually, due to some special reasons, the various sacred sects have always paid more attention to the underworld.

  Especially the removal of magic repairs that entered the underworld, to ensure that there will be no large-scale evil disasters in the underworld, long ago, it was an important task of the heavenly palace.

   To be more specific, this task fell on the Demon Temple.

  Because of the Lord of the Hall of Demon, he is notoriously ignorant.

   So all kinds of specific tasks fell on Qin Fangtian, the deputy head of the palace.

   As a power in the rebirth period, Qin Fangtian could not enter the underworld himself due to the suppression of the rules of the underworld.

  The higher the cultivation level of the cultivator, the more powerful the suppression of the rules of the underworld.

  Meng Zhang, a monk at the Yang Shen stage, can move freely in the underworld, and can also fight against enemies.

   If the power of the rebirth period enters the underworld directly, it may directly cause the catastrophe to come.

   Therefore, for so many years, Qin Fangtian has used various indirect means to interfere in the affairs of the underworld to ensure that there will be no too powerful magic repairs in the underworld.

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