The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1683: Dispose of

"Head of the Immortal Road (!

Seeing that Qin Fangtian had been silent, Meng Zhang only spoke actively.

Meng Zhang suggested that no matter which force the incident is related to, what kind of hidden information is behind it.

As long as you act immediately to clear the Yang God-level magic repairs in the underworld, as well as their comrades, the problem will be temporarily resolved.

As for the future troubles and the beginning and end, I will talk about it later.

Qin Fangtian was watching when the old man at Silver Kettle secretly communicated with Meng Zhang with spiritual thoughts before.

He did not expect that Meng Zhang actually proposed such a simple and easy way.

Indeed, Qin Fangtian, as the deputy head of the Temple of Demon of the Heavenly Palace, was originally his vocation to punish demons.

What he has done is not excessive, it is entirely within the scope.

Even if someone is dissatisfied with the demonic cultivator that extinguishes the underworld, or destroys some people's plan, no one will say anything publicly.

Qin Fangtian just didn't know what to do with the various ties, just doing his own duty.

He doesn't care about what's inside this, let alone proactively pursue it.

Meng Zhang served in the Tiangong, and he reported to Qin Fangtian, the deputy head of the Demon Temple, about the demon repair through proper channels, and it was difficult for Qin Fangtian to ignore it.

Meng Zhang's proposal is not perfect.

If you do what he says, you will definitely leave some follow-up questions.

However, apart from this, Qin Fangtian couldn't find a better way for the time being.

Over the years, Qin Fangtian has presided over the suppression and killing of Demon Xiu many times. From an emotional point of view, he hates Demon Xiu very much.

Although he himself is far from jealous and hateful, he has always been able to grasp the bottom line when dealing with the big problems of the Devil Dao.

After thinking for a while, Qin Fangtian agreed to Meng Zhang's proposal.

The next step is how to punish the underworld demonic cultivator and his accomplices.

Since True Monarch Heavenly Stone denied the relationship with the Heavenly Stone Society of the Underworld, Qin Fangtian decided to wipe out all the fellows in the underworld.

It's easy to talk about other ghosts or ghosts, but the Yang God level demon cultivation is very difficult to deal with.

In order to avoid the backlash of the rules of the heaven and earth in the underworld, the power of the rebirth period cannot easily enter the underworld.

The monks of the Yangshen stage entered the underworld, and because of the suppression of the rules of the underworld, their strength plummeted, and it was difficult to maintain the fighting power of the Yangshen level.

If you want to deal with that Yang God level demon cultivator, you must either attack the Yang God level powerhouse in the underworld, or send out a large number of ghosts and ghosts to besiege. At the critical moment, the strong of the Yang world will also risk falling to the underworld.

Among the Junchen Realm, it is widely known that the Dali Dynasty in the Yindu City has the guardianship of the ghost gods at the level of the Yang God.

Now Dali Dynasty is at war with Ziyang Shengzong. If you go to Dali Dynasty for help, I am afraid the other party will probably make some unrealistic demands.

Such as asking the Heavenly Palace to help deal with the Ziyang Saint Sect, asking the Heavenly Palace to restrict the actions of the Ziyang Saint Sect and so on.

People like Qin Fangtian avoided the fight between the Ziyang Saint Sect and the Dali Dynasty, and absolutely didn't want to get involved.

As for the other Yang Shen stage powerhouses in the underworld, it is even more difficult to invite them.

Therefore, if you want to deal with that Yang Shen-level magic repair, you have to use the human sea tactics.

Qin Fangtian had heard Meng Zhang's report on the current situation in Hanshuang Mountain.

He proposed a plan.

Let Meng Zhang persuade the underworld to be too wonderful, try to delay as much as possible, and delay the actions of the group of enemies.

Heavenly Palace has a strong power in the underworld, and can control many ghosts and ghosts.

However, this force is very scattered, and it is difficult to assemble in a short period of time. This requires great help to buy time.

Taking advantage of the enemy being dragged by too wonderful, the power of the heavenly palace in the underworld will quickly gather and rush to the vicinity of Frost Mountain as soon as possible.

When the time comes, the two sides will work together to face the enemy together.

During the war, if the enemy's Yang Shen-level demon cultivator appeared, it would immediately descend from the Yang world to the strong.

With Qin Fangtian's power and the strength of the Heavenly Palace, it is not difficult to mobilize ten and eight Yang Shenqi cultivators.

Even if the cultivation base is suppressed by the rules of the underworld, but the cooperation of so many Yang Shen stage cultivators is enough to smooth the gap between the cultivation bases.

And Qin Fangtian promised that the monks of the Yang God stage of the Heavenly Palace who descended to the underworld would bring special treasures for descending demons.

With the background and accumulation of the Heavenly Palace, the devil-destroying treasures brought out are definitely not ordinary goods.

To act in accordance with Qin Fangtian's plan, most of the pressure was concentrated on Tai Miao.

It's too wonderful to hold the enemy and delay as much as possible.

Moreover, Qin Fangtian's seemingly simple plan contained many loopholes, and its execution might not be so smooth.

This time it was Meng Zhangyou begging Qin Fangtian, and now it is Hanshuangshan that is in crisis.

Even if Meng Zhang was dissatisfied, he didn't have much to say.

Maybe, at a critical moment, the battle power of the Heavenly Palace is needed to deal with that Yang God level magic repair.

Of course, Meng Zhang still has to strive for the benefits that should be fought.

He bluntly told Qin Fangtian that Tai Miao was not a monk of the Taiyi Sect, and that he, the leader, could not directly force an order on him.

Because of the ancestors of the Taiyi Sect, Taiyi Sect was able to form an alliance with Tai Miao for mutual benefit and mutual assistance.

The relationship between the two parties is equal. One cannot ask for a simple effort.

This action requires great effort and great risk, and it is best to have a certain amount of compensation and funding for him, so Meng Zhang can convince him.

After all, for Tai Miao, the stronghold of Frost Mountain was not so important because it had only been acquired.

If he really couldn't resist, and took the initiative to abandon the Frost Mountain and flee away, no one could do anything about him.

But in this way, Qin Fangtian's plans all fell through.

Meng Zhang's request was reasonable and reasonable. Qin Fangtian thought about it for a while and decided to satisfy him as much as possible.

Qin Fangtian called his subordinates and asked him to allocate some materials from the Demon Temple's Great Treasury, and entrusted Meng Zhang to deliver them to Tai Miao.

This batch of materials is small, but they are all fine products.

For example, magic weapons and weapons that can be equipped with ghosts, medicines that can improve the cultivation of ghosts and gods, and talisman that can restrain magic cultivation, and so on.

There are many treasures among these materials, even with the current Taiyimen's ability, it is difficult to collect them.

This batch of materials can easily be taken out by the Temple of Falling Demons, which shows that its deep background is deep.

Meng Zhang was more satisfied with the supplies.

After agreeing on some implementation details of the plan with Qin Fangtian, UU Reading Meng Zhangcai and Elder Yinhu were ready to leave together.

According to Meng Zhang's statement, he had to deliver materials to Tai Miao, and communicate with Tai Miao to try to persuade him to implement the plan.

Before leaving, Meng Zhang asked a question.

Before that, he had told the old man Yinhu and Qin Fangtian unreservedly about the layout of the magic path that Taimiao found in the underworld, including the stone tablet and the talisman.

After they listened, they seemed to have discovered something, but didn't say much.

Meng Zhang couldn't restrain the curiosity in his heart, as if he wanted to know if they had seen anything.

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